Chapter 277

Moreover, Qin Hao can be sure.

Heaven also does not allow Hongjun ancestor to embarrass himself blatantly.

Qin Hao actually thought about it before coming.

The ancestor Hongjun opened the altar preaching, on the one hand, it may be to win over the forces.

But at this stage of his, even if he didn’t deliberately win over.

The forces that want to rely on can be said to be continuous.

His three apprentices have all entered the realm of saints.

It is impossible for the ancestor Hongjun not to panic.

But more probably I want to study the current strength of these three apprentices.

In fact, Qin Hao still has a narcissistic thought in his mind.

That is the opening sermon this time, I am afraid it is also to attract myself to come.

See what this man who can help his three apprentices become holy, what it is like.

Although it is narcissism, think about it from another angle.

If Qin Hao is the ancestor of Hongjun.

He will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and will investigate the origin and strength of this person.

See if you can use it for yourself.

If you can use it, you can win, but if you can’t use it for yourself, you can suppress it.

Qin Hao thought as he walked, and soon came to the middle of the mountain.

That is to go to the place where the same said, let them rest.

Here, a lot of houses have been built, built on the hillside.

Looking at it from a distance, it has a special flavor.

It looks like a small village with everything available.

Dao Tong led the three of them to the door of the village.

There are also at the door. It is more appropriate for other Taoist children to guard, or to provide consultation.

The Dao Tong who led Qin Hao stepped forward.

Say hello to one of the lanky Taoist boys at the door.

“Brother! This is the little fairy that Queen Mother Xi has been looking for, and these two are the sage masters of the witch race who escorted her. And his apprentices, the three will be handed over to you, I will go back first.”

A hint of joy flashed across the face of the lanky Taoist boy.

Nodded: “Okay, leave it to me here. Go ahead.”

After speaking, the Taoist boy who led the way said goodbye and left.

The lanky Taoist boy took them and walked towards the village.

It is a village rather than a villa.

There are stacked houses in the villa, neatly arranged.

Moreover, the scenery is different from one yard to another.

They do not affect each other, but they can be connected.

It can be said to be clever and ingenious.

When the collection was high, Dao Tong took them to the door of one of the yards.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, they announced loudly.

After not returning, the door of the courtyard opened for a while and came out, a female fairy wearing light gauze.

Some have a sad face, or even a little haggard.

This can be said to be very rare.

After all, at their stage, they can still be artificially haggard.

It’s not easy anymore.

When the fairy heard the same words, she was taken aback for a moment.

Then first slowly turned to Konishi.

When the fairy saw Xiaoxi, it seemed that she couldn’t believe it.

In the end, it was the great joy that was lost and recovered.

The excited eyes turned red, almost crying.

The fairy choked: “West…”

“It’s me, I’m Xiaoxi, sister Yanxia.”

Xiaoya’s head was like a cannonball, making a chuckle.

He rushed up the steps and plunged into the arms of the fairy.

The last two exchanged greetings several times.

The fairy gradually calmed down and asked Xiaoxi how she came back.

Xiao Xi turned around and pointed at Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian who were standing aside.

Introduce two people.

The female fairy came to the front gratefully and saluted Qin Hao.

“Thank you for the Lord’s rescue. We, Yaochi, will definitely remember the great kindness of the Lord.”

Qin Hao waved his hand indifferently.

It seems that this little girl is really a little fairy from Yaochi.

But her identity should be a little more noble than what she said.

Otherwise, Yao Chi would not look for her like this.

Especially at this time when Hongjun ancestor lectured.

In the end, a dilemma flashed across the female fairy’s face.

“I also ask the Lord to forgive us. We should take the Lord to see our Queen Mother West and thank the Lord.”

If Qin Hao wanted to be surprised, Feng Danyun lightly continued to listen.

“It’s just that Xiaoxi’s sudden disappearance, our Queen Mother Xi is anxious. Now she is a little unwell and has taken a break, but the Lord can rest assured, I will tell Queen Mother West of the grace of the Lord.”

Qin Hao thoughtfully said: “It’s okay, it’s just a matter of effort. Now that the person has been delivered, I am sure that you are going to find someone. I am relieved. As for thank you or anything, you don’t need to be too polite, then I will first Goodbye.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking.

After taking a deep look, the little girl, then turned and left.

Xiao Haotian walked in front of the little girl.

“I’ve arrived home, don’t run around anymore. There are not many good people like my master outside, so I’m leaving.”

After Xiao Haotian finished speaking, the film jumped and left behind Qin Hao.

It just stopped from time to time and looked back a few times.

Qin Hao stopped and followed Xiao Haotian’s line of sight.

“What’s wrong, reluctant?”

Xiao Haotian pouted and turned around.

He raised his head and glanced at Qin Hao with a helpless expression.

“Master, you are thinking about it again, I just think we seem to be at a loss.”

Xiao Haotian ignored Qin Hao’s reaction and continued to speak downward.

“Said that girl who is chattering, we can’t be noisy, eat ours, play with ours, especially the fun things that the master prepared for me, all of which were played by her, and then she sent her away easily. ”

When Xiao Haotian said this, the expression on his face became more serious.

“Master, do you think we should, and ask her to thank her, otherwise, wouldn’t it be too bad?”

After Xiao Haotian finished speaking, he raised his head.

Looking at Qin Hao pitifully.

Qin Hao was suddenly amused by his little apprentice.

It turned out that the future Jade Emperor’s eyes were so small.

But it is also in line with his future personality.

Qin Hao stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of Xiao Haotian’s head vigorously.

“Let’s go, don’t worry about it. If you want to thank us, you will naturally thank you. When you turn back to the master, I will find more fun for you. Don’t worry, no little girl will snatch you this time.”

The expression on Xiao Haotian’s face instantly turned cloudy.

Jumping in front happily.

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian for a stroll in this villa.

Most of them are female customers.

The tall and thin Taoist boy who had left just now appeared again.

“If Lord Lord needs a rest, I can prepare a room for you.”

Qin Hao lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Haotian, who was quite interested.

He smiled and shook his head: “We just wander around and need to call you again.”

The lanky Taoist nodded, then left and returned to the door.

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