Chapter 298: Dilemma

This cannot be counted as a crime under the law.

In fact, Qin Hao could be said to have changed his concept by stealth.

The question just now is easy to answer but not easy to answer. In fact, no matter how you answer it, it is not the correct answer.

Put the world in your heart because of selfish desires.

Can such a person be a saint?

Of course not.

At the very least, the stage of ideological comprehension is not considered to be the level of a saint.

But everything that should be done was done.

Save when you need to save people, when you need selfless dedication, selfless dedication.

And he just wanted to like this feeling of control.

In other words, use this sense of control to achieve the manifestation of self-worth.

He has not done anything that is not good for other people.

It doesn’t seem to be perfect on a spiritual level.

Such people are everywhere in the current society.

It can be said to be a dedication personality with relatively strong ability.

Just like to help others to reflect self-worth.

Could it be said that such a person is a bad person?

not really.

Of course, he may not really help you, just to make a show and get your favor.

It will not do anything to hurt you.

You have also received tangible help.

Isn’t this kind of person a good person?

Is this kind of person really good?

Is it possible?

I help you now because it does not harm his interests.

If one day you must sacrifice, you can fulfill him.

So how will he choose?

Will anyone raise people’s suspicion and suspicion?

No one knows how to choose, even he himself may not know.

Is it because of this potential threat?

And deny all the good things that this whole person has done before?

In fact, this matter is simply unsolvable.

Say something irresponsible.

There is no need to discuss this matter at all.

Because it doesn’t make any sense to discuss him.

Only at the moment when things happen, can people know how things are going.

And what kind of standard, what status, and status do you use to define others?

All rights can go to define others?

Are you a saint, can you define other saints?

Isn’t that ridiculous?

But at this time, this scene is to preach.

It can only be said that the ancestor of Hongjun provided a very good platform.

Qin Hao stunned everyone.

Discuss this completely meaningless thing.

It also makes other people totally unable to refute it.

There is no way to define.

It can only be said that Qin Hao is becoming more and more treacherous.

However, Qin Hao has a clear conscience.

He didn’t expect this to happen.

Who would let this quasi-speaker not do human affairs?

I often kidnap a child in the middle of the night.

Moreover, the ancestor of Hongjun was clearly neutral.

I have to join in and intervene in the affairs between him and the quasi-speaking Taoist.

Use your status and identity to put pressure on yourself.

Unjust is doomed to destruction.

Even if you are a saint, you can’t escape this one.

It’s just that the time has not come.

In other words, the person who could hold you did not show up.

Unfortunately, his Qin Hao is the one who can take your master Hongjun ancestor.

There is no sound in the field for a long time now.

The ancestor Hongjun didn’t know how to explain it either.

Could it be said that this is not a saint?

But if you really say no, how does it feel a bit like scolding yourself?

The ancestor Hongjun suppressed this feeling.

I want to open my mouth and say yes.

But he couldn’t open his mouth.

Because no one with a brain can answer, yes.

It’s easy to make people wonder if this answer is yours.

So the ancestor Hongjun’s face is unpredictable at this time.

Of course he is hidden under the surrounding clouds.

What other people see is not real.

And no one dared to urge Hongjun ancestor.

They don’t even know how to answer this matter.

Therefore, the ancestor Hongjun is hesitating now, it is naturally reasonable.

But the ancestor Hongjun didn’t think so.

You must know that if you have been in a high position for a long time, you naturally have a kind of conceit.

In other words, it is a kind of idol baggage.

Others may think there is nothing.

But the ancestor of Hongjun was worried about the collapse of his personal design.

It was originally to promote their own existence and solicit forces.

But he was stumped by such a kid.

Isn’t this a naked face slap?

After that, what is the prestige of his ancestor Hongjun?

Sometimes this is the case.

It can only be said that the bystanders are clear.

If we say, the ancestor Hongjun preached this time.

The purpose behind it is not that much.

I am afraid that there will not be so much psychological burden at this time.

Don’t you just admit that you don’t know if it’s a big deal? We need to discuss it together.

After all, he is not a god.

It’s just a saint under heaven.

Is it necessary for him to thoroughly study all the laws of this world?

How can this be?

Besides, the individual has his own way.

Someone breaks into the road.

Some people take Purdue as the way.

In short, each has its own condition, and each has its own good fortune.

If the ancestor Hongjun could calm down at this time.

Naturally, I want to understand all of this.

But his heart has been confused now.

And just now.

I don’t know if it’s because of heaven.

Still another situation.

It’s always this heaven’s way to relieve Hongjun’s ancestors.

When people don’t know.

The clouds above their heads did not know when they turned dark black.

Layers upon the top of the mountain.

It seems that behind the darkness lies a huge monster.

It is about to tear through the clouds and fall to the ground.

This change quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

Even Qin Hao is no exception.

He raised his head, looking at the changes in the sky, thoughtfully.

In my heart, I was complaining.

The ancestor Hongjun deserves to be the first saint between heaven and earth.

Sure enough, he was still favored by heaven.

How else would such a wonder come down?

Divert people’s attention.

That’s it.

Qin Hao hadn’t thought about it before, but with just a few words, he pulled Hongjun’s ancestor off the altar.

Think about it, you know it’s a foolish dream.

However, such an event can be regarded as a hint that was buried in the heart of Hongjun’s ancestor.

His Qin Hao is not so easy to bully.

Before bullying, weigh your own weight.

Qin Hao knew that other people might not be able to see through this matter.

But as clever as Hongjun’s ancestor, how could he not know.

So Qin Hao didn’t worry at all.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and faintly, with a downward trend.

In the dark clouds.

I also vaguely saw a glimmer of electric light flickering.

It’s just not particularly clear.

Qin Hao intuitively felt that he should leave here.

So I took Xiao Haotian and walked to the ancestor Hongyun.

I just wanted to let them leave with me.

Suddenly it seemed that something was wrong.

Qin Hao turned around and took a look.

If not because there are too many people present.

The situation is not suitable.

Qin Hao really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

Even so.

An uncontrollable smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Gleeful smile.

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