Chapter 278

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian to browse the surrounding scenery.

Not to mention, the layout here is very thoughtful.

And there are many places to play.

For example, there is a big tree in front of me, and there are some swings hanging under the tree.

Xiao Haotian cheered and ran over, swinging on it.

Qin Hao slowly walked under the tree.

There are many more such careful thoughts.

Qin Hao felt that the owner of this villa should be a wonderful person.

It also became more and more certain that the ancestor Hongjun used this place to preach.

Just when Qin Hao was thinking.

A Taoist appeared beside him.

The Taoist face turned yellow and his body was thin.

The Taoist robe, which was not very generous, looked like it didn’t fit him well.

Just borrow someone else’s.

There is some surplus on the left and right dimensions.

The man held a branch in his hand.

I don’t know where it was taken from.

While swaying, he came to Qin Hao’s side.

The smile on his face.

“This fellow Taoist, poor Dao is polite, this is the child under your seat? It looks really innocent and innocent.”

This Taoist refers to still swinging under the tree.

Xiao Haotian chuckled constantly.

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows and took a step back.

I don’t know why, this Taoist doesn’t seem to feel very comfortable to him.

It seems to be calculating something.

“My apprentice.”

Qin Hao said coldly.

“It turns out to be an orderer, no wonder it is so, talented and intelligent, Daoists are really blessed.”

Qin Hao nodded naturally.


The Taoist choked.

It seemed that Qin Hao would answer like this.

But it might also be obvious that Qin Hao didn’t want to talk to him.

Generally, those who are lost should turn around and leave when they get here.

Or to be more sleek, find a step and give yourself an excuse to leave.

But this Taoist didn’t seem to have any intention to leave.

Qin Hao frowned slightly.

“When fellow Taoists came here, did they also come to participate in the preaching of ancestor Hongjun?”

Qin Hao nodded.

“It’s really a coincidence, and so am I. Otherwise, let’s go with each other, and we can count on each other.”

Qin Hao took a step back again and coldly refused.

“No, I have someone I know.”

The Taoist’s eyes lit up and immediately said happily.

“Really? Great, poor Dao comes from an unfamiliar place in life, I don’t know if Dao friends can recommend one or two.”

Qin Hao turned his head at this time and looked up and down the Taoist in front of him seriously.

This is coming towards oneself clearly.

What is the advantage of standing here?

Otherwise, Qin Hao’s attitude was so indifferent, without any irritation being refuted.

Either it is certainly not small what the Taoist figured.

Or just say that this Taoist has a really good temper.

Which of these two is taken out is not a good thing.

Qin Hao refused naturally.

“Sorry, I don’t want to make any friends, and I can’t help you introduce one or two. You should find someone else.”

After speaking, Qin Hao didn’t pay attention to that reason anymore.

Sit on the swing.

It has been discovered that Xiao Haotian, who seems to be unusual here and stopped, beckoned.

Xiao Haotian seemed to have been ordered.

Pidian Pidian ran over.

Holds the hem of Qin Hao’s clothes tightly.

His eyes stared at the Taoist warily.

“Master, let’s leave here, I won’t play anymore.”

Qin Hao smiled and touched Xiao Haotian’s head, then turned and left.

“Friends of Daoists, don’t go, I have no malice, I just want to make friends.”

Qin Hao frowned when he heard the shouts behind him.

What’s going on recently?

Why do I always meet such a stubborn person?

That little girl before is like this.

The Taoist today is still like this.

What kind of shit luck though?

The shouts behind Qin Hao continued.

Qin Hao had no choice but to stop and turn around.

Looking at the exaggerated Taoist who rushed over with breathlessness.

Qin Hao took two steps back impatiently again.

“It’s okay to make friends, but I never make friends with people who have no names or surnames.”

Qin Hao looked at the Taoist opposite and said.

The Taoist was taken aback first, then suddenly realized.

He smiled and said: “It’s my fault for the poor way. When I saw this fairy posture, I was excited and forgot to report my name first.”

The Taoist rectified his messy clothes.

“Pan Dao, my name is Zhun Ti, I am a idle Daoist. I don’t know, what is the name of Dao Fellow?”

Quasi mention? Why is this name so familiar?

Wait, is this quasi-speaker the one he thinks?

Qin Hao couldn’t help but looked up and down at the prospective Taoist.

It seems that the more I look at it, the more it looks like, and there is a hint of surprise in my heart.

Unexpectedly, I would meet a quasi-speaker here.

If you are quasi-professional, most people may not think of it.

This person is called Zhunti Dao Ren.

He is the Western leader and one of the two sages of the West.

The second sage of the West, the other is to lead Taoists.

As far as these two people are concerned, they are really very famous.

Let’s talk about this lead Taoist first.

As we all know, the West is the land of the Buddha.

Most monks in the West, when they are away from home, most of them chant a dharma sign every time they say a word.


And this quasi-speaking Taoist is Amitabha! !

It is conceivable.

One of the two holy sages with the same fame as Amitabha Buddha, what status is the quasi-mentor.

But at this time, these two people didn’t seem to have entered the realm of saints.

It should be only a semi-sacred realm now.

It is not difficult to understand why the quasi-speaking Taoist appears here.

It is estimated that after receiving a letter, there are four consecutive sanctifications here.

And three of them are all apprentices of Hongjun’s ancestor.

Today, the ancestor of Hongjun preached.

This Western Second Holy Body is a semi-holy realm, and surely you will not miss a rare opportunity.

Now come back to this quasi-speaker.

This everyone is also very familiar.

It’s just that he is familiar with another name.

It was a coincidence that Qin Hao knew that the Daoist would still be mentioned through a movie.

Xingye’s movie.

That’s right! Another name of the quasi-ti Taoist is Bodhi Patriarch!

At that time, Qin Hao felt very interesting about the appearance of this Bodhi ancestor.

I went to check it online.

Unexpectedly, the profile of Bodhi ancestors on the Internet is similar to the characters in the movie.

As one of the two holy ancestors of the West, Bodhi Patriarch.

It can be said that he is famous for being cheeky in the predicament.

This guy’s character is unscrupulous, unscrupulous to get things from others.

It can be said to be the originator of thick black studies.

As long as anyone has something in their hands, they should definitely mention something that the Taoist can appreciate.

Swindling and kidnapping, anyway, you can think of unexpected methods.

It can be used by anyone who wants to mention it.

It can be said to take advantage of small gains to the fullest and make people chill.

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