Chapter 283

The quasi-speaking Taoist may have such an intuition naturally because of countless treasure visits.

It’s like learning a language.

I have read a lot, although I don’t know why I say it, it is a feeling that I am very comfortable saying it.

This is the sense of language.

The same is true for the quasi-speaker, and he has an instinct to tell him.

The Chaos Sword seems to have a huge amount of energy hidden in its body.

And the most important thing is to be full of spirituality and know how to constrain one’s own edge.

This is very rare in other magical implements.

At first glance, I know that it is not Fanpin.

The quasi-speaker is naturally very excited.

Even now knowing that he has no relationship with Chaos Sword.

Can’t help but love Chaos Sword.

The quasi-speaker is very worried that what he said just now will make Qin Hao angry.

But looking at Qin Hao’s face, the wind was calm and calm.

The Taoist Zhun mentioned also let go of his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Don’t think this is an exaggeration.

The quasi-speaker is one of the two sages in the West.

It was so humble in front of Qin Hao.

It can be said that Qin Hao mastered their fate.

“I accepted your apology. I didn’t take it to heart. Is there anything else? If not, today my frame was strained, netizens got together, and my body was a little tired, so I retire first.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he planned to leave with Xiao Haotian.

The quasi-speaker immediately blocked the way.

“In fact, there is one more thing, I don’t know whether to talk about it or not.”

Qin Hao murmured silently in his heart.

Now that you know, don’t talk about it.

Why should everyone who wants to express their opinions strongly ask this question?

Don’t talk about it when Qin Hao wants to go against the routine very much.

But the prospective Taoist guy is also very anti-routine.

Without giving Qin Hao a chance to refute, he directly spoke down.

“Believe that the Lord is so generous, you will definitely not mind. Then I will say it straight.”

The Taoist quasi-said spoke carefully while observing Qin Hao’s face.

“The two of us are here this time, one is to listen to the preaching of Hongjun’s ancestors, and the other is also to look for opportunities, those who want to enter, the realm of saints.”

A hint of surprise flashed across Qin Hao’s face.

You know, in this great wilderness, everyone wants to be sanctified.

If it weren’t for the good relationship between Master Tongtian and him, he had been reminded by himself before.

Master Tongtian probably won’t express his wish so clearly.

But Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun understood better.

Master Tongtian has paved the way for them.

The two Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun naturally no longer need to hide.

But others are different.

At the very least, Qin Hao didn’t see anyone else, and kept talking about sanctification all day long.

The quasi-speaker probably also knows that what he said is a bit fierce.

So he smiled wryly.

“Don’t be afraid of the jokes of the Holy Lord, our western world is too scarce of resources, unlike the middle-earth side, and now, the two of us are among us in the West, the most likely to enter the realm of saints, so we are naturally thirsty. ”

Qin Hao nodded in understanding, this is true.

However, they do not need to belittle themselves.

Entering the West again, the Buddha is a huge power structure.

There are a lot of people, it can be said to be overwhelming.

At this time, Qin Hao had a better understanding of the personality of the Taoist.

The shamelessness of this quasi-speaker is really not a boast.

In order to achieve his goal, he didn’t even mind leaking out his own embarrassment.

But this is also a way of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Win people’s sympathy and get your own benefits.

This trick is indeed high, worthy of being the originator of the thick black school.

The Taoist Zhun mentioned looked at the expression on Qin Hao’s face.

I don’t know how Qin Hao is thinking now, so he will continue to talk about it.

“After I was here, we knew that Nuwa, the sanctification of the Three Qings, was the merit of the Holy Lord. It really made us admire, and I was ashamed of my previous behavior.”

Qin Hao looked at the two in his spare time and didn’t make any comments.

I want to see what they are asking for.

Is it the same as what you think.

The Taoist quasi-tender gritted his teeth while looking at Qin Hao who was still silent.

Qin Hao was really hard to deal with with a deep hatred in his heart.

Even now, he hasn’t followed up, how can he continue.

The Taoist Taoist is worthy of a tacit understanding with him.

Seeing such a scene, it naturally ended up being stubborn.

As if unable to see the embarrassment at this time.

“The quasi-speaking Taoist and I are just like the Sanqing at that time. We have already left the Western religion, but we don’t know anything about the doctrine, or at all, I don’t know where to start. two.”

Qin Hao thought to himself, sure enough, the point was coming.

Qin Hao showed a distressed look.

“It’s true that it is not my own ability to instruct the Sanqing to become sacred. It is because I was influenced by the way of heaven. It was only an aid to promote it. It is really because of Sanqing’s own understanding and perception of the way of heaven.”

Qin Hao paused and continued.

“Qingxing himself has come to the approval of Heaven’s Dao, but also because their time has come, but for the two, I don’t know anything about them, and I haven’t received instructions from Heaven’s Dao. I’m afraid I can only say sorry here.”

The quasi-speaker’s face instantly became gloomy.

The Taoist Taoist’s expression was pretty good, but his face was full of disappointment, and he couldn’t hide it.

“But don’t be discouraged, the two of you. This time the ancestor Hongjun preached, maybe the two will have some understanding of the way of heaven. After all, ancestor Hongjun is, this is the world’s first saint.”

Qin Hao continued to speak while admiring the expressions of the two people.

“What the ancestor Hongjun said is naturally more valuable than me. I believe that with the qualifications of two people, we will be able to get the guidance of the ancestor Hongjun and be successfully sanctified.”

The quasi-tiding Taoist had already revealed anger in his eyes, and he almost pointed at Qin Hao and cursed.

However, Qin Hao wasn’t a fool either, and he blocked the quasi-speaker back with a single sentence.

“Of course, if I get instructions from Heaven and the two in the future, I will definitely tell them.”

Qin Hao made a look of assurance, and sincerely looked at the prospective Taoist and received the Taoist.

Up to now, even if it is a silly quasi-speaker.

I don’t know what else to say.

The leading Taoist bowed his head and saluted: “Thank you, the Lord, for telling me, we will not disturb the Lord.”

Qin Hao nodded naturally, turned around, and left with Xiao Haotian.

The quasi-speaking Taoist and the leading Taoist looked at the two masters and apprentices going down the mountain.

The quasi-speaker’s face was so gloomy that it was dripping with water.

“This Qin Hao was deliberate. Why did he get the instructions of Heaven? Who did he deceive? He has continuously ordered Sanqing without stopping at all. Now he uses such an excuse to push us.”

The leading Taoist was silent on one side, bowed his head in thought, and did not speak.

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