Chapter 349


“Shock from Hou Tu!”

“Shock from Xuan Ming!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Shock from Huang!”

“Shock from the Great Witch!”


“Reward the host for one hundred and twenty-five years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao satisfactorily heard the system prompt from his ear.

I have been concealing the news these days.

On the one hand, because there was no success, I was worried about failure.

There was no comment.

On the other hand, I just want to make a wave of surprises.

Increase some cultivation base.

Qin Hao continued to accumulate after this period of time.

The degree of mastery of one’s own chaotic power.

It can be said to be increasing day by day.

It’s completely above and below ground.

It is precisely because of this that he gave birth to the idea of ​​creating a field of trials.

Qin Hao felt that it was more dangerous in the Great Wilderness.

But at this time the human race and the mixed race are very weak.

Especially the human race who has just cultivated.

Always create a trial condition for them to grow up.

It is good to go out for trials, but the loss rate is also large enough.

No one wants to see such a situation.

Qin Hao had read novels before.

What ancient ruins!

What kind of powerful Dongfu?

What kind of special trial venues are there?

If this is the case, why can’t I make one out of thin air because of the great famine?

With this idea, Qin Hao started the experiment.

This is also thanks to the existence of Dijiang.

Qin Hao discovered the supernatural power of space, which was simply too magical.

Unexpectedly, it really made him come true.

Although the molding conditions are relatively harsh.

That is to say, Qin Hao could not imagine that they were only a few of them, if it was just himself.

Maybe this thing. Just think about it.

And the ancestor of Hongyun.

It is worthy of the ancestral level.

Qin Hao had no spiritual power in Liu Yu at the time.

Energy for independent operation.

Thinking that the ancestor Hongyun had a lot of knowledge, so I asked for help.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Hongyun was wealthy.

He directly threw a spiritual vein to Qin Hao.

That was the first time.

Qin Hao was shocked by the Great Wilderness figure.

Qin Hao still clearly remembered the ancestor of Hongyun at that time, his face was calm and light.

“Take it and use it. If you don’t have enough, you can find me again. I keep these things here as well.”

“By the way, I heard you study this thing, it feels quite interesting, let’s check it later.”

In this way, the ancestors of Hongyun also joined the ranks of their research.

Know the whole story.

Everyone slowly came back to their senses.

In addition to marveling and admiring,

I don’t know how to describe my feelings at this time.

After everyone calmed down slowly.

Qin Hao brought everyone to the place where he was ready to test.

This is a cave in the back mountain.

The cave is very common.

The area is not large, and the entrance is about a dozen square meters.

Of course this refers to the original.

At the entrance of the cave now, there is a layer of colorful barriers at the entrance.

You can enter the trial ground created by Qin Hao after passing through this barrier.

Qin Hao stood at the door of the cave.

Pinching the Jue, after chanting the spell, gently waved towards the front.

The hole opened slowly.

I could vaguely see the scene inside, just like the mirror they saw just now.

Qin Hao had a confident smile on his face.

“Let’s go, I will take you in to see and feel it.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he walked in first.

The witches and the leaders of the human race followed closely behind.

Outside the entrance of the cave, the ancestor Hongyun stood there and did not follow in.

After all, it’s safer to guard one person outside.

After entering, everyone first felt a state of weightlessness.

Everyone knows that there is no safety hazard, so naturally relax the body.

Wait until they stand firm.

I realized that there was a fragrance of birds and flowers in front of me.

The place where they landed should be a valley.

The green grass on the ground stretches all around.

On the grass, flowers of various colors bloom.

Just under the ankle height.

There should be a large forest in the courtyard.

In the distance, there are birds jumping back and forth on the branches.

The big witch felt surprised, and she changed, as if there was something.

Looking down, it turned out to be a little white rabbit.

In the distant forest, there are occasional sika deer figures.

Everyone opened their mouths wide.

I couldn’t believe what I saw.

Is this really created?

Doesn’t exist in the first place? !


“Shock from Hou Tu!”

“Shock from Xuan Ming!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Shock from Huang!”

“Shock from the Great Witch!”


“Reward the host for one hundred and twenty-five years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao adjusted his left eyebrow.

Unexpectedly, coming in can harvest a wave of shocking cultivation.

Xiao Haotian pointed at the sky and shouted loudly.

“Look, there is still a sun and clouds in the sky. How can this be created?”

Following what Xiao Haotian said, everyone looked up.

I saw a round of sunlight above the sky shining on the earth.

There is no difference outside.

The big witch turned her head to look at Qin Hao.

“Holy Lord, this is the Golden Crow?”

Qin Hao shook his head calmly.

“Of course not. It’s all fake. It’s just that I think the sky is bare, so that’s why. Look.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he waved his hand.

The sun was still shining just now.

The starry sky was already in the blink of an eye.

A touch of Xuanyue hangs on the horizon.

Blow away the trace of heat just now.

Leave a refreshing and pleasant.

Xiao Haotian smiled happily.

The eyes are shining.

“Master, you are so amazing! How did this happen? Can this time be changed like this? I just saw this flower, it was clearly opened just now, and it is now closed.”

The big witch saw it just now.

Everyone looked at Qin Hao with surprise.

Hou Tu couldn’t help asking.

“Can the time here be controlled?”

Qin Hao nodded.

“I can control it, because of my chaotic energy, you will control it, and it will be more troublesome, yes! Zhu Jiuyin is as easy as I am, and he helped improve the flow of time here.”

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at the last candle nine yin.

Immediately surrendered with a wry smile.

“Don’t look at me like this. It’s the first time I have come in. I just felt the time outside, and I told the Holy Lord how to adjust it. Actually, I didn’t do anything.”

Everyone let him go.

After all, knowing such a big secret, it can still be concealed without reporting it.

Except for the instigator, they probably didn’t.

The big witch felt her surroundings.

Said with a sigh.

“The spiritual power here seems to be stronger than the outside world. Just for a while, I feel very comfortable, and the spiritual power works twice as fast as outside.”

Qin Hao immediately gave the big witch a thumbs up.

“This is to thank the ancestor Hongyun for his spiritual contributions.”

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