Chapter 281

Xing Tian raised his chin while speaking, and motioned Qin Hao to look behind him.

Qin Hao didn’t look back, because he knew who was behind.

In addition to the dog skin plaster, the quasi-tutor, can there be others?

“Don’t look at him, don’t be stared at by him, now his goal is to transfer to you if I’m not sure.”

Shennong looked surprised, but still controlled himself, not forgetting to look in that direction.

A trace of anger flashed across Xing Tian’s face.

“What is the origin of this man? How could he be so arrogant?”

Old Ancestor Hongyun tightened his brows and asked worriedly: “Do you need help? Do I need to help you fix it?”

Qin Hao smiled and shook his head.

“Thank you, I know in my heart that I can solve it by myself.”

At this moment, Xiao Haotian turned his head and glanced at the quasi-speaking Taoist.

Muttered angrily: “Master, why is this person so annoying! He wants something from someone, but he still catches up with him. How can he be like this?”

Xiao Haotian attracted the attention of others.

Xing Tian asked directly: “What’s the situation? Xiao Haotian tell me what happened on earth? You guys don’t know how to say it, I’m scratching my heart when I hear it.”

Xiao Haotian looked up at Qin Hao inquiringly.

Qin Hao nodded slightly, and Xiao Haotian described the entire process when the two people met the quasi-teacher.

Qin Hao listened to Xiao Haotian’s description, and a system prompt sounded in his ear.


“Shock from the prospective Taoist!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”


“Shock from the prospective Taoist!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao guessed that the Taoist Quasi-Tee already knew his identity, so he was so shocked now.

Qin Hao’s face was light and light, as if he hadn’t heard anything.

Xiao Haotian didn’t add any oil and vinegar, but just described the facts.

But I have to say that this child’s language skills are really good.

Even if it is only describing the facts, other people will be filled with indignation.

The ancestor Hongyun kept frowning, and suddenly realized at this moment.

“I remember, my friend seemed to have met him before.”

Xing Tian immediately asked: “What happened after the end?”

Ancestor Hongyun seemed to have a hint of anger on his face: “This man really has a thick skin. He helped my friend to disturb the tormented house and made many jokes. At the end of the day, there was no way, so I gave it to him.”

You must know the entire wilderness.

The ancestor Hongyun’s reputation as a good man is so famous that no one knows it.

Of course, good people are more than just kind-hearted people.

Good temper is also very important.

The ancestor Hongyun is just like that, able to make such a good-tempered ancestor Hongyun make such an evaluation.

The others began to weigh in their hearts.

Then the others looked at Qin Hao worriedly.

Qin Hao picked up the wine glass, took another sip of the wine, and raised a faint smile.

“I’m worried about you, but don’t forget. I have multiple jobs, and I can teach people to be sanctified. I will not offend me easily.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

Finally, he turned around and glanced provocatively at the quasi-speaking Taoist.

The quasi-speaker was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

He had just found the Taoist Receptor and told the Taoist that he had encountered a sword.

Unexpectedly, when the Taoist received his description, his face changed.

Before the two separated, it was to inquire about the news.

Afterwards, the Taoist Receptionist will inquire about Qin Hao’s identity and the things he has done.

I told the prospective person in detail.

Therefore, at this time, the quasi-said Taoist knew that this might be the only time he had a bad experience.

The cheeky quasi-speaker is not his true character.

It’s just that the resources for Western cultivation are too scarce.

Seeing the cultivation conditions in the Central Plains, Daoists are naturally jealous.

The quasi-professor wants to search for some treasures, so he searches for some.

Take it back to practice for the Western believers.

Of course, the idea is good, but for the monks in Middle-earth, this is disgusting.

The quasi-speaker was not quite able to let go at the beginning.

But it will brainwash itself.

Let him quasi suggest that the person himself feels that there is nothing wrong with this thing he did, it is for great love.

Although I have confidence in my heart.

Later, the more quasi-professional Taoists were mentioned, the more they became accustomed.

The reputation of the quasi-speaking Taoist naturally spread.

Later, whenever he fancy something.

And tell the origin of your name, most of them will satisfy the prospective person.

Of course, there are also cases of resistance.

It’s just that in the end, the quasi-tutors will torture people very haggardly, and in desperation they compromised.

I have to say that the quasi-speaker is still very cautious in handling things.

Don’t look at him arrogantly and arrogantly.

However, the things that generally quasi-speakers are interested in are not particularly valuable.

At best, it can be considered top grade.

It is not too distressing to give such a thing.

On the contrary, it can solve the big trouble of the prospective Taoist.

Everyone will treat it as a peace of mind and spend money to eliminate disasters.

Now, Taoist Zhunti met Qin Hao.

I also thought that like countless times before, I would be able to achieve my wish easily.

Never expected that this time I would even hit the iron plate.

I can only say that I often walk by the river, where I don’t get wet shoes.

For Qin Hao, the quasi-tiding Taoist is also accustomed to other monks in the middle.

Not to mention that the Chaos Sword itself is an innate spirit treasure.

There are not many of these things in all.

Qin Hao deliberately let him reduce his brilliance.

Let the quasi-speaker misunderstand.

Naturally, Qin Hao couldn’t give it to him.

And now the prospective Taoist who knew Qin Hao’s identity was very aggrieved.

The Taoist Zhunti did not expect that Qin Hao, who was casually seen on the road, would have such an identity.

Not to mention the elder of Master Qin Hao Tongtian, the holy master of the Wu clan, and the owner of Penglai Island.

This is only a nearby thing.

And the real reason for the quasi-tutor to let go of the entanglement.

Because several major events happened recently, they were all related to Qin Hao.

Enlighten Nuwa to create human beings and become holy!

Enlighten Sanqing to become a holy!

The rectification of the three holy places!

There are also the appearance of six reincarnations and the perfection of the laws of the Netherworld!

This happened recently one by one.

The event that shocked the entire prehistoric world.

There is even Qin Hao’s shadow in it! !

How can a quasi-speaker not be surprised or shocked?

And now, to lead Taoist and himself.

Hearing the news of the preaching of the ancestor Hongjun, he came immediately.

That’s right, just to see if there is a chance to make them break through the semi-sacred realm.

Before coming, the quasi-tiding Daoist had discussed and analyzed with the receiving Daoist.

The birth of these four saints is likely to be related to the ancestor Hongjun.

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