Chapter 347 Qin Hao’s Plan

“I have been looking for Zhu Ronghe Gonggong for a long time, and let other people help me stare at it. They have not heard from them now, but what is certain is that they should have no worries about their lives now.”

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu’s face eased.

“And if you are missing, you usually act alone. I’m worried that you are alone. I’m afraid it’s not safe.”

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl nodded.

“I know, but I still want to go for a walk.”

Qin Hao saw that he could not persuade him.

There is no force.

After all, everyone is an independent person and is responsible for the decisions they make.

Moreover, the strength of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is not weak.

Maybe, it is really possible for her to find news about Gong Gong and Zhu Rong.

“Okay, then you go out carefully, you can contact me if you have anything.”

Qin Hao raised the messenger in his hand and shook it as he spoke.

“But after I say hello to the Wu Clan, I will leave.”

After the Nine Heavens Profound Girl finished speaking, she left where she was.

Walked towards the human tribe.

Qin Hao stood still, looking at the field in front of him, lost in thought.

At this stage, the human race is developing rapidly.

Therefore, Qin Hao intends to increase the population.

Think about other things.

Next, after the human race has developed to a certain scale.

It is possible that there will be a country, and various forces that have fallen apart.

This is the inevitable result and the law of the development of things.

Qin Hao didn’t intend to stop it.

Because only in this way, the human race can slowly become stronger.

Become an indispensable existence in this great famine.

Also, after a while, it should be about to become a god.

At that time, the fate of Xiao Haotian, Shennong, Xingtian and other people beside him.

There will be earth-shaking changes.

But now, there is one biggest problem in front of us.

That is the disappearing creature.

This is something that has not happened before.

Qin Hao suspected something might be wrong.

The black hand behind this scene is hidden in the dark, without any trace at all.

For the first time, Qin Hao felt that there was no clue.

However, Qin Hao still remembered the results of the Master’s divination.

Qin Hao planned to arm the human race at this stage.

Improve the overall combat ability of the human race.

Only the human race is strong enough.

You will no longer be afraid of anything in the future.

Suddenly Qin Hao’s inspiration flashed.

Thought of a good idea.

Qin Hao turned his head and went to find ancestor Hongyun.

Xiao Haotian hadn’t seen his master in these two days.

I didn’t see the ancestor of Hongyun either.

Xiao Haotian put it down, and was picking up the pen of the herbal medicine collection in his hand.

Bored to ask Shennong on the opposite side.

“Uncle Shennong, you saw my master recently. What did he and the ancestor Hongyun do? I haven’t seen them for a long time, and even Xing Tian doesn’t seem to show up.”

Shennong is comparing medicinal materials.

Hearing what Xiao Haotian said, he nodded without raising his head.

Perfunctorily: “Yes, it’s been a long time, I don’t know, I haven’t seen it.”

Xiao Haotian lay on the table.

“You said, Master, what are they doing? They haven’t taken me lately. It seems that Human Race has nothing to do. I’m so bored lately!”

Shennong continued to lower his head: “Yes, I don’t know.”

Xiao Haotian looked at Shennong and didn’t seem to hear himself at all.

Is carefully comparing the herbal medicine.

Looks very focused.

Xiao Haotian didn’t dare to bother, so he stood up quietly and left the room.

I met Xuan Ming right after I left the house.

Xiao Haotian immediately grabbed Xuan Ming’s sleeve.

“Xuan Ming, have you seen my master? Recently?”

Xuan Ming stopped and saw Xiao Haotian.

Smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

“Holy Lord? I haven’t seen him recently. I remember that the last time I saw the Holy Lord, it seemed to be two days ago.”

Xiao Haotian suddenly became decadent, and even his shoulders fell down.

“You are a little better than me. I haven’t seen the master for three days. What about the ancestor Hongyun? Have you seen it?”

Xuan Ming said with a helpless smile.

“It’s like being with your master and holy lord, so let me accompany you to find them.”

Xiao Haotian’s spirit came in an instant, and he nodded happily.

Two people looked for a circle.

I finally found Qin Hao and the others on the way to Houshan.

“Master, did I finally find you?”

Xiao Haotian rushed over when he saw Qin Hao’s figure.

Xuan Ming walked slowly behind.

“Holy Lord, Xiao Haotian found you after looking for the entire Human Race residence, then I will leave first.”

Qin Hao was a little surprised, then nodded.

“Thank you, accompany him to fool around.”

Qin Hao’s words immediately caused Xiao Haotian’s dissatisfaction.

“What do you mean by my mischief? Master, do you know? I haven’t seen you for three days. What are you doing lately? And so are the ancestors of Hongyun.”

Qin Hao raised a smirk on his face.

Looking at his little apprentice inexplicably.

“Secret, you will know it then.”

Xiao Haotian was hung full of curiosity.

But after entangled Qin Hao all the way, he didn’t get the answer.

In the end, he could only rest his mind.

that’s all.

Qin Hao is often in this way, the state of seeing the dragon without seeing the end.

As if playing hide-and-seek with everyone.

Often disappear.

Then I didn’t know where it suddenly appeared.

at the very beginning.

Xiao Haotian would still push to ambush nearby, wanting to find his master.

Look at what Qin Hao is doing.

How could Qin Hao let Xiao Haotian find it.

First-class anti-detection technology.

So just like that, within a few days, Xiao Haotian failed and lost interest.

I can only help Shennong continue to organize the herbal collection in peace and stability.

Qin Hao didn’t mean to hide other people deliberately these days.

It’s really busy.

It can be said that busy feet do not touch the ground.

Even with the help of the Great Witch, Dijiang, Hongyun Patriarch and Xing Tian.

It still took a lot of time.

Only then gradually became a small achievement.

During Qin Hao’s busy days.

The situation in the Great Wilderness is also changing rapidly.

More and more missing creatures.

But gradually, everyone has some clues.

This can only be regarded as the only good news.

To the southeast of the Great Wilderness.

Suddenly a clouded land appeared.

There is a barrier around this one.

The creatures dare not step into it at all.

Whenever it comes into contact with the neighborhood, it will be absorbed inexplicably.

Inside the enchantment, a black cloud lingered.

He blocked his vision, and couldn’t see what was going on inside.

The area is still very vast.

It’s just that the original circle is a deserted area.

So when it first appeared different, no one could notice it.

Until recently, the momentum has become so big.

Only then did the creatures in the Great Wilderness discover the difference here.

Of course, someone reported it to the ancestor Hongjun.

But it is a pity that Hongjun’s ancestor has the same attitude as before.

Adopt an attitude of staying out.

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