Chapter 276: Arrival Location

Old Ancestor Hongyun secretly asked Qin Hao about Xiaoxi’s identity.

Qin Hao talked about the whole process of being dependent.

Old Ancestor Hongyun said jokingly.

“I thought it was you, and I will find a young wife for your little apprentice.”

Qin Hao almost didn’t spray out the wine in his mouth.

After coughing a few times, he gave a thumbs up to the ancestor Hongyun.

Can’t help feeling that it’s not just my own brains.

There are also many talents in this predicament.

Xiao Haotian seemed happier with someone familiar with him on the road.

Perhaps because there are more people supporting Xiao Haotian, it is even harder to separate Xiaoxi Dou.

This can be regarded as a flavoring agent along the way.

As the audience, Qin Hao and the ancestor of Hongyun watched them with gusto.

Qin Hao thought he could still meet Shennong and the others.

But I heard the ancestor Hongyun said, Shennong, Xingtian, they seem to have arrived.

Qin Hao speeded up his journey.

Soon he arrived at the place where ancestor Hongjun preached.

Qin Hao had never been to this place before, nor had he heard of it.

But they are all within the jurisdiction of Hongjun ancestors.

It looks like just picking a mountain randomly.

This mountain is so tall that it is tall and handsome.

Looking from a distance, you can feel the rich spiritual power floating around.

Now that it is very close to the location.

The surroundings are still rushing over one after another.

Qin Hao would naturally not be so arrogant and cause unnecessary trouble.

Knocked the Chaos Sword under his body with his hand lightly.

“Be smaller and lower-key.”

Qin Hao whispered softly in his mouth, except for the Chaos Sword that communicated with Qin Hao.

The Hongyun ancestor closest to Qin Hao didn’t hear clearly.

The speed of Chaos Sword slowly dropped.

When everyone was unaware, he slowly contracted his body.

At the same time, the light on the body was reduced.

The Chaos Sword at this time seemed to be just an ordinary long sword.

It looks very valuable and full of aura.

But such long swords can be seen everywhere in the wild.

It will not cause other people to covet and value it.

Qin Hao was very satisfied, and secretly praised the Chaos Sword in his heart.

Qin Hao controlled the Chaos Sword to land on the top of the mountain.

This mountain, at the top of the mountain, seemed to have been cut off.

A flat cross-section was exposed.

Many people have been stuck on it now.

It seemed that they were all here to participate in the preaching of Hongjun’s ancestor.

Qin Hao stood on the ground, and then received the Chaos Sword into his body.

Two boys dressed like Taoists stepped forward.

“Welcome to the preaching of ancestor Hongjun, and please show me your invitation.”

Qin Hao took out the invitation from his arms and handed it over.

The ancestor of Hongyun is the same.

Qin Hao pointed his finger at Xiao Haotian: “This is my apprentice. I brought it out to meet the world. There shouldn’t be any separate invitations.”

One of the two Taoists immediately smiled and said.

“Of course not, the Holy Lord is worrying too much.”

Qin Hao nodded, then pointed to the Xiaoxi next to him.

“This is the little girl I picked up halfway. She said she is the little fairy under the seat of Queen Mother of the West. I don’t know if you know about it.”

The Dao Tong was taken aback for a moment, and then his face flashed with great joy.

Hurriedly said excitedly: “Great. I didn’t expect to be saved by the Holy Master. It is true. Queen Mother West said as soon as she came. At this time, she is asking about this everywhere. I will take her over with the Holy Master?”

Qin Hao turned his head and cast a glance at Xiao Xi.

A trace of panic flashed across Xiaoxi’s face, and finally calmed down again.

Qin Hao thought to himself, but he didn’t expect this to happen.

It’s just that this little girl of unknown origin is really under the seat of Queen Mother of the West.

I’ll know in a while.

Qin Hao tilted his head and turned his body on his side, making a look towards the front.

“Let’s go! You can see people you know soon.”

Xiaoxi walked forward obediently, following Daotong’s back.

The ancestor Hongyun met an old acquaintance at this time.

So I greeted Qin Hao and didn’t follow, but left the greeting.

Together with Xiao Haotian, Qin Hao escorted Xiao Xi to follow Dao Tong towards the front.

Qin Hao observed back and forth as he walked.

It can be clearly discovered that this is indeed the place Hongjun’s ancestor wanted to talk about.

The surrounding area has obviously been repaired, but some of the original scenery is still preserved.

The overall feeling is majestic.

And without losing the wild interest, it can be considered a rare intention.

But it is obvious that this is not a place for them to rest.

In other words, during the thanking stage, it can only be said to be used for reception.

As for the resting place, it may be halfway up the mountain.

At this point, Dao Tong actually took them down a trail on the side of the mountain.

Xiao Haotian was very interested, not knowing it was because of the new environment.

Or is it because the little girl can be sent away soon?

Anyway, he bounced all the way, chatting with Dao Tong from time to time.

“There must be a lot of people here. How do you think that there are only a few people. On the way I came, I found that many people were rushing here. Didn’t they come?”

The Dao Tong introduced softly as he walked.

“Yes, because there are a lot of people here, some of them didn’t have invitations. The ancestor Hongjun couldn’t bear to let them go back, so he opened up another dojo, but not in this mountain.”

They all spoke at the same time, and stretched out their hands, pointing to the distant mountain.

It was also at this time that Qin Hao discovered that there were a lot of voices on the surrounding mountains.

That’s how it is, here should be the people who have invited invitations from the main peak.

The others are those from An Duo who came randomly.

Qin Hao sneered in his heart.

This ancestor of Hongjun really did everything.

No one can be offended by showing a faction of commonwealth.

After all, before he is sure that he can win the big power, these small ones are probably his potential targets.

It’s really a good calculation.

However, Qin Hao didn’t want to make trouble here, because it was too deliberate.

Moreover, Qin Hao believed that even if he did nothing.

The ancestor Hongjun will definitely notice him.

Don’t ask why.

Because the reason is too simple.

If it wasn’t for himself, the ancestor Hongjun was still the only saint in this world.

The monopoly position is unshakable.

And he was the one who shook his position.

Even if I do nothing.

Qin Hao could even imagine that the ancestor Hongjun would not let him go.

As for why not let it go?

It depends on whether the ancestor Hongjun did something more obvious or more concealed.

Therefore, the more people there are, the safer Qin Hao is.

When Qin Hao came here, he also wanted to see what the external image of Hongjun’s ancestor was.

After some observation.

Qin Hao was even more certain that Hongjun’s ancestor would not embarrass himself in public.

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