Chapter 284 Xiao Haotian’s Missing

“What else, I believe we will definitely get the enlightenment of Hongjun’s ancestor? Is this mocking us? It’s simply deceiving people too much. What else to say, I didn’t take it to heart before. This is obviously a public revenge.”

The leading Taoist raised his hand and patted the leading Taoist comfortably.

“Don’t be angry, Qin Hao just has the ability to enlighten the birth. You can’t accept this. Now we are asking him. It seems that we are still too rushed today and lack of sincerity. Let’s continue to work hard!”

The quasi-speaker is still a little bit indignant.

Staring closely at Qin Hao’s leaving back, a strange color flashed seriously.

But it was well covered up by the prospective Taoist.

Not even the person who was the closest to him was aware of it.

“Master! You did the right thing, but you shouldn’t tell them.”

Qin Hao smiled and patted Xiao Haotian’s head.

“The master didn’t lie just now. What he said was the truth. As for whether you believe it or not, it’s up to them.”

What Qin Hao said just now was the truth, not deliberately concealing it.

The second sage of the West really became holy after listening to the preaching of the ancestor Hongjun.

But at this time, it’s time for him to mention the Taoist’s own qualifications.

If it was before.

Qin Hao might still cut off this merit.

Just like before, instructing Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun to become holy.

But now, Qin Hao saw that the Taoist Zhunti turned out to be like this.

So Qin Hao, who plans to live his own life again, wants to live according to his own ideas.

Since I don’t like to mention Taoists, I naturally don’t bother to talk to him.

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian to the mountain village halfway up the mountain.

Because Qin Hao didn’t talk long with the Taoist Zhunti.

Fortune ancestors and Shennong did not rest.

Seeing Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian come back unharmed, they both let go of their hearts.

Qin Hao cleaned up briefly and went to sleep.

Sleep until midnight.

Qin Hao suddenly woke up and seemed to feel a little bit wrong.

Sit on the bed and froze for a while.

As if suddenly remembering something, he jumped out of the bed.

Came to Xiao Haotian’s room.

He didn’t knock on the door, and pushed in directly.

The room was quiet and dim.

When Qin Hao entered the door just now, he didn’t constrain his movements, so the sound of pushing the door was still quite loud.

But the room was still quiet.

Xiao Haotian couldn’t sleep, he slept so deadly.

Qin Hao walked quickly to the bed and opened the curtain on the bed.

Sure enough, the person on the bed disappeared, and the quilt was still just opened.

Qin Hao put his hand on the bed and found that there was still some temperature in the bed.

Xiao Haotian should have just been taken away.

Qin Hao immediately walked outside.

As soon as Qin Hao walked to the door, he saw Xiao Haotian, Shennong and Xingtian with tattoos.

Xing Tian stepped forward and asked worriedly.

“What’s wrong with you? What about Xiao Haotian?”

Qin Hao guessed that the expression on his face might not be very good.

Because of Xiao Haotian, Shennong passed him directly and walked inside.

Qin Hao said to Xing Tian: “People should have just left. Let’s find them separately. They should be nearby. Now it is when Hongjun ancestor is preaching, no one will take people away with such boldness.”

When Xiao Haotian came to the door again, Shennong nodded.

Qin Hao and Xing Tian went out together and started searching.

Qin Hao had just been lying on the bed, and suddenly felt a little movement, which came from Xiao Haotian next door.

That’s why he was suddenly awakened.

Qin Hao felt it for a while, and found that there was no sound.

Then I felt that something was wrong, so I came over to check it.

Qin Hao looked down among the villas while lowering his head to think.

As he said just now, now is the time for ancestor Hongjun to preach.

All the people who came were named in the Great Wilderness.

How could it be possible to do such an indiscriminate thing?

Moreover, Xiao Haotian has been by his side all the time, and most people don’t dare to offend him.

There is one more important thing, what is it for taking Xiao Haotian away?

Did you discover that Xiao Haotian has a special healing energy?

Thinking of this, Qin Hao felt a little panic in his heart.

Then he denied his thoughts, wrong!

Qin Hao was certain that Xiao Haotian had not leaked the rest of his healing energy along the way.

How could other people find out?

Then it might not be because of Xiao Haotian who took Xiao Haotian away.

Are you here for yourself?

Qin Hao immediately stopped where he was, and began to think about who he had offended.

Before, he was cautious and worked every step of the way.

Basically, what he knows and can help are all helped, so there are many others who are like others.

He didn’t offend anyone.

The only thing he might be uncomfortable with is the ancestor Hongjun.

This is still because of the relationship with Luo Hu.

But the ancestor Hongjun couldn’t be so stupid, kidnapping his apprentice Qin Hao and threatening him with Xiao Haotian.

This method seems to be a bit ridiculous.

It’s not like the way the ancestors of the Red Army did.

This means Qin Hao remembered.

If I have offended people recently, there really is one.

And based on that person’s character, such a thing is really nothing to him.

A quasi-should be a quasi-shoulder.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao turned his head and walked towards the outside to watch the night.

These things they just had, have disturbed the people around them.

After all, everyone is not an ordinary human being, how could it be possible to sleep so dead?

And some may not sleep at all.

At this time, some have already come out to watch the excitement.

Others seem to be indifferent, without any movement.

Of course, it also disturbed the Dao Tong who watched the night.

“Excuse me, what happened?”

The tall and thin Taoist boy before came to Qin Hao and asked.

“My apprentice was taken away. I ask you, where does the prospective person live?”

The lanky Taoist boy was taken aback for a moment.

There may be too much information, and I didn’t turn my mind at once.

Qin Hao could only repeat it again.

“Associately mention which room the Taoist lives in, take me there now.”

“Oh, yes, I will take you there.”

The lanky Taoist boy could only let go of the doubts in his heart and said subconsciously.

Then turned around and led Qin Hao towards the quasi-professional Taoist room.

The prospective person’s room is not in the same place with them, but across another courtyard.

Under Qin Hao’s constant urging.

The speed of two people is very fast.

Soon he came to the door of the quasi-teacher’s room.

Qin Hao opened the door and walked in without saying a word.

The door was not locked, it was easily opened by Qin Hao.

Qin Hao walked in and opened the bed to take a look.

Sure enough, there was no one, and the bed was as if no one had slept.

An anger surged in Qin Hao’s heart.

Qin Hao thought that Taoist people are highly respected.

So I didn’t care about them.

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