Chapter 330

Yuxu Palace.

“Two brothers, I am leaving, I have stayed with you for too long.”

Master Tongtian said helplessly.

“The three of us finally got together, why are we so anxious to go back?”

Taishang Laojun smiled.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded.

“Yeah! If you are anxious to go back, it is not impossible. Let us go back with you. Go to your place. It’s the same if we get together again.”

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun’s words fell, the three seemed to perceive something and looked at the sky outside together.

Taishang Laojun muttered to himself.

“This is……”

at the same time.

In the middle of the wilderness, those who are sensitive at any time, basically feel this strange.

But because this kind of anomaly appears quickly and disappears quickly.

Leave any traces.

So most of them don’t know what happened.

In addition to the individual may be concerned.

Nothing else, take him to heart.

Finally, the Lord Tongtian couldn’t bear the entanglement between Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun.

Can only take the two of them back to Penglai Xiandao.

Master Tongtian, I really have something to do when I go back.

Although he wanted to help Qin Hao out of the control of the two.

But coming soon, there is no way to realize such an idea.

You can only retreat, strengthen yourself, and work hard to expand.

Wait until one day.

Qin Hao can help when he needs his Master of Heaven.

No one knows how others can reach the heavens.

But since the Lord Tongtian entered the realm of saints.

His feeling is exceptionally keen.

Naturally, I felt that the causal connection between him and Qin Hao seemed very close.

He still owes Qin Hao more to the Master of Heaven.

Even if I have given away Jin’ao Island and Penglai Fairy Island before.

This favor debt has not yet been paid.

After all, what Qin Hao gave him was the future.

In addition to the silent support from the Master Tongtian to Qin Hao, there is also this material aspect.

How can these two be offset?

What’s more, in the end Penglai Xiandao became his dojo.

Demon Temple.

Di Jun rushed in from outside.

“Do you feel the vision just now?”

Too Donghuang nodded.

“It’s just that I can’t figure out whether it is a blessing or a curse.”

Di Jun asked with some worry: “Then what should we do?”

Donghuang Taiyi pondered for a moment.

He shook his head: “Don’t do anything, something really happened. I believe the ancestor Hongjun will be warned, and I think it should have nothing to do with us. Now it is the most critical moment of the Lich War. Don’t Distracted by these things.”

Di Jun nodded.

“I see.”

Qin Hao bid farewell to the quasi-tutor.

Back to the human tribe.

Shennong happened to be teaching Terran planting.

When Xiao Haotian saw Qin Hao coming back, he ran over.

“Master! How’s it going? Did you chase away that annoying quasi-tutor?”

Qin Hao touched Xiao Haotian’s head.

“Did the ancestor Hongyun help? Do you want to thank you?”

Xiao Haotian shook his head solemnly.

“No, it’s the master, you have to thank me, I asked the ancestor Hongyun to help.”

Qin Hao was a little surprised and turned to look at the ancestor Hongyun beside him.

Old Ancestor Hongyun nodded cheerfully.

“Indeed, Xiao Haotian asked me to help. Our Xiao Haotian is smart, right?”

Xiao Haotian nodded fiercely.

“I also learned how to farm land from Shennong? Master, look at it, I planted it.”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

Look at the field in front of this.

It was these two days that the human race organized by Qin Hao cleared this open space.

Then selected a group of people and taught them how to make tools.

What hoes, shovel, and other agricultural tools, of course, most of them are made of sharp stones.

Qin Hao found no minerals nearby.

So there is no way to make iron.

They can only come here little by little.

Qin Hao didn’t want to pull the seedlings to encourage him.

I don’t want the human race to grow too slowly.

Only Qin Hao can adjust the degree of this by himself.

Qin Hao also helped Shennong identify many poisonous herbs in the past two days.

Unfortunately, the last life.

Killing Qin Hao wouldn’t have thought that one day he would help Shennong to compile the Baicao Collection.

So some herbal knowledge mastered are common.

How many of those are also relatively common.

Xiao Haotian will come to help and copy when he is free.

Have to say the time before.

Qin Hao didn’t find the words that seemed to exist in the Great Wilderness.

However, when Shennong began to write herbal grades.

Qin Hao only knew that words had appeared in Dahuang a long time ago.

It’s just that everyone communicates more with God’s knowledge and spells.

Rarely used.

And Qin Hao heard Shennong say that words appeared.

It seems that when they have spiritual wisdom, it is engraved in their brains.

There is no way to know exactly how to appear.

Qin Hao took the opportunity to look at those things.

They are hieroglyphs, which are more complicated than the traditional characters they use now.

Qin Hao often stared at these words in a daze.

What Qin Hao considered was whether to simplify these characters and turn them into traditional characters.

After all, compared to hieroglyphs, traditional characters are really much simpler and easier.

And these human races just had wisdom.

If the study of accountants can be regarded as compressing their study time.

After Qin Hao considered it for a long time, he found Shennong.

Qin Hao expressed his thoughts.

Shennong looked surprised and didn’t expect this at all.

There was no immediate reply.

Finally, Shennong and Qin Hao decided to gather their friends together to discuss this matter together.

Qin Hao announced his thoughts in public.

What Qin Hao didn’t expect was.

The opponents turned out to be Jumang and Xuanming of the Wu clan.

Ju Mang sighed.

“Holy Lord, it’s not that I don’t support it. The main reason is that the Wu clan uses these words to make sacrifices and communicate with the world, so every stroke and drawing of these words has a special meaning.”

Qin Hao turned to look at Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming nodded affirmatively.

Before Qin Hao, the sacrifices and formations were basically handled by the great witch.

Qin Hao didn’t pay attention to this, so he didn’t know it at all.

It turns out that this hieroglyph has such a function.

Seeing this, the ancestor Hongyun gave it a try.

I saw him take a few traditional characters written by Qin Hao.

Put it in front of you along with the original hieroglyphics.

Put your hands in the upper room, close your eyes, and feel quietly.

It didn’t take a while before that his face suddenly realized.

Nodded towards Qin Hao.

“It’s true, there are subtle differences.”

After all, Qin Hao is a human, and his realm and cultivation techniques are also obtained through the system.

Therefore, Qin Hao didn’t know about these ancient inheritances.

I can’t feel it at all.

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