Chapter 261 Six Paths of Reincarnation

For comfort, you can’t say it as easily as before.

Houtu lowered his head and chuckled lightly, and walked over.

Qin Hao’s mood is very complicated now.

Like him, there are everyone from the Wu clan.

After all, people in the Witch tribe have the deepest feelings for Houtu.

They know that this is the responsibility of God to the land and the mission of the land.

Reason is really on the one hand, but on the emotional side, it seems to be a bit painful for people to accept.

Everyone of the Wu Clan was also at a loss at this time.

I don’t know if Houtu who returned again is Houtu.

So the atmosphere seemed a bit solemn for a while.

On the contrary, it is the protagonist of this matter, Houtu.

After asking Qin Hao’s words, he seemed to look a lot away.

His face is gentle and smiling.

Akagi looked at the crowd and comforted him: “Don’t worry, everyone, I believe everything will go smoothly. If we do this, Heaven will understand.”

Qin Hao looked at Houtu who had already stepped onto the altar.

I don’t know what kind of mood I am now.

But now that it has been decided, it is impossible to stop in the middle.

Qin Hao condensed his thoughts.

Seeing that the big witch is already in place.

Just step forward and follow the instructions of the great witch.

He placed the back soil body catalyzed by Xiao Haotian to the designated position.

Qin Hao just put the Houtu body in place.

Everyone who saw him took a breath.

I also knew why Qin Hao never took it out.

Because, Qin Hao put the body on the ground.

It can be clearly seen that his face is ruddy and his chest is floating up and down.

What does it illustrate?

It means that the body Qin Hao took out is now alive.

It’s a life, a real witch race.

And the twelve ancestor witch’s induction is particularly strong.

They all have a sense of each other.

But at this time there was another one.

The great witch also discovered that such a situation could not hide how long the way of heaven was.

To prevent Tiandao from lowering the punishment, it should be opened immediately.

The big witch turned her head and looked at Hou Tu, standing in the middle of the big formation.

There was a trace of anxiety on his face.

“Houtu, don’t wait for the time to wait for others. If you continue like this, you will find out when you hear it, and we may fall short.”

Houtu had already recovered and nodded.

Close your eyes and concentrate your strength in one place.

Then the voice of Houtu slowly sounded in the entire wilderness.

“Now the great wilderness, the extreme chaos, will enter the realm of the nether, but the realm of the nether is chaotic, and I have seen it, and my heart has been pained for a long time. The six reincarnations constitute the order of the Netherworld.”

The voice of Houtu drifted far away and spread out.

It is like a gentle breeze, slowly floating, bringing it to every place and corner of the great wasteland.

And all the creatures he panicked also heard, which seemed to be a cry from the depths of the soul and a confession.

In an instant, all creatures stopped moving.

Looking in the direction of the sound, staying quietly.

It’s like paying attention.

And at this moment, the clouds in the sky.

Like being disturbed by something, it was torn apart by constant pulling.

Then reorganize.

Like a big net, it falls from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, wrap the back soil.

Following this force, Houtu slowly rose into the air.

The glow behind him was so great that the stabbing person did not dare to look directly at it.

And gradually, Houtu’s figure gradually disappeared in these clouds.

As if digested.

Qin Hao frowned, an anxious look appeared on his face.

Because I don’t know what is going on above.

Therefore, everyone in the Wu clan can only wait anxiously below.

Qin Hao did the same. He didn’t know what it was like in the clouds and what he was doing.

I don’t know, will Houtu have time?

Qin Hao could only pray silently in his heart, hoping everything goes well.

And it seemed that Qin Hao’s prayers had an effect.

There was a slight change in the clouds in the sky.

It became more and more red, as if the ink was overturned, and suddenly the clouds were dyed red.

Qin Hao’s expression moved.

Qin Hao felt the knowing aura of Hou Tu and disappeared in the great wilderness.

The red in the sky is not ink or glow.

That was the blood that came out of the flesh and blood of the back soil, when it was crushed.

Everyone of the Wu Clan also understood at this time.

The air was slowly filled with bloody smell, and there was a hint of fragrance.

Qin Hao didn’t know what the fragrance represented this time.

No one cares.

At this moment, another large group of clouds came, enveloping the previous section of red clouds.

When completely wrapped.

From the gaps in the clouds, golden rays of light appeared, shining everywhere.

Without hesitation, the whole world became golden.

And the sacrificial stand of the Wu clan at this time is the same.

But there seems to be a slight difference.

In this golden light.

There seems to be a special depth, and there seems to be a hint of red between them.

Sprayed down like sunlight, Chinese herbal medicines are on this land.

Together with the ground, Qin Hao’s previously prepared body of the back soil was also bathed in this golden light.

Qin Hao seemed to see it, it was the red color that had penetrated into the back soil body.

Qin Hao quickly stepped forward and took out the Ice Soul Crystal.

Placed on the forehead of Houtu’s body.

The Ice Soul Spirit on Houtu’s forehead burst into a blue light instantly.

Wrap the whole body of Houtu.

It’s like a huge blue cocoon.

There is no way for the eyes from the outside to penetrate into it and to pry into the secrets inside.

Qin Hao let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing such a change, I seem to feel relieved.

It should be almost done.

At this moment, the sky floated down again, and a white cloud just shrouded the head of the Lord of Nether.

“Lord of the Nether, the order of the Nether Realm has been established, and it can become an independent realm, free from the control of the predecessor. You are willing to control the Nether Realm, guard the six reincarnations of the back earth, and stabilize the peace of these three realms.”

Such a voice came from the ear of the Lord of Nether.

The Nether Lord answered without hesitation: “I am willing.”

Like the Lord of Netherworld, a white cloud was floating on the head of the Ksitigarbha King at this time.

“Ksitigarbha, you are willing to help the Lord of the Nether to manage this Nether Realm together and protect the order of the peaceful coexistence of the three realms.”

The Ksitigarbha king stepped forward.

Put your hands together on your chest.

Bowed his head and bowed, he reached a Buddha’s name.

“Amitabha, the poor monk is willing.”

Following these words of the Ksitigarbha.

The clouds above the head of the Nether Lord and the King of Earth Zang suddenly rioted.

Wrapped them two tightly in an instant.

Everyone of the Witch tribe had already prepared for it.

I probably know what will happen.

But now he still can’t hide his face full of surprise.

In the astonishment of the Wu people.

The shadow of the Lord of the Nether and the King of Ksitigarbha disappeared.

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