Chapter 331

But the ancestor Hongyun said so.

Qin Hao believed it naturally, and could only rest his thoughts.

At the same time, Qin Hao seemed to have doubts in his heart.

But this idea is still immature.

Qin Hao was depressed and did not say in his heart.

Qin Hao planned to find more evidence to verify it himself.

Qin Hao, who gave up the traditional characters, could only help Shennong to gain some knowledge and attributes of herbs.

The task of copying was completely entrusted to his little apprentice.

Xiao Haotian seems to be very talented in this regard.

The sorting is meticulous and clear at a glance, and the types are complete.

In Qin Hao’s heart, not only the gift was true, it was the future Jade Emperor, and he handled Heavenly Court affairs very smoothly.

Not to mention the herbal collections prepared.

Days just passed by day by day.

Peace seems to usher in the great wilderness again.

But who knows whether there is infinite murder hidden under this calm.

This is early in the morning.

Xiao Haotian knocked on Qin Hao’s door.

“Master, master, someone is missing.”

Qin Hao opened the door of the room, looking puzzled.

“What did you say is missing, who?”

Xiao Haotian said while pulling Qin Hao out.

“It’s Li, Huang’s grandson.”

Qin Hao’s expression was a bit solemn.

Huang was the savage who led him in the first place.

Qin Hao came after the human race.

Not only did they have the knowledge to survive, but they also taught them some words.

So the human race from these words.

Choose a word that you feel comfortable with as your name.

And Huang was bestowed by Qin Hao to the leader of the human race.

After all, Shennong is now Emperor Yan.

The descendants of Yanhuang and Huang are still one yellow short.

Qin Hao felt that the development of the human race.

It’s because this wild man got his attention.

So I think the leader of this human race is called Huang.

It also seems logical.

When did this real Huangdi appear?

Qin Hao didn’t intend to interfere any more.

Human race always has its own development.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Haotian and Qin Hao came outside the door of Li’s room.

Many people have been surrounded here.

Except Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian.

Shennong, Xingtian, Hongyun ancestors, even Jumang and Xuanming are also there.

“what happened?”

Others made room.

Qin Hao walked in.

“God, I passed by here this morning and felt something was wrong, so I opened the door of Li’s house and found that Li had disappeared.”

God is what the Human Race calls Qin Hao.

After they teach human writing.

I don’t know what’s going on.

Since the Human Race has chosen the title of God to call Qin Hao.

Shennong, Hongyun ancestor, they all think.

This title is pretty good.

It seems to be very consistent, so there is no blocking.

We must know that we are now in the whole great wilderness.

Except that Pangu is called the Father God.

The others did not dare to become gods.

It’s not that the meaning of God is different.

On the contrary, the word God is not surprising in the Great Wilderness.

Just like water, wind, etc., have the same meaning.

And Father Pangu is the origin of all living beings in this world.

Qin Hao instructed Nuwa to become a saint.

Let Nuwa create people.

It is also equivalent to creating a human race.

So the name of God.

Still quite in line with Qin Hao’s position in the hearts of the human race.

Qin Hao declined several times.

Found it was useless.

He simply didn’t bother to continue to refute them.

Even if it is the default name.

The topic turned back.

At this time, it was a woman from the tribe whose name was Jin.

Can only be regarded as a neighbor away.

The relationship between the two is fairly good.

Qin Hao walked into Li’s room.

There are signs of drag on the ground.

There are still some blood stains along the road.

Huang quickly squeezed over and saw the situation in front of him.

His face was pale, but overall he was calmer.

After all, Huang has a dozen grandchildren in his life.

You can only say it is one of them.

“God, is there any clue?”

Qin Hao shook his head, the place was very clean.

Apart from the blood on the ground, there are no other clues.

After all, there is a slate bed in this house. There is nothing else.

When the blood stain reached the door, it suddenly disappeared.

Old Ancestor Hongyun came over.

Pinched with both hands and waved his long sleeves.

But there is no change.

Old Ancestor Hongyun frowned, as if there was some problem bothering him.

“Huh? It doesn’t work! There seems to be something different here. My retrospective method is not easy to use. There is no way to reproduce the situation at that time. This is the first time this has happened.”

Ancestor Hongyun worries on his face.

Looking at Qin Hao, he explained.

Qin Hao didn’t say anything, but looked at the people around him.

Announce loudly.

“We will investigate the matter of leaving. Don’t worry, as long as you have done something, there will always be clues. However, during this time, everyone should also pay attention to their own safety. If there is anything, quickly report back.”

“is God.”

Qin Hao cast a wink at Ju Mang, Xuan Ming, and Xiao Hao Angel.

They quickly left with the human race, and went here in their own way.

Xing Tian walked around the house.

“I feel that this liar may have been more ill-fortuned.”

Qin Hao didn’t speak because he also had such a premonition in his heart.

Who is it?

Take away such an ordinary person?

Is it a quasi-speaker?

It seems unlikely.

The quasi-speaker is a little shameless and has no lower limit.

But since the last time Hongyun ancestor spoke, the Daoist Zhunti has converged a lot.

Qin Hao hasn’t seen any Western teachers recently.

Could it be that the quasi-speaker abandoned the light and turned dark?

But what use is a human race for him?

The important thing is that there is blood on the ground.

This shows that Li should have been injured at that time.

Is it a beast?

Impossible, if there are beasts infested.

Qin Hao had already felt it.

Qin Hao passed through those few rewards of heaven.

Divine consciousness is already very powerful.

Under Qin Hao’s nose, people were taken abducted unconsciously.

Qin Hao didn’t know why there was a trace of worry in his heart.

Shennong also checked the furnishings of the room.

Like everyone else, he shook his head.

No one found any clues.

There was no way, Qin Hao could only seal the house away from him.

Look for other clues.

Within a few days, several people in the human race were missing.

This time it was not only in my own house, but sometimes in the yard.

Others were absent inexplicably when they went out hunting.

But every time it disappears.

There will be some blood stains where they disappeared.

This does not seem to be deliberate.

On the contrary, it seems to be left unintentionally.

Because there is nothing in common except that there is no way to use retrospect.

The blood stains, location, size, and even flow are different every time.

Qin Hao has been in a bad mood these past two days.

Consider whether to arrange a formation outside the human tribe.

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