Chapter 282

Nu Wa will not say anything for now.

After all, she created a new race.

It is said that these Sanqing are the three apprentices of the ancestors of the Red Army.

The three apprentices stepped into the realm of saints one after another.

How could it have nothing to do with Hongjun’s ancestor?

Before he and the leading Taoist, he heard of the Sanqing preaching and stepped into the semi-sacred realm.

So I also tried, and founded the Western Church.

Unexpectedly, it really made them reach the semi-sacred realm.

It can be said that the situation of the Master Tongtian and their Sanqing is the same as before.

So thinking, maybe they can also take this opportunity.

With the guidance of the ancestor Hongjun, he was directly promoted to the realm of a saint.

But after I arrived, I found out that it turned out all this.

They all come from the same person, Qin Hao.

The most hateful thing is that the quasi-speaking Taoist did not expect that before Hongjun ancestor preached.

I blocked the most probable road myself.

The quasi-professor had just heard the news, and he didn’t believe it at all.

However, after seeing Qin Hao, the Taoist Taoist was absolutely sure based on other people’s descriptions.

Therefore, Qin Hao stood in a very leisurely state of mind.

Before the system prompt, Qin Hao had some distressed words.

So at this time, Qin Hao knew that he was in the most advantageous position.

The Chaos Sword, the quasi-speaker probably won’t worry about it anymore.

But this road to sanctification, the quasi-said Taoist probably won’t give up easily.

Although I had offended myself before, I might not care about how thick-skinned people are.

It is also possible to take this misunderstanding as an opportunity to get to know yourself.

After all, there is a saying that you don’t know each other if you don’t fight.

Qin Hao wanted to see, and the quasi-speaking Taoist wanted to behave back and forth.

The leader who was sitting on the side dragged the leader.

“Don’t be impulsive, this holy lord, but it’s different from the others.”

The quasi-said Taoist looked depressed.

“Although I know, but I just gave up like this, I am a little unwilling, you know, what kind of opportunity is this!”

The leading Taoist nodded with regret.

“I heard that this person is not stingy, but very generous, or let’s go up and talk for a while to see what Qin Hao’s attitude is.”

The quasi-speaker nodded.

It can only be like this at this stage.

Qin Hao, Shennong planned to go back to rest after the party.

The street is accompanied by a small road halfway up the mountain.

The preaching time of the ancestor Hongjun was one day later.

The invitation is plain and clear, but everyone is worried that it will appear disrespectful after the filming.

So I found it for a few days.

Some distances are too far.

Naturally, they will arrive one after another during this day.

Qin Hao was stopped just a few steps after he walked.

Qin Hao looked at the person next to the quasi-speaking Taoist.

This person is wearing a yellow robe.

The style is similar to the monk robe of later generations.

Of medium build, evenly fat and thin, it is very common to throw in the crowd.

If there is only one place, it is different.

That may be the face.

Qin Hao recalled what he had seen from the Internet before about the words used to describe the Taoist.

The look of suffering.

Qin Hao took a closer look and found that it was really like this.

However, Qin Hao knew that the Taoist who received the lead and the Taoist quasi-tide were very different.

The leading Taoist can be passed down to this day.

An Amitabha that was hailed by a monk.

His character is truly innate and compassionate.

So Qin Hao still has a good impression of him.

Xing Tian squeezed to the front.

Xing Tian was worried that the Daoist Zhunzhi brought people over to embarrass Qin Hao.

“You two are blocking our way, do you want to find fault?”

Qin Hao’s heart warmed slightly.

Qin Hao and Xing Tian, ​​the ancestor of Hongyun, met in peace.

Although getting along with each other more pleasantly.

But Qin Hao didn’t expect Xing Tian to be able to defend himself in this way.

The leading Taoist immediately took a step forward.

With a compassionate smile on his face, he explained.

“You guys have misunderstood, but there seems to be some misunderstanding between us and Holy Master Qin Hao before, so we came here to visit and want to express our apologies.”

Xing Tian didn’t know what to say at this time.

If it was said that it was a fight, Xing Tian would definitely go to the guy without saying a word.

Now these two people are here to apologize.

Of course Xing Tian couldn’t make decisions for Qin Hao for a while.

Xing Tian turned back hesitantly and looked at Qin Hao questioningly.

Qin Hao also wanted to know what they wanted to do with himself.

So turning to Shennong, Xing Tian and Hongyun ancestor said.

“You go first, let Dao Tong help me and Xiao Haotian arrange a room close to you, and I will arrive later.”

Xing Tian still didn’t want to leave, and was dragged away by Shennong.

The ancestors Shennong and Hongyun thought very well that the second sage of the West came here to apologize.

What’s more, this is the dojo that the ancestor Hongjun will talk about.

They will definitely not cause any trouble.

Besides, if there is something, Qin Hao can easily solve it.

Shennong, the ancestor of Hongyun will not stay and cause trouble.

Xiao Haotian was very happy and heard the master say that he should stay too.

It feels as if the master has recognized himself and treats himself as an adult.

Xiao Haotian was also very sensible, staying aside obediently, and didn’t make Qin Hao messy.

As for why Qin Hao left Xiao Haotian.

Of course it’s because of my apprentice, it’s safer to stay by my side.

Even in case something happened.

With Xiao Haotian, Qin Hao can be regarded as an extra layer of protection.

Qin Hao looked around and pointed to the side.

“Let’s go there. This is the only way down the mountain. It doesn’t seem appropriate to block here.”

It was indeed the case, just as they stood there for a while, they had already blocked two waves of people.

The quasi-speaking Taoist and the receiving Taoist naturally have no reason to refute.

The four of them just stood still.

The quasi-speaker immediately spoke.

“Before, it was me who was too careless. I didn’t know that it was the holy lord’s destiny weapon. Since this is the case, I just ask for it. It is really my sin. I hope the holy lord, don’t worry about it.”

Qin Hao didn’t expect that the Daoist would apologize as soon as he came up.

It’s always such a joy.

Qin Hao thought that the Daoist would be able to quibble.

Qin Hao nodded greatly.

“You two, don’t worry, I didn’t take it to heart. Since the Taoist Taoist thinks about my destiny, he has a good vision.”

The quasi-professor knows right away that there is nothing wrong with it.

The skin became thicker, and the courage naturally increased.

“I can tell at a glance whether it is a good thing that passes through my eyes. Your sword is really extraordinary, it is…”

The quasi-speaker stopped talking, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

It’s no wonder that the Daoist Quanti is like this, the Daoist Quanti really has a crush on the Chaos Sword.

Although the Taoist Zhun thinks that the appearance of Chaos Sword is simple and unpretentious, there is nothing special.

But faintly, I just felt the difference of Chaos Sword.

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