Chapter 262

After the clouds dispersed, even Di Ting and Bai Ze disappeared.

Everyone of the Witch tribe looked at Qin Hao subconsciously.

Qin Hao calmly said, “Don’t worry, they should return to the Nether Realm.”

As soon as Qin Hao’s voice fell, a cloud appeared above his head.

And some golden silk threads seem to be interspersed among the white clouds.

Like the Lord of the Nether, the King of Ksitigarbha.

The cloud quickly wrapped Qin Hao’s whole body.

After the clouds cleared, Qin Hao disappeared.

It was not too late, and many golden characters suddenly fell in the sky.

Floating on the deserted ground.

Then it seemed to penetrate something, slowly disappearing.

Let’s talk about Qin Hao at this time.

He naturally followed the Lord of the Nether, the King of Ksitigarbha came to the realm of the Nether.

When he came to the Netherworld again, Qin Hao obviously felt different.

The surrounding light is no longer so dim and gloomy.

In the sky of the Netherworld, a scarlet moon hung.

Exudes a cold light, illuminating the ground clearly.

The Lord of Netherworld and the King of Ksitigarbha looked at Qin Hao who came afterwards blankly.

“What’s the situation now? What should we do?”

Qin Hao just wanted to talk, as if he felt something.

He immediately raised his head.

Sure enough, many golden characters jumped out of the scarlet moon.

No one can see what those words are.

But everyone knows that that is the rule of heaven.

And these spiritual characters seem to be connected in a long river of smoke.

Floating and slowly spreading around.

“Wait, then.”

Qin Hao’s voice echoed in the ears of the Lord of Netherworld, the King of Earth Store.

Except for the three of them, other creatures in the Netherworld came out one after another, looking at this rare scene.

All the ghosts don’t know what happened.

Wait until all the words of Heaven’s Path, all sink into the earth of the Netherworld.

The earth of the Netherworld began to tremble.

All the ghosts, Yin Soldiers panicked.

Escaped from where he is now, trying to find a safe place.

But where can there be a safe place?

Just when these ghosts thought they would fly away.

They felt a power.

A kind of earth power full of tolerance and gentleness.

Slowly dragged them in mid-air.

Even Qin Hao, the Lord of the Netherworld and the King of Ksitigarbha are the same.

As the ground is flat and dry, in some places flowing water protrudes from the ground.

More and more, finally condensed into a river.

Rushed to the distance.

At the end of the river, on the ground that had been moisturized, plants grew slowly.

Gradually sprouts, growing taller and finally blooming red flowers.

With a fascinating fragrance, like a cloud, it floats faintly around.

From a distance, it looked like a haze, slowly shrouded in the sea of ​​flowers.

Qin Hao was extremely surprised.

This is the mandala that only exists in the underworld, the flower of guiding the way.

The changes on the ground did not stop there.

In addition to the river, there is a sea of ​​flowers.

There were palaces on the ground.

The palace is mighty and majestic, with some patterns carved on it, which makes people look cold.

Not to mention those ghosts.

Some dare not look directly, shrinking their shoulders.

And at this time, the Lord of Nether suddenly gave a hey.

“What’s wrong?”

Qin Hao asked curiously.

“This Netherworld seems to have changed, and unexpectedly appeared, a few places that surprised me.”

Ksitigarbha is a little puzzled.

“What kind of place to say it?”

Netherworld advocated opening his mouth, as if he didn’t know how to describe it.

Di Ting took two steps in place, attracting everyone’s attention.

“I know what it is called. There are Pond, Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, and eighteen layers of hell.”

The Lord of the Nether looked at Di and listened in surprise.

Nodded: “The name is good and appropriate.”

Di Ting curled his lips.

“You misunderstood, this is not my name, but what I heard. It was originally called this, God told me.”

The surroundings are still turbulent.

Qin Hao watched the continuous surging of the surrounding soil and the continuous changes of the terrain.

The filthy air in the Netherworld also seemed to be purified.

It’s not as sticky and dark as before.

It seems a lot thinner.

At this moment, a door suddenly appeared.

Just at the end of that bridge.

“That’s a ghost gate!”

This time, before the Lord of Nether could ask, Di listened to the active call.

As soon as Di listened to the words, the changes around it seemed to have stopped.

Qin Hao, the Lord of the Nether and the King of Ksitigarbha, and the surrounding ghosts floating in the air, returned to the ground.

Qin Hao was very satisfied with this down-to-earth feeling.

As soon as Qin Hao raised his head, he saw that he was above the scarlet moon again.

A ray of light floated down.

Illuminated the Nether Lord’s cage in it, and the Nether Lord stood there blankly, his eyes sluggish and full of arrogance.

Qin Hao and the third party looked at each other.

The tacit understanding is to protect the law from the Lord of the Nether.

Not a ray of light wrapped the Ksitigarbha King Yi.

Seeing this, Qin Hao could only give them two guardians of his fate.

It seems that the time has not been long.

About ten minutes have passed.

The two rays of light slowly weakened, became transparent, and finally disappeared.

The Lord of the Nether also regained his sanity.

In his eyes, shrewdly flashed, no longer as blank as before.

And the temperament of the person of Nether Lord has also changed.

The former Lord of the Nether, as the one-time Lord, is naturally extraordinary.

But more of it is a kind of bandit and free and easy.

The Lord of Nether now has a touch of majesty, solemnity and justice on his body.

Makes people more convincing, but at the same time dare not refute it at will.

People are still the same.

It’s just that there is something more, Qin Hao thinks, maybe this thing is the responsibility.

Ksitigarbha has not changed much.

It just seems to be more compassionate and gentle.

Just looking at the Ksitigarbha King, I felt calm, as light as still water.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Hao felt that something had disappeared from his body.

Look down for a moment.

It turned out to be an agreement between him and the Lord of the Nether.

At this time, Heaven has lifted the shackles, and the agreement has naturally disappeared.

The Lord of Nether came over and bowed to Qin Hao.

“Although this is an agreement between you and me, this return actually surprised me, and I worshipped it.”

After speaking, the Lord of Nether actually worshipped.

Qin Hao didn’t have time to hide, just like that abruptly.

However, it seems that God thinks so too.

Qin Hao didn’t feel any discomfort, so he was relieved.

“Nowadays, the Netherworld is full of waste, and there are many things that need you to work on. I won’t mix it up here. If there is anything I can help, send me a letter.”

Qin Hao smiled and said to the Lord of Netherworld and Ksitigarbha King.

Nether Lord and Ksitigarbha King looked at each other and nodded.

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