Chapter 260

“If it wasn’t for me this time, do you think you could come out? But don’t worry too much. It’s not that you will never come out. It’s just that you can’t stay for as long as this time. It’s okay to come out and let the wind go.”

The Lord of the Nether lowered his head thoughtfully.

After a while, he raised his head again.

Said to Qin Hao.

“Okay, I know, then I will take advantage of these two days to go out for a stroll. When the time is up, you call me again, give this to you, and then use this to contact me.”

After the Nether Lord finished speaking, he strode out of the room.

The Ksitigarbha also brought Bai Ze and Di listen.

Also left Qin Hao’s residence.

In the room, it quieted down.

All that was left was Luo Hu, who had been sitting at the table, silent.

Qin Hao looked at Luo Hu with an unpredictable expression.

Suddenly did not know what to say.

“Do you have nothing to tell me?”

Luo Hui spoke first.

“After I finished talking with you that day, I felt much better, and I happened to find a solution. I have been busy with this these days, are you not angry?”

Luo Hui raised his head and cast a glance.

Pretending to be indifferent.

“Angry, why am I angry? Your matter is resolved, I am too late to be happy.”

As soon as Qin Hao heard this, he knew that Luo Hu must be a little uncomfortable.

Qin Hao thought for a while, organized his thoughts, and then spoke.

“Now it is the battle between the two clans of the Lich, and it is also at a critical moment. You, the Lord of the Nether, and the King of Ksitigarbha, are my helpers. If at this time, the Great Twelve Ancestor Witch Array is destroyed, then it will not fall. Are you in distress?”

After Qin Hao said this, he secretly glanced at Luohu’s expression.

Luo Hu didn’t have much touch.

Qin Hao continued to speak downward.

“I agreed to the Nether Lord’s agreement before. Now that the time has come to fulfill the transaction, it will naturally leave, and Ksitigarbha will not stay here. If there is no Twelve Ancestor Witch Array, the shortcomings will be real. It’s dangerous.”

Luo Hui interrupted Qin Hao aloud.

“Needless to say, I understand.”

Qin Hao sighed, “I know what you are struggling with, but don’t worry, there was none before, and there won’t be any now.”

Luo Hui put down the teacup in his hand.

“I said, I didn’t come to check this, I just want to know how you solved this specific problem, what else are you hiding from me?”

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect Luo Hui to be concerned about this.

“You said that you need help. I can help you, but it is not convenient for me to disclose the specific content to you.”

Qin Hao said with some embarrassment.

Luo Hu nodded: “Can we Demon Race too? I mean, I don’t know if there are any conditions to help me revive my Demon Race people.”

“Do you want to resurrect the demons?”

Luo Hui lowered his head, and his voice came out slowly.

“I don’t want to be resurrected. I just know that you can do this, so I want to try it and see if it works.”

Luo Hui raised his head after finishing speaking, looking at Qin Hao expectantly with his eyes.

A trace of movement flashed across Qin Hao’s face, and finally hesitated and said, “I’m afraid…If you have just died or if you haven’t died, the problem is not big, but the Demon Race has… time too long, I…”

Luo Hui interrupted Qin Hao aloud.

“Okay, needless to say, I know, I will go now.”

Qin Hao watched the light in Luo Hui’s eyes slowly disappear.

There is something uncomfortable in my heart.

He opened his mouth and wanted to stop Luo Hu, but he hadn’t waited for Qin Hao to speak.

Luo Hui turned his back to Qin Hao: “Don’t say anything, don’t follow, let me be alone.”

Luo Hui’s figure gradually disappeared in Qin Hao’s eyes.

Qin Hao hated himself a little bit for being so careless.

But now there is no other way.

Can only wait for Luo Hui to think about it.

After this day, Luo Hu disappeared for two days.

No one knows where Luo Hu went.

Qin Hao guessed that Luo Hu might have returned to the Demon Race.

Qin Hao originally planned to go to the Demon Race to find Luo Hu, but as soon as he wanted to go out, he thought of what Luo Hu said before he left.

Qin Hao also gave up searching.

Fortunately, Luo Hui, who came back again, looked no different from the past.

Still so cold and indifferent.

But Qin Hao knew that under Luo Hu’s strong appearance, what was hidden was a soft heart.

The action efficiency of the great witch is very fast.

It took two days, as if everything was set up.

After consulting Qin Hao, Qin Hao decided to put it all over in the next morning, and the province had many nights and dreams.

Moreover, the time when the ancestor Hongjun preached was getting closer and closer.

How could Qin Hao miss such a lively boom?

Early in the morning of the day, everyone from the Witch tribe came to the ceremonial altar of the Witch tribe one after another.

Originally, Hou Tu turned into six reincarnations.

In fact, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

As long as Houtu thinks in his heart, then tell God.

After obtaining the consent of the gods, the matter is considered complete.

But what they are doing now is the ground of sacrifice and sacrifice, leaving a ray of life.

So there is still a lot of preparatory work.

At least there is an altar.

In the moment that Hou Earth turned into six reincarnations.

The chances of extracting divine consciousness can be greater.

Qin Hao discussed this matter with everyone from the Witch Clan during this period of time.

Qin Hao was more at ease with everyone from the Wu clan who supported this matter.

Although said if this thing fails.

The battle between the two clans of the Lich has now reached a fever pitch.

If something like this happened to the Wu clan.

Then the Yaozu will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Taking this opportunity, the Wu Clan compares the ability to withstand the attacks of the Monster Clan.

So this matter is an adventure for the whole house.

It can even be said that it is a thing of all disadvantages but no benefit.

But Qin Hao was unexpected.

The Wu people’s attitude towards this matter is very positive.

Qin Hao was moved in his heart.

It is worthy of being a witch, and it is worthy of being an ancient great witch who is still talked about by people thousands of years later.

This also made Qin Hao firmer in his idea of ​​protecting the Wu Clan.

These are things to follow.

Besides, at this time, Houtu walked out of the crowd.

There was a pause when passing by Qin Hao.

He raised his head and glanced at Qin Hao.

There was a smile on his face, and in the smile, the emotions were extremely complicated.

Qin Hao couldn’t tell it for a while.

What is in this smile?

“This time, I may not really be me, Holy Lord.”

Qin Hao used it on the spot, not knowing what to say.

Qin Hao suddenly recalled the time when Hou Tu returned to his place.

Yun Ning’er once asked him if he was still the same as his original self.

Qin Hao remembered saying that it was the same at the time.

But the final result is different after all.

At this moment, Qin Hao is truly unknown to all this.

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