Chapter 300

Of course Qin Hao didn’t want the two of them to be holy.

However, Qin Hao wouldn’t do anything to destroy it at this time.

After all, the contradiction between the two of them and Zhunti Taoist is not so much.

In addition, these two are the ancestors of Bodhi and the other is Amitabha.

Although not as compassionate as later generations.

But I didn’t do anything that hurts the world and reason.

Forgive and forgive.

Qin Hao still knew.

In such a short time.

The stars in the sky are completely different just now.

I don’t know if it’s because of the quasi-promotion of Taoists and the enlightenment and sanctification of two Taoists at the same time.

This robbery cloud seems to be doubled.

But there is a cloud of heaven and earth between this heaven and earth.

How could it be simply double power?

Of course it is an algorithm where one plus one is greater than two.

I saw the clouds in the sky pressed down slightly.

With a sense of trial, people dare not resist.

Just want to surrender to it.

Used to relieve the trembling from the depths of the soul.

How Qin Hao looked at it from a distance, naturally, a trace of fear occurred.

What’s more, it was the robbery who directly targeted the target.

Qin Hao really understood at this time.

The power of crossing the robbery.

And why there are so many cultivators in later generations, when facing the catastrophe, they both love and hate emotions.

The power of this tribulation is really extraordinary.

Qin Hao sighed in his heart.

I don’t know if it’s because the prospective Daoist did too much bullying before.

After accumulating for so long, he was repaid all at once.

By the way, he was tired to lead Taoist people.

Sure enough, no one can tell what happened between heaven and earth.

Even Qin Hao never thought that there would be a catastrophe.

I didn’t expect things to develop like this.

And everyone else around was staring at the thundercloud on the mountain.

The ending is already thick as a steamed bun.

Upon arrival, it will be on the top of the mountain.

The electric light wandering back and forth in it makes people feel shaken physically and mentally when they see it, and they dare not look directly at it.

I don’t know if the time is up, the sky suddenly rumbling.

It’s like reminding everyone.

After the sound, a yellow-purple light flashed across the sky.

The top of the hill towards the center slashed straight down.

Qin Hao looked at the lightning.

It’s like splitting the entire mountain in half.

But fortunately, when it is about to reach the ground.

It seems to have converged.

In this way, I gathered my strength and moved straight towards the goal.

It didn’t hurt the pond fish.

It really comes with GPS navigation.

At this moment, between the sky and the earth, it seemed to be illuminated by this lightning.

Except for the sound behind the explosion in the ears.

Everyone’s face is also reflected with fluctuating light and shadow.

Those present were timid, and even turned around, holding their heads in one hand.

The bolder ones also raised their hands to block the light and secretly looked forward.

The only difference is Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was calm and watched with gusto.

But the expressions of horror on the faces of the people around him could not be covered.

You know, now is the early days of heaven and earth.

Many auspicious signs will often fall from the sky.

It can be said that this kind of punishment is extremely rare.

I don’t know if it was because Qin Hao watched a lot of TV series in his previous life.

There are also psychological preparations in this regard.

Facing the catastrophe, there is no such awe.

In addition to the deterrence of his power.

No other thoughts.

But in the midst of the great famine, other people are not like that.

Standing next to Qin Hao, Xiao Haotian stretched out his head timidly.

“Master, what’s the matter? This is too scary.”

Qin Hao looked at the front, and the first heavenly calamity just dissipated.

“It’s the tribulation of heaven, quasi-promotion of Taoists, and the introduction of Taoists through this tribulation should be able to become holy.”

The ancestor Hongyun on one side shook his head.

“How could it be so simple? These two people have now angered the heavens and brought down the tribulation. I don’t know if I can live through it. It is their luck to get through, and I want to use this to become holy? It is a fantasy? , Unheard of.”

Qin Hao smiled, and did not answer.

This is really hard to explain.

Qin Hao simply kept silent.

And there are many people around and Hongyun ancestors who think like this.

The robbery cloud in the sky soon reunited again.

This means that the first way, the prospective Taoist, and the enlisting Taoist have been successfully passed.

And survived.

This can be regarded as Qin Hao’s expectation.

After all, Qin Hao has spoilers.

The quasi-should mention the Taoist, the two guys who are the lead-in Taoist are alive and well.

Jieyun may be born once and cooked again.

This time the battle, although not as big as before.

But the power, no one would doubt it.

Even more dull.

The whole world was dyed black.

The looming electric light is like the one that changed a light bulb.

Fade from time to time.

If it is in a closed occasion, there is really a hint of eerie horror.

Qin Hao felt that the pressure around him seemed to be a bit heavy.

And the spiritual power is a bit restless.

Slowly from the deeds towards the distant place, the robbery cloud condenses.

A hint of surprise flashed across Qin Hao’s face.

Although knowing that this crossing the robbery is not simple.

It must also be huge.

But I didn’t expect the power to be so great.

It really doesn’t leave any affection at all.

Soon, the Second Heavenly Tribulation, walking in such an atmosphere, came down.

This one is obviously more powerful than before.

Although quietly.

But no one will doubt.

Rocks have been spilled above the mountain.

The place where they were sitting just now, listening to the sermons.

At this time, it has disappeared without a shadow, leaving only a big pit.

The quasi-speaking Taoist and the leading Taoist figure do not know where they have gone.

Qin Hao knew that he should still be there.

Otherwise, the robbery cloud in the sky should disperse.

And now, obviously not yet.

Qin Hao was wandering beyond the sky at this time.

If this time, the Taoist should be mentioned, and the two Taoists will be successfully passed through the catastrophe.

Step into the realm of a saint, should not be able to contaminate any grievances between cities.

So about the contradiction between yourself and them.

It’s nothing more.

If they did not succeed in crossing the robbery.

That is to say, either injury or death.

Death is not possible, then injuries are left.

In this case, according to the quasi-speaking person’s character, he will be careful to regard himself as the target of hatred.

This is a little troublesome.

In this analysis, how do you think it would be better for the two of them to be sanctified?

Whether to accept them this day or not,

Qin Hao said it didn’t count.

You can only pray and don’t make any mistakes.

Qin Hao didn’t want to pester Zhunti Daoist with such a cheeky and unethical person.

Although he is not afraid of him, he is also irritable by his side.

Same as mosquitoes.

Although I can’t drink much blood.

It will always suffer if you are slapped.

Plus it’s always buzzing in your ears.

He is really Geying.

The second heavenly calamity dissipated in the process of Qin Hao’s nonsense.

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