Chapter 263

“Okay, I won’t keep you. Anyway, if you want to come, you can come in at any time. If there are good people to help me search, you also know that I am still short of people.”

Qin Hao waved his hand immediately.

“At this time, I can’t agree. From now on, I can only come in if I die. I won’t come in easily, but this talent, are you still worried?”

The Lord of Nether seemed to have thought about it, and then he laughed.

“Yes, you are right. I didn’t expect it for a while. I haven’t adapted to the new identity. I understand.”

When Qin Hao looked at such a Nether Lord, he vaguely saw the shadow before him.

Qin Hao knew that now, the Lord of Netherworld is in charge of the Netherworld.

It is the best for these three realms.

Qin Hao smiled and teased before leaving.

“If you two move fast and have capable subordinates, you might be able to catch up with the preaching of the ancestor Hongjun, and we will still be able to meet at that time.”

The Nether Lord bowed his head for a moment and nodded.

“I’ll start to tidy up first, and then I’ll talk about it later, I will send you a letter in plenary.”

Ksitigarbha nodded in agreement.

Qin Hao didn’t stay here much, so he turned his head and walked in the direction of Guimenguan.

When he came to the door, he took a last look at the current Netherworld.

Looking at the Nether Lord who came to send him with Ksitigarbha.

Qin Hao smiled and nodded, then turned and walked into Guimenguan.

It used to be dark, and then there was a dazzling white light.

Fortunately, Qin Hao had already prepared.

When he stepped into the ghost gate, Qin Hao had already closed his eyes.

When his eyes adjusted to the light in front of him, Qin Hao slowly opened it.

Noisy sounds followed.

Qin Hao is still in the Wu Clan residence now.

The location hasn’t changed, it’s still here at the ceremonial stand of the Wu tribe.

Just walked out of the ghost gate.

Qin Hao heard a jingle system tone.


“Shock from the ancestor of Hongjun!”

“Shock from Nuwa!”

“Shock from Taobao Taoist!”

“Shock from Luo Hu!”

“Shock from Dijiang!”

“Shock from Taishang Laojun!”

“Shock from Donghuang Taiyi!”


“Reward the host for two million years of cultivation!”

Before Qin Hao raised the corner of his mouth, he felt another force enveloped him.

Qin Hao was just surprised and calmed down in an instant.

Because this is the power of the rewards of heaven that he is familiar with.

Not long ago, he was baptized four times in one day.

How could Qin Hao be unfamiliar?

Qin Hao closed his eyes and relaxed his whole body.

Feeling the steady flow of the power of heaven, washing his body.

Entangled and transformed with the chaotic power in Qin Hao’s body.

Then slowly appeared the third bone on his back.

Among the bones, drilling and digging, constantly kicking out impurities.

Qin Hao could feel that the golden light on the bone was much stronger than before.

Wait until all the dust settles.

Qin Hao slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the Wu Clan was surrounded by Qin Hao.

“How is it? There is no big problem in the Netherworld, right?”

Luo Hui asked.

Qin Hao smiled and nodded: “There is no problem, everything is going well, you should have already felt it, the vague connection with the Netherworld.”

Luo Hu nodded.

The big witch also nodded and said.

“It turned out to be like a rootless soul in this world, light and fluttering. Now when it comes to employing people, there is a vague connection, as if it has found a direction and a home.”

After the great witch finished speaking, her eyes were a little moist.

“Thank the Lord, how could there be such a big change if it weren’t for the Lord? My old lady dare not forget the contribution the Lord has made to the creatures of the Great Wilderness.”

The other Wu people also bowed their heads and bowed in prayer.

“Don’t do this, everyone, get up. I have also been rewarded by the way of heaven, and it’s not without benefit, right! How is Houtu? Did you wake up?”

Qin Hao changed the subject and asked about the situation of Houtu.

Everyone of the Wu Clan stood up one after another.

Then get out of the way.

At a glance, Qin Hao saw the Hou Earth still surrounded by ice crystals on the countertop.

Di Jiang stepped forward and explained.

“Holy Lord, you and the Lord of Netherworld, after the Ksitigarbha King disappeared, we have not dared to move, and he has maintained his original appearance. There seems to be no change. Have we succeeded?”

Qin Hao was also in distress.

Qin Hao encountered this situation for the first time, and he didn’t know why it was like this.

Before, Qin Hao had asked Shennong.

According to Shennong, there was nothing wrong with the use of the Ice Soul Crystal.

This is why it became an ice blue egg.

Qin Hao might have something to do with the body made by Xiao Haotian.

The little Haotian child is just responsible for making it.

The principle is not known by Qin Hao.

“Like this, it may be running into pregnancy. After all, this body is no longer the original body, and this spiritual sense may not be exactly the same as the original one. It is always necessary to adapt. Let’s leave it alone and look at it later.”

Everyone of the Wu Clan didn’t know what to do, so naturally they obeyed Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked up at the sky.

Unexpectedly, one day was about to pass, and the sky had dimmed.

Qin Hao turned around and said to the Wu people.

“Everyone, go back, go back and have a good rest. It was also a nervous day, Dijiang, find a guard here, change the shift, if there is any change, let us know as soon as possible.”

Di Jiang expressed his understanding.

“Understood, don’t worry, Holy Lord, after all, Houtu is our companion, and I will proceed with caution.”

Qin Hao patted Di Jiang on the shoulder.

“As for the monster clan, it is estimated that they have also received the news, but you can rest assured that if Hou Tu does not wake up for a day, I will always guard the witch clan and will not let you have any trouble.”

Everyone of the Witch tribe is grateful.

Finally they dispersed.

Qin Hao was refreshed at this time, after all, he had just been rewarded by Heaven.

So I don’t have it, but energetic.

Qin Hao also left Xiao Haotian by the way.

Qin Hao sat at the door of the room.

Looking at the icy blue ball on the machine platform in the distance.

I sighed and sighed in my heart.

Xiao Haotian’s even breathing sound came from the room.

It is estimated that this child has also been fucking his heart for a whole day today.

After lying down, I fell asleep soon.

Qin Hao looked at the sky in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, and it seemed that he was not thinking about anything.

At this time, footsteps came from nearby.

Qin Hao turned his head to see that it was Luo Hu.

Qin Hao was not surprised.

It seems that there is a hunch in vaguely.

Luo Hui should come back again.

“What’s wrong, do you want to help protect Houtu with me? Don’t be jealous anymore.”

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