Chapter 328

Said to be a Taoist, but more like a liar on the rivers and lakes.

“It’s a hard work for you to be able to find this place. How come the injury healed last time was healed?”

A trace of hatred flashed across the face of the prospective person.

Then disappeared without a trace.

Instead, a smiling face appeared: “I didn’t expect you to be here. It’s really hidden, so I’m easy to find.”

Qin Hao snorted coldly.

Directly took out the Pangu God Axe.

“Stop talking nonsense, didn’t you just want to kill me when you came here? Let’s change a place? This is a human race. I should say that people will not attack a human race without any magical powers.”

The quasi-speaking Taoist stood there and didn’t move, but a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

“You have become the protector of the human race. It seems that this human race is more important to you!”

Qin Hao frowned.

Looked at the quasi-speaker coldly.

The quasi-speaking Taoist didn’t expect Qin Hao to reply to him.

So just continue to say: “I am here today just for one thing. This thing should be very simple to you, and you have done it many times.”

Qin Hao remained silent.

Standing in place, silently looking at the quasi-speaker.

The quasi-speaker saw Qin Hao not talking.

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

But then he calmed down again.

“I want to enter the realm of saints, you have a way, how about let’s rent a deal?”

Qin Hao did not intend to make this transaction at all.

It’s just that Qin Hao wanted to take a look.

What kind of medicine is buried in people’s bones?

Qin Hao said, “Let’s talk and listen.”

The prospective Taoist felt that there should be hope, so he took a step forward.

Qin Hao raised the Pangu God Axe in his hand.

The quasi-speaker took a step back subconsciously.

“Okay, I’m not going forward, I just stand here and say, the transaction is very simple, I withdrew the order to kill you, you come to point me to sanctification, how about?”

Qin Hao couldn’t help but sneered.

The quasi-speaker immediately smiled.

“You have agreed. Actually, I don’t want to be embarrassed. After all, at that time, without your hindrance, maybe I had already entered the realm of saints, and there would be nothing today.”

The quasi-speaking Taoist looked like a matter of course.

“Now that I am still willing to make a deal with you, it is my sincerity. I hope you will seize this opportunity and don’t spend time together. Young people, I understand.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help it anymore and laughed.

The Taoist Zhun mentioned seemed to be aware that Qin Hao’s attitude was a bit wrong.

The quasi-speaker frowned.

Hesitatingly said: “What are you laughing at, is my words so funny?”

Qin Hao propped up his waist and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

“Isn’t it funny? This is simply the biggest joke in the world, the funniest I’ve ever heard.”

The quasi-tiding Taoist naturally heard that Qin Hao was mocking him.

The quasi-speaker’s face immediately sank.

However, Qin Hao didn’t take the attitude of the quasi-tiding Taoist to heart.

If it says, “What have you done yourself, you know, why don’t you let the way of heaven take it, and you know it in your heart, why bother to deceive yourself? As for you, what you want me to do is forgivable.”

A hint of anger flashed across the person’s face.

Then he looked at the human settlement behind Qin Hao.

There was another unpredictable smile on his face.

“In that case, I’m not welcome. I have never seen this new race. Human race. I heard that it doesn’t have any magical powers. You said that if this human race suffers from the innocent disaster because of the human race protector, How is this account calculated?”

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

“You are threatening me.”

The quasi-speaker shook his hand, looking like a rascal.

“Don’t say that, I’m just curious, we can still negotiate and solve it, can’t we? This matter is a win-win situation for everyone, what can’t be accepted?”

Qin Hao had never seen such a brazen person.

Qin Hao suddenly felt that the movie of the Xing Ye that he watched at that time.

It simply beautifies the Bodhi Patriarch.

In reality, this Bodhi Patriarch is really shameless now offline.

Carry out the shamelessness to the end.

Qin Hao looked down at the Pangu God Axe in his hand.

“Why? What kind of support does the Daoist believer have now? I remember that the last time you were injured, it was healed so soon. As expected, the scar is healed. Forget about the pain! Do I need to review it for you? ”

The Taoist Zhunti seemed to recall the scene at that time, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes.

“I admit that I can’t beat you, but you are only one person. There are many weak human races behind you. I am busy here. The entire Western religion is my subordinate. Just come and destroy the human race.”

Qin Hao felt relieved when he heard this.

His face was even more calm and calm, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, a harmless smile of humans and animals.

“Oh? How powerful? You can give it a try. If you want the entire Western teachings, including yourself, to disappear from this world, I’m always welcome.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he stretched out his hands.

He made a gesture of invitation towards the Human Race’s station.

The quasi-speaker sighed in his heart.

There was a trace of annoyance.

Qin Hao smiled and said: “If you have time to follow me here to do something meaningless, it’s better to help me do something for the human race, saying that it doesn’t necessarily depend on your good performance, so you will be sanctified. .”

“What do you mean by this?”

Qin Hao tilted his head: “What do you mean? Isn’t that obvious? The rise of the human race is an inevitable result. Don’t forget that the most recent one is longevity, but they are all related to the human race.”

The quasi-said Taoist immediately showed a suddenly realized expression.

“What did I say? I said, how could you become the protector of the human race, it turns out that you are so despicable, the human race was obviously created by the Nuwa Empress, and you were cut off in the end.”

Qin Hao heard Nu Wa’s name.

A trace of displeasure flashed across his face.

“Nuwa? He gave up on it himself. If you don’t believe it, you can go to the Nüwa Palace and ask now and see what she says.”

The prospective Taoist suddenly felt that he seemed to be in a passive situation.

I don’t know what came to mind.

Said immediately.

“Actually, we can discuss it well, and I have no other idea. I just want to be holy. If you can help Nuwa and Sanqing selflessly, why can’t you help me? I can assure you that in the future After being sanctified, you will be sent by the Western teachers.”

Qin Hao sighed.

The quasi-speaker, this guy knows that the hard ones are not good, but the soft ones are here.

Qin Hao said with earnest heart: “I was able to help them because the time was ripe. You also know how long the Master Tongtian had begged me before? Until recently, I entered the realm of saints. This is God’s will.”

Qin Hao said that.

Raised an eyebrow, a face of provocation.

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