Chapter 275

The little girl didn’t answer Qin Hao’s question, but began to question Qin Hao.

“How is it possible? You don’t know Queen Mother Xi, even I can’t find it, how could you find it.”

“How is it possible? Just because I don’t have you now, I can go to the place where the ancestor Hongjun preached smoothly, but if you don’t, we may not be able to go anywhere. Is this existing reason not enough?”

That little girl was choked by Qin Hao, and for a while, she didn’t know how to speak.

“In the middle of the road, we encountered an attack. To stop the attacker, I was injured and then fell off. When I opened my eyes again, they were gone.”

Qin Hao carefully examined the expression on the little girl’s face.

These words did not seem to lie.

This is a bit strange, it is estimated that this girl should have concealed something else.

“Are you really from Queen Mother West? Didn’t you lie to us?”

The little girl nodded fiercely.

The little hand slapped his chest loudly.

“Really, really, I didn’t lie to you. I really belong to Queen Mother Xi. I can swear by God.”

Qin Hao said logically: “Okay! You swear!”

That girl opened her eyes wide, her face full of disbelief.

After a while, it was discovered that Qin Hao did not waver.

Looking straight at her, his eyes were very firm.

The little girl spoke reluctantly.

“I swear by Xiaoxi! I am from Queen Mother West’s forces. I didn’t lie. If I lied, my cultivation would be stagnant, and I would go further in difficulty. Is that okay?”

Qin Hao nodded.

“Then you just stay honestly, don’t disturb us.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he continued to take a sip of wine.

Stop paying attention to the girl named Xiaoxi.

Qin Hao was actually suspicious.

After all, this girl’s oath is ambiguous and unclear.

But what is certain is that this girl should be from Queen Mother West.

However, what exactly is the identity remains to be discussed.

Xiaoxi looked left and right, and then both of them ignored themselves.

Suddenly felt a little depressed.

However, there are many weird things on the Chaos Sword.

She hadn’t seen it before.

And was attracted attention.

Slowly moved over.

Raising his head and looking at Qin Hao, Xiao Haotian didn’t pay attention to himself.

I fiddled with it boldly.

Xiao Haotian actually saw it, and was a little unconvinced.

That obviously was prepared by the master for himself.

That little girl turned out to be cheaper.

But just now, Qin Hao personally agreed and let Xiaoxi stay.

Xiao Haotian didn’t dare to refute the master, so he could only practice the spell while sulking.

Of course the object of anger must be Konishi.

The sky soon dimmed.

Although Qin Hao knew that he didn’t need to be too particular when he was on the way.

But I didn’t drive in the dark at night.

So every time it gets dark.

Qin Hao would control the Chaos Sword and find a place where he could stay overnight.

Let him and Xiao Haotian have a good rest.

But now there is another little girl.

Today’s prehistoric human race has just appeared.

Therefore, the human towns have not developed.

There are not many other races.

So like later generations, there are inns where you can rest anywhere.

Now it’s just idiotic dreams.

Fortunately, there is still free labor, Chaos Sword, which can be used.

The Chaos Sword stopped on a cliff.

It just so happens that there is a cave recessed inward in the cliff.

After Qin Hao entered, he found that the cave was very spacious.

There is no problem at all for a dozen people.

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction.

I decided to live here.

Then from Qiankun’s bag, he took out the bed and some food.

Although Qin Hao could not eat anything now, he could not eat anything.

But people, if you don’t eat, you always feel less.

Therefore, everyone around Qin Hao has developed the habit of eating.

Especially the Wu people have their own eating habits.

After setting up the cave.

Qin Hao called Xiao Haotian over to eat.

Xiaoxi moved over with curiosity.

“What is this? You still want to eat this? Is there no line? Or nectar will work, I don’t want to eat this.”

Before Xiao Haotian could speak with Qin Hao, he spoke first.

“Don’t forget, now it’s you who beg us for help. If you don’t want to follow us, you are welcome to leave at any time. We have these things. Do you like to eat?”

Qin Hao looked at Xiaoxi like a firecracker.

He stood up with a squeak.

Angrily shouted towards Xiao Haotian: “Why are you so impolite, we are about the same age, you should let me, so fierce, really worthy of that person’s apprentice, all have the same virtue, I don’t know how to pity and cherish jade. .”

Xiao Haotian’s expression did not change, still clinging to a mocking look.

“Lianxiangxiyu, are you worthy? You obviously don’t know what is good or what is wrong, so please ask us to help. You are still picky, how can you be like this?”

Xiaoxi’s face flushed with anger, angrily.

Going to the side, sat down.

Tucked his legs around his knees and ignored Xiao Haotian.

Qin Hao looked at all this.

I wanted to laugh.

It’s the same as a quarrel between two children.

Why didn’t you find it so interesting before?

Moreover, he didn’t seem to really understand Xiao Haotian.

Qin Hao was surprised that Xiao Haotian had such a side.

However, Qin Hao didn’t think there was anything, he thought it was fun anyway.

After Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian finished eating, they simply cleaned up.

Qin Hao prepared three beds.

Although I didn’t prepare too much, there are still some spares.

Before Qin Hao went to bed, he felt that it was not good for Xiaoxi to be like this.

So I left a plate of snacks outside.

Early the next morning, the three of them simply cleaned up, and then proceeded on the road.

Qin Hao paid special attention to the snack he put last night.

Sure enough, it was gone.

Qin Hao pretended not to know without saying anything.

I have to say that a woman is equivalent to three hundred ducks.

There is some truth to this sentence.

Originally, Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian were busy with each other on this road, and occasionally they would talk.

But since Xiaoxi got on the ride.

Xiao Haotian and Xiao Xi couldn’t see each other.

Xiao Haotian often choked Xiaoxi, making the girlish eyes flushed red.

But there are also times when Konishi has the upper hand.

It’s always a pair of happy friends.

Sometimes Qin Hao even felt that if Xiaoxi were Queen Mother Xi.

Not necessarily, Xiao Haotian could really be a couple with Queen Mother Xi.

Of course, this is just Qin Hao’s thought.

Think of it as a brain hole.

It’s about to arrive in one day.

On this day, halfway through the road, they met Old Ancestor Hongyun.

Xiao Haotian was very happy to see Old Ancestor Hongyun.

Throw Xiaoxi directly aside.

Quietly discussed something with the ancestor Hongyun.

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