Chapter 332

Arrange the formation.

This also has drawbacks, if the formation is arranged.

It’s the same trouble for the Terrans to get in and out.

This put Qin Hao in a dilemma.

It seems that we still need to find the real man behind the scenes.

The ancestor of Hongyun also felt a little aggrieved.

After all, in front of his ancestor.

It even allowed such things to happen one after another.

It’s really unreasonable.

Qin Hao wondered if he wanted to go back to the Witch Clan, so he could ask the Great Witch to help.

After all, the big witch is very knowledgeable.

Moreover, the witch clan seems to have a special secret method that only the great witch can master.

Maybe the great witch has some secret method to trace the trace of the murderer.

After Qin Hao spoke to others, he planned to leave alone and return to the Witch Clan.

On the way, Qin Hao was a little strange.

This road of the Human Race to the Witch Race.

The straddle is relatively far, and there are many places to pass.

So this road is not about the crowdedness of people.

But there are still many monks coming and going.

It can’t be like this.

Basically no one passed by.

That’s fine.

These people who come and go are basically in groups.

Seeing Qin Hao alone.

They looked surprised and whispered.

Seems to be discussing something.

Qin Hao knocked the Chaos Sword beneath him.

Let him speed up.

Qin Hao always felt that something that he didn’t know had happened.

Seeing these actors’ stunned eyes.

Qin Hao also lost his interest in asking.

Anyway, after arriving at the Wu Clan, you will always know.

In this way, Qin Hao returned to the Wu Clan with a stomach of doubts.

Qin Hao just landed at the gate of the Wu Clan’s residence.

Qin Hao looked at Yu’s usual residence, which was completely different.

At the gate of the resident, there were no guards this year, so the door was open.

Qin Hao looked confused.

When I moved my heart, I suddenly had a bad feeling.

Qin Hao immediately walked into the Wu Clan residence in a stride.

The houses that used to be neatly scattered are now shattered.

Qin Hao became more panicked as he walked away.

“Holy Lord? Is the Holy Lord back?!”

Qin Hao followed the voice and looked at it.

Several witches rushed out of a room unexpectedly.

Looking at himself with excitement.

Qin Hao immediately stepped forward: “What’s wrong with this? How did it become like this? What about the others?”

“Holy Lord…uuuuu…Holy lord, you are finally back…uuuuu…”

As soon as the Wu Clan saw Qin Hao, he began to cry bitterly.

Qin Hao felt even more uneasy.

“Don’t cry, talk about the others, where is the great witch, where is the twelve ancestor witch, what happened?!”

The Wu Clan might see Qin Hao’s face full of anxiety.

He immediately held back his tears and said intermittently.

“An hour ago, the monsters attacked in an all-round way. Our witches were defeated, and we are now like this. The great witch and the twelve ancestor witches are in the hall of the witches, discussing what should be done? Let us all hide at home, don’t Go out.”

Qin Hao quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, these people are still there.

“Then you go back quickly, I’ll take a look.”

Qin Hao walked in the direction of the Wu Clan Hall.

I felt a little guilty on one side.

Did you take Jumang and Xuanming away by yourself?

No, it is clear that the Great Twelve Ancestor Witch Array has always been opened.

Only if they have been in the Great Wilderness, the formation has been running.

Like before and after.

That is the whole person disappeared.

Naturally, there is no magical attribute of Houtu.

Therefore, the twelve ancestor witches can’t be opened.

Now, it should be possible.

How can it become what it is now?

Qin Hao just walked to the hall of the Witch Clan.

It was discovered by the guards, and they immediately reported aggressively.

Wait until Qin Hao enters the hall of the Witch Clan.

I found that everyone was looking at him excitedly, his expressions stopped.

“What happened, and how did it become like this? Haven’t they always been evenly matched before?”

Qin Hao observed everyone from the Witch Clan.

I found that I didn’t see Zhu Rong, Gonggong and Luo Hui.

Asked subconsciously.

“Where are the others? Injured?”

As soon as Qin Hao finished his questioning, he saw a painful expression flashing across the faces of everyone in the Wu Clan.

Di Jiang stepped forward.

“Holy Lord, the Demon Race just fully attacked our site and destroyed our house. Although the site was finally held in this battle, most of the damage was done. If it were not for the Lord Demon Ancestor, I am afraid that the Holy Lord would not even be able to see us.”

Qin Hao frowned.

“How could it be so serious? The Yaozu has hired other foreign aid, what about Luohu? How is she now? And Zhu Ronghe Gonggong, you can explain the situation more clearly.”

Di Jiang shook his head.

“Holy Lord, don’t worry! At that time, several monster races besieged Lord Demon Ancestor together, so Lord Demon Ancestor suffered some injuries. Now he has taken him to rest. As for Zhu Ronghe and Gonggong…”

The expression on Di Jiang’s face was a bit sad, and there was some pain.

Qin Hao shook his heart and stood up immediately.

Is Zhu Ronghe Gonggong dead?

He still hasn’t changed their destiny?

“What happened to them, could it be…”

Qin Hao’s expression turned pale for a moment.

The big witch answered immediately.

“Without the Holy Lord, the two of them didn’t die in the battle, but now they are not lucky. They have disappeared a few days ago, and now they are not where they are. It is precisely because of this that we have lost the battle so thoroughly. ”

“Missing? Now it is the battle between the two Lich races. How could the two of them disappear? Where did they go? Could it be that the Demons have been arrested? How could such a thing happen?”

Everyone of the Witch tribe looked at each other.

Suddenly I don’t know where to start.

In the end, Dijiang took a step forward.

“The holy lord does not know what happened to Dahuang recently. He often disappears for no reason, and disappears suddenly and inexplicably. There is no clue at all. The Dahuang is now in danger for everyone.”

When Di Jiang said this, he paused.

“Originally, we blocked the news of Zhu Rong and Gonggong’s disappearance, but we had a ghost inside, let the monster clan know, so we took this opportunity to attack.”

Qin Hao was a little surprised.

Missing for no reason?

And it’s not uncommon nowadays.

Is it the same situation as the missing humans?

Qin Hao asked solemnly.

“Does anyone know how many missing in the Great Wilderness?”

The great witch and Di Jiang looked at each other.

The big witch said slowly.

“Return to the Holy Lord, according to the news now revealed, there are probably more than 100 missing, and some like Gonggong and Zhu Rong who have hidden news from us. I don’t know how many more.”

Qin Hao became excited immediately.

“There are so many?!”

Standing in place, Qin Hao paced back and forth, and began to lower his head to think.

This matter seems a bit difficult.

Qin Hao stopped suddenly and asked the big witch.

“What is the attitude of the ancestor Hongjun and Sanqing after such a thing? Have you said how to solve it?”

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