Chapter 299 Sudden Change

Qin Hao just got it wrong.

It’s not that God’s way is to alleviate the embarrassment of Hongjun’s ancestors.

That’s why this strange phenomenon appeared.

It was because the Daoist was quasi-proposed, and the Taoist who was introduced to him had enlightened the Dao because of Qin Hao’s just a few words.

Qin Hao didn’t know when the two of them started to meditate and had an epiphany.

Anyway, the original action is still maintained.

However, Qin Hao knew what he said later.

The quasi-speaking Taoist and the leading Taoist should also be able to hear clearly when they enlighten the Tao.

Therefore, Qin Hao originally thought, digging holes for Hongjun ancestors, interrupting the quasi-speaking Taoist by the way, and enlightening the Taoist to enlighten the Tao.

Unexpectedly, it ushered in unexpected joy.

Is this a real reality report?

The others followed Qin Hao’s gaze and looked over.

Naturally, I found the difference here.

The crowd dispersed immediately.

Even the ancestor of Hongjun was far away from the quasi-promotion of the Taoist.

It can be said that the ancestor Hongjun was the first to discover something wrong.

The second is the Master of Tongtian, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

After all, these are all saints.

The perception of heaven is even more acute.

They also found out at the first moment.

The quasi-taught Taoist, in the process of misleading the Taoist, went so far as to get into trouble.

Obviously it is possible to step into the realm of a saint.

But it was because I was not determined, and I was affected.

Will come to the present situation.

Qin Hao immediately looked up at the clouds in the sky.

The more I look, the more I want to laugh.

The ancestor Hongyun asked Qin Hao somewhat unclearly.

“What is this laughing? This cloud seems a bit abnormal, it feels like…”

The ancestor Hongyun lowered his head in thought.

Shennong and Xingtian next to them were even more dazed, not to mention Xiao Haotian.

Qin Hao smiled turbulently.

“This is Jieyun!”

“Jie Yun!”

The voices of Qin Hao and Old Ancestor Hongyun sounded at the same time.

“Jie Yun? This quasi-speaking Daoist, what did the lead Daoist violate? There will be Jie Yun.”

Qin Hao shook his head: “Let’s leave here first, and talk to a safe place.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he took out his Chaos Sword.

Chaos Sword is very conscious, and automatically becomes bigger.

The ancestors of Hongyun, Shennong and Xingtian jumped on the Chaos Sword naturally.

Qin Hao also went up with Xiao Haotian.

Came to the top of the nearest mountain.

Many people have been listening here before.

They are all those who have not received the invitation from the ancestor of Hongjun.

At this time, watching Qin Hao and the others came over, they didn’t reject them, but gave up a vacant lot.

This is the master who asked Hongjun ancestors back.

With a few words, people will be able to mention the Taoist and lead the Taoist into the devil who wants to overcome the tribulation cloud.

Who dares to offend?

Qin Hao smiled and nodded in thanks, and put away the Chaos Sword.

Look at the Jieyun in the sky from afar.

In fact, when Qin Hao first came, there was a hint of doubt.

In this cultivation novel, whenever you ascend, you need to overcome the catastrophe.

In other words, whenever you break through a realm, you also have to overcome the catastrophe.

But in this predicament.

But there seems to be no such regulations, or potential rules.

It’s like eating and drinking water. If you want to improve, you will improve.

There is no hindrance.

As long as your realm is enough and your cultivation level is enough, no one can stop you.

In addition, Nuwa made people sanctified before.

Three lucid enlightenment and sanctification.

In this way, things that can shock the entire wilderness world and change the pattern of the wilderness.

Qin Hao didn’t even see the robbery cloud.

Therefore, Qin Hao thought that there would be no such thing.

Unexpectedly, he would meet him today.

And it happened to fall on his enemy.

This is simply God’s eye open.

Qin Hao seemed to understand why this was the case while gloating at the misfortune.

I’m afraid that before, I instructed Nuwa, the leader of Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun to become holy.

It’s not random.

It’s because I pinch a little bit until the time is actually ripe.

This leads them.

This can also be regarded as the permission of heaven, or it is the default.

That’s why I will get the reward of heaven.

Qin Hao guessed when he first came.

When the Three Religions were established in Sanqing.

Just make the three of them sanctified.

I am afraid that Sanqing will also be robbed of the cloud, and need to cross the tribulation to be able to break through.

And this opportunity, I am afraid there is a certain time limit.

Being within this range is not considered a violation of heaven.

Heaven will naturally not stop it.

We need to know why there will be crossing the catastrophe in the novels of later generations.

It’s because of going against the sky.

Rebelled the way of heaven.

That’s why God will punish them and stop them.

Now, Qin Hao’s environment is a great waste.

It is the time when God encourages creatures to develop themselves.

Naturally it will not prevent them from becoming alive.

Prevent the creatures from advancing.

Naturally, there will be no so-called crossing catastrophe.

As for the quasi-speaking Taoist, why did the leading Taoist attract Jieyun?

Qin Hao already had the answer in his mind at this time.

Said it was misled by his own words.

This is completely nonsense.

I’m afraid it’s okay to deceive laymen.

Like the ancestors of Hongjun, the Master of Tongtian Sanqing, they should already be aware of them.

The reason is also very simple.

Heaven is to let them develop.

But it didn’t let them develop in a blowout style.

Because of myself, there were four more saints all at once.

So there are already five saints in this great wilderness.

It can be said to be the maximum capacity allowed by Tiandao at this stage.

No matter how much, it will deprive other creatures of some opportunities or other things.

After all, humans have already appeared.

It always takes a period of stable development.

But how long has passed since Hongjun’s ancestor became holy?

You can know.

The appearance of a saint has an impact on the stability of the Heavenly Dao of the entire Great Wilderness.

It’s so natural, let’s get used to it.

As for the quasi-speaking Taoist, the receiving Taoist obviously did not understand this.

If you wait a while for him, he might be recognized by Heaven and be sanctified smoothly.

Qin Hao knew the time when the two of them became holy, there was still some distance from now.

But it is because the quasi-promotion of the Taoist is too anxious to receive the Taoist.

Now annoys the way of heaven.

Will have the current situation.

for example.

If you are a god.

The burden of work on you is heavy enough.

But there are still people who are not satisfied and give you more work.

Are you angry?

This is the same truth.

What a pity! It seems that the West is not just a lack of cultivation resources.

This ability to study heaven and figure out the mind of heaven is not good.

At this time, on the top of that mountain, Jieyun has become thicker and thicker.

And there is obvious electric light shuttles in it.

Qin Hao estimated that the Taoist should be mentioned, and if the Taoist can be successfully passed through this catastrophe.

Between this world, there should be two saints reappearing.

If the two of them fail to cross the robbery.

Will not die.

But this opportunity for sanctification, I don’t know that the year of the monkey can only be obtained.

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