Chapter 279

Qin Hao didn’t expect that he would provoke this ancestor.

Don’t look at the mention of the person who seems to have a good temper on the surface.

But don’t forget, this quasi-speaker cuts the black.

Qin Hao suppressed the surprise in his heart.

“My name is Qin Hao. I’m just a casual cultivator. It’s not worth mentioning. If it’s okay, I still have important things, so I will leave first.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he nodded.

Turn around and leave.

After the Taoist Zhunti watched Qin Hao exchange names with himself.

She even avoided herself.

The quasi-speaker knew in his heart that the other party should have recognized himself.

The quasi-speaker is also murmured in his heart.

His reputation is not very good, but it is only in the West.

It did not reach the Central Plains.

How did Qin Hao know?

There is only one reason.

Qin Hao has a relatively wide network, others have told him.

The quasi-speaker squinted his eyes, and such a person can’t let it go.

Maybe I can still use Qin Hao’s contacts in the future.

Thinking of this, the quasi-professional Taoist quickly followed.

“Friend Daoist Qin, don’t panic, I have told the truth.”

The quasi-tiding Taoist felt that he was concealing his purpose again, and I am afraid that he would offend him cruelly.

It will be troublesome to go back and recover.

It’s not as fair as this.

Maybe you can get back some favorability.

Qin Hao really stopped, turning his head helplessly.

“Go ahead, what’s the matter?”

Qin Hao didn’t want to entangle too much with the Taoist Zhunti.

According to Qin Hao, he thought about it.

There doesn’t seem to be anything on the Western Two Saints, earth-shattering things have happened.

It’s all trivial things.

And more of it happened in the West.

Can’t help Qin Hao with the system tasks.

Therefore, the interest of the referees is not high, and they don’t want to have too many intersections.

And for the originator of thick black studies.

Qin Hao was self-aware.

Let him deal with the Lord Tongtian, this is fine.

Like the Taoist Zhun, you don’t know what he will do in the next second.

Qin Hao couldn’t fight it at all.

Since I can’t provoke me, can I hide?

This was what Qin Hao had in mind.

Thinking of dealing with the past as soon as possible, staying far away from this prospective Taoist.

“Friend Daoist Qin, when I first came, I saw Fellow Daoist Qin stepping down from a long sword.”

Qin Hao nodded.

“I want to take a look at the sword of a fellow Daoist. I like it very much. I don’t know if it’s not abrupt.”

Qin Hao snorted in his heart.

It is worthy of countless appreciative treasures, and the famous robber quasi-speaker.

This vision is also absolutely absent.

Before Qin Hao came, he had actually concealed his edge in Chaos.

So in appearance, Chaos Sword just looked slightly better than his other swords.

And came to the top of the mountain, when it landed.

Qin Hao even allowed Chaos Sword to completely reduce its edge.

Qin Hao didn’t expect that even so, he would be able to enter the eyes of the quasi Taoist.

A trace of anger flashed across Qin Hao’s face.

“My long sword, although simple and unpretentious, is not a reason for your humiliation.”

Qin Hao had no choice but to think of such a clumsy excuse.

The quasi-speaking Taoist immediately shook his head: “Friend Daoist Qin, I misunderstood. I don’t dislike your sword, but like it very much.”

If the quasi-said Daoist was afraid that Qin Hao would not believe in the general, he continued.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t want to hide it from Fellow Qin. When I saw the sword, I felt that I was in a relationship with me, and I liked it very much. Since Fellow Qin felt that the sword was simple and unpretentious, I don’t know if I can cut love.”

Qin Hao didn’t expect that he was being targeted because of the Chaos Sword.

Qin Hao scolded Chaos Sword in his heart as a dog-blood spray.

Although Chaos Sword was scolded, but he laughed, not proud of it.

Chaos Sword felt that it didn’t matter how low-key he was.

The strength is here, and there will always be people with insight and knowledge.

Isn’t this here?

Qin Hao had a headache, so he couldn’t help raising his hand and squeezing the bridge of his nose.

Speaking to the quasi-speaker in a sincere tone.

“I am afraid that I will disappoint the Daoist Zhunti. Now I have practiced this sword into a magic weapon of my life. I cannot give it away. I am afraid that the fate between Daoist Zhunti and my long sword will end here. NS.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he bowed his hands in a salute.

The angel cast a wink at Xiaohao, then turned and left.

Xiao Haotian cleverly followed closely behind.

Qin Hao’s words can be said to be very rude.

But it is also a fact.

Although the prospective Taoist is unwilling, there is no way.

I can be invited by the ancestor of Hongjun to listen to his sermon.

It will definitely not be the idle generation.

It is very difficult to kill and overtake.

And that sword looks extraordinary.

That has become a magic weapon of life, if the owner is killed.

The power of this magic weapon will naturally be lost.

Maybe this magic weapon will be abolished, and it doesn’t make much sense.

Thinking of this, a gloomy color flashed across the Daoist’s face.

Staring at the back of Qin Hao who had left for a long time.

The quasi-speaker was still unwilling once in his heart.

This is the first time I have been rejected and deflated.

When did I get what I wanted before?

The quasi-speaker began to mutter in his heart.

In fact, what you can’t get can be destroyed.

It’s just that this is not a good time.

This person does not seem to be easy to provoke, and it seems that a long-term plan is needed.

Thinking of the quasi-teacher here, he looked up at the sun in the sky.

“Oh, I forgot the time.”

Together they ran behind them in a hurry.

The quasi-speaker ran, annoyed in his heart.

I didn’t get things and wasted time.

Think of a way to soothe the leading Taoist in a while.

Qin Hao walked for a long time, and found that the Taoist Zhunti behind him had not chased him.

This was a slight relief and slowed down.

“Master, why are you afraid of the prospective Taoist? This is the first time I have seen you like this.”

“The master is not afraid, but just hates trouble. As soon as I see this quasi-speaker, it is not easy to solve, and he will wear it endlessly, and it is easy to mess with you when it is critical. Such a person will encounter you in the future. good.”

Xiao Haotian thought about it for a moment.

The dialogue between Qin Hao and Zhunti Taoist also had expressions and movements.

If he realized something, he nodded.

“I see, Master, I remember, why are you going now?”

“Go back to the top of the mountain, and see if the ancestor Hongyun found Shennong, Xingtian and the others, it’s been a long time, your master, I don’t have much wine.”

Afterwards, Qin Hao left the matter of Zhunzi Daoist behind.

Leaving with Xiao Haotian who jumped in total.

Qin Hao soon discovered the ancestors of Hongyun and Shennong Xingtian.

Several people got together again.

I found a quiet place and sat down to greet.

As soon as she sat down, Shennong took out a few bottles of wine.

Then he took out a few small bottles and placed them separately in front of Xiao Haotian.

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