Chapter 301

The sky at this time seems to be a little bit clear.

Not before, the dark clouds are so dense that people can’t see the sun.

Qin Hao knew in his heart.

This day the catastrophe should be almost done.

There should be the last tribulation left.

This is what everyone thinks.

What will happen if you enter after the robbery? Nobody knows.

But everyone dare not take it lightly.

After all, the weather can be regarded as a kind of enlightenment for them.

Going against the sky will surely bring down the punishment.

Now, the prospective Taoist within the top of the mountain will lead the Taoist.

Two people regret it now.

They didn’t expect that their breakthrough would actually lead to a catastrophe.

What does it mean?

This means that God does not want them to be holy now.

Maybe they don’t want them to be sanctified.

But they are now going against the sky.

There is a trace of sadness in the heart of the quasi-speaking Taoist, and a trace of puzzlement.

Why? Why is it that other people can, but the two of them can’t.

Before Sanqing and Nuwa seemed to have only come down, a gift from Heaven.

I haven’t heard of it, there is still a penalty.

The quasi-said Taoist is a little uneasy.

Is he destined to be unable to enter the realm of a saint?

Even the heavens are not allowed, don’t you approve?

Then how can they survive in the Western world?

How to fight with them in the middle-earth?

This simply leaves them no hope at all.

The leading Taoist immediately noticed that the status of the prospective Taoist seemed a little wrong.

Enduring the pain on his body, he slowly climbed to the side of the quasi-tide Taoist.

“Ahem, we have already faced two tribulations, you see, it’s basically gone, and there is one last cut left, do you have to give up? As long as this tribulation is passed, we still have a chance, if If you just give up like this, it will really be wiped out.”

The voice of the leading Taoist changed back to the sage of the prospective Taoist.

Looking up at Jieyun in the sky, a wry smile appeared on his face.

“It was I who killed you, and let you be with me…”

The quasi-speaker can’t go on.

There is still a trace of anger in his heart now.

Angry at Qin Hao.

The leading Taoist naturally found the expression on the face of the prospective Taoist.

Shaking his head and sighing.

Until now, the quasi-tutor has not let go.

No, see who this matter started from.

The leading Taoist couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Slowly said: “This can’t blame others, it’s that we have to force a breakthrough and feel the way of heaven. You should have felt it just now. When you hear that it is saturated now, you can’t support it at all. Let’s come to the two sages. Now we are also considered bad luck. .”

The quasi-professor will naturally feel it.

Before he was enlightened by the words of Hongjun’s ancestor.

Already enlightened.

In addition, Qin Hao’s further analysis later refined the explanation.

The gains for the quasi-speakers are very huge.

This is why he entered a state of epiphany at that time.

It is what the quasi-speaker never expected.

Heaven does not allow it.

The quasi-tiding Taoist naturally knew that if it weren’t for Qin Hao’s enlightenment, Nuwa and Sanqing were together.

Maybe he can enter the realm of this saint by mentioning the Taoist.

“You are confused, how can you blame others, don’t forget that we are here, this is because the Sanqing sanctified, Hongjun ancestor only preached.”

The Taoist Zhun said for a moment, only to realize that he didn’t know when he had spoken what was in his heart.

At this time, the Taoist Sui Yin was heartbroken and cursed at himself.

The quasi-speaker was a little unconvinced.

“So, this matter has nothing to do with Qin Hao?!”

At this time, the Taoist leader also calmed down, without the excitement he had before.

Slowly exhaled.

He shook his head with a wry smile.

“The two of us may have been calculated, Qin Hao’s calculation.”

The quasi-speaking Taoist looked blank.

His mouth opened wide in surprise.

I don’t understand what the Taoist said.

The leading Taoist suddenly raised his head and glanced upward.

This third robbery cloud is condensing.

Although the surrounding sky is much brighter than before.

But both he and Zhunti Dao knew that this last one was the saddest one.

“Through the robbery first, I’ll talk about the rest later.”

The quasi-tutor nodded, converging his mind.

I have to say that although the quasi-speaking Taoist is stubborn, his personality is not very good.

But there is a tacit understanding with the Taoist.

They trust each other very much, without the slightest suspicion.

So the two of them have now successfully passed through two tribulations together!

The last catastrophe.

It seems that I can’t have reservations, and I have to go all out.

People on the outside don’t know what’s going on inside.

Seeing that the heaven and earth robbery clouds are still there.

Naturally, I know that the two of them successfully passed the second catastrophe.

They all showed expressions of sigh.

Qin Hao felt that this was taken for granted.

After all, these two are the second sages of the West.

How could it stop at the small difficulties in front of me.

It seemed to confirm what Qin Hao was thinking.

A golden light burst out suddenly on the top of the mountain in the distance.

This light is different from the golden light above the tribulation.

The light on the tribulation, with a trace of judgment.

Yes, this golden light carries a sacred, Buddha light.

Yes, Qin Hao saw clearly, a feeling of Buddha’s light shining all over the place.

Revealed from afar.

With a trace of compassion, and a trace of compassion.

This is the floating light from the leading Taoist.

Qin Hao didn’t know why, but he had such determination in his heart.

That light, this is a few miles around, and then slowly shrinks.

It was like an open cloth, grabbing the four corners.

Wrap the middle part to form a barrier.

When this barrier was just formed.

It just so happened that at this time, the sky reached the third Heavenly Tribulation and it was smashed down.

It can be said that there is a good deal between the two.

The cooperation is full of tacit understanding.

Tianji naturally has no way to break through this barrier.

It slashed fiercely, and the golden light trembled endlessly.

The hearts of the people around also trembled fiercely.

When the clouds dispersed, the golden light was already very weak.

If it was a piece of cloth just now.

We are now like a tulle of smoke.

With a light touch, it will inevitably dissipate.

What a pity! The third weather has fallen.

The weather seemed unwilling.

When it was about to dissipate, there was still a trace of electric light, and it rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Directly pierced the golden silky mist.

This left without nostalgia.

The three heavenly tribulations were actually passed like this.

The people around were very surprised.

Qin Hao was also a little surprised.

However, Qin Hao was surprised to be different from the others.

Because, this day, the robbery left, it seems to be extraordinarily free and easy.

Without any nostalgia, just leave.

Just as when I came, quietly.


The quasi-speaking Taoist, the leading Taoist has obviously passed the catastrophe.

But didn’t let them break through the realm of Saints?

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