Chapter 329

“You have been baptized by the tribulation, don’t you still understand the meaning of the heavens? In this tribulation, you will always leak one or two, you understand, so don’t force me anymore. Even if you kill, I will Useless.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he learned how to mention Daoist and made a helpless expression.

Does the quasi-speaker know?

of course I know.

After the catastrophe.

Although most of the catastrophes were resisted by the enlightened Taoists.

But the quasi-speaker still vaguely felt it.

It doesn’t seem to be their realm or not enough awareness.

It’s that Heaven seems to be deliberately obstructing.

The quasi-speaker is a bit unwilling.

This is the way it is, knowing it is one aspect, but accepting it, but it seems difficult to accept it.

The quasi-said Daoist got up this time mainly because he wanted to swindle Qin Hao.

See if there are any other opportunities.

After all, even the ancestor Hongjun couldn’t explain the secret.

Qin Hao could do it easily.

The prospective person still had doubts on his face.

“You didn’t lie to me?”

Qin Hao was really forced to be helpless, shrugging dumbfounded.

“What did I lie to you for? No, in fact, I can also be cheap. After all, you have offended me, but luck, this thing, I can stop it?”

The Taoist Zhun mentioned already believed what Qin Hao said.

But still holding a grudge.

The quasi-tiding Taoist has never planted so many somersaults on a single person since he was conscious.

The quasi-speaker thought for a while, this should be the third time.

The Chaos Sword failed for the first time, he took Xiao Haotian abducted and was caught upright.

The second time, the enlightenment failed, and the catastrophe descended.

For the third time, the Western religion chased him down, and the quasi-teacher took the opportunity to retaliate, but he was injured instead.

But this time, Qin Hao completely cut off his thoughts.

How could a quasi-tutor not be suffocated? He is suffocated to death now.

The quasi-tiding Taoist just wanted to continue to threaten Qin Hao with ruthless words.

Suddenly the two of them looked into the distance together.

I saw some strange changes in the distant sky.

The sky is blue and clear, and white clouds are floating in the sky.

And in the dense place of clouds.

There are some weird sky lights.

People can’t see the cut clearly, and this strange thing only happens for a while and then disappears.

Did not leave any traces.

Qin Hao frowned.

Qin Hao felt that something should have happened.

But it’s specific, and it’s undetectable.

At this time, the ancestor Hongyun walked out.

“Do you feel it? The vision just now.”

After the ancestor Hongyun finished speaking, he saw the quasi-tutor on the opposite side.

“I said, why are you still chasing to the door? You are a little bit too deceitful. What happened to the previous weather? Everyone knows in their hearts. Whatever you say is up to you. We are not stupid. We will be the truth. Look.”

The quasi-speaking Taoist was blushing with the words of the ancestor Hongyun.

Mainly the ancestor of Hongyun, he is indeed a well-known good man among this rhubarb.

Before I mentioned the Taoist, I had pitted the ancestor of Hongyun several times.

Now that I saw the ancestor of Hongyun, I didn’t know how to refute it for a while.

Old Ancestor Hongyun waved his sleeves.

“You go quickly. I really want to anger me. I believe that it is not difficult to drive you out of China and restrict your development in the West with my connections.”

What the ancestor Hongyun said was not just casual talk.

It’s not like Qin Hao said by the Taoist Zhunzhi, it’s just a test.

It is very serious and calm.

The quasi-speaker naturally believes it.

The ancestor Hongyun did have such strength.

The Taoist Zhunti suppressed the unwillingness in his heart and turned his head to look at Qin Hao.

He gritted his teeth and said it can bend and stretch.

“I understand, I’m leaving.”

The prospective Taoist really left after speaking.

The quasi-speakers are not saying to give up.

There must be chasing after Qin Hao.

Even if he can’t kill him, Geying him is good.

The quasi-speaker is so boring and shameless.

The quasi-said Taoist left like this happily now.

It’s not because of what the ancestor Hongyun said.

The quasi-speaker gave up.

The quasi-tiding Taoist only wants to find the ancestor of Hongyun, it is impossible to stay in the human race all the time.

Qin Hao didn’t know how to stay with the ancestor Hongyun all the time.

So not this time, I will find another opportunity next time.

However, it seems that I should talk to other people when I go back.

To chase Qin Hao, he should converge in secret.

Qin Hao was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, a few words of the ancestor Hongyun actually drove the quasi-sage Taoist away.

Qin Hao looked at Old Ancestor Hongyun with a look of surprise.

“Why look at me like this? What I said just now is the truth. Although I was a bit bad-hearted, there are indeed many people who have been favored by me in the great famine. In one sentence, I asked them to express an attitude. Easy.”

Qin Hao nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that my understanding of the ancestor of Hongyun is still too one-sided.

To blame, the ancestor Hongyun played in the history of the Great Wilderness, which is really too few.

Qin Hao ignored the influence of Hongyun ancestor.

It seems that I should re-evaluate the weight of these friends in the future.

“You came out to find me because of the vision just now?”

What did the ancestor Hongyun think of now? He patted his forehead.

Lifting his hand, Qin Hao walked into the human tribe.

“There is one more thing. It seems that you haven’t been back for a long time, so I can’t help but come out to look for you. Walk around, I will tell you…”

Qin Hao was dragged into the human tribe.

Subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the clouds in the sky.

The sky is spread evenly like blue dye.

The soft, fleshy clouds resemble those young children who do nothing more.

Unfettered, wandering at will, as usual.

Fairy Cloud Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun, who was meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

His face changed.

Begin to pinch fingers and calculate.

As time passed, Hongjun’s face became more and more ugly.


The ancestor Hongjun frowned and said to himself as if he did not believe in evil.

Then start to calculate again.

After a long time.

The ancestor Hongjun sighed as if he had compromised.

“Now, I am so strange to Heaven.”

The ancestor Hongjun stood up.

Looking at the sky in the distance.

A touch of unwillingness and jealousy burst into his eyes.

I didn’t even notice it.

“Come here, stare at me in the north-south direction. If there is any change, let me know immediately.”

The ancestor Hongjun did not look at the Dao Tong who retreated.

Instead, he lowered his head and stared at his hands.

“It seems that Human Race is not as favored by Heaven as I imagined… Qin Hao…”

A trace of schadenfreude flashed across Hongjun’s ancestor’s face.

The latter words were so small that he couldn’t even hear him.

But this does not affect the good mood of Hongjun ancestor.

Old ancestor Hongjun, intends to stand by and do nothing.

Attentively watching the theater.

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