Chapter 256

Houtu took a sip of tea, smiled slightly, raised his head, and looked straight at Qin Hao’s eyes.

“I thought it was the Holy Lord, what do you want to tell me? Isn’t it?”

Qin Hao reacted randomly.

It is estimated that she was staring at Houtu before, frowning, and she might have noticed it.

“Nothing, I guess you misunderstood.”

Houtu didn’t say a word, just lowered his head and took another sip of tea.

“But, it seems that I feel something.”

Hearing this, I was a little surprised.

What do you feel? What does this mean? Houtu feels that he is about to turn into six reincarnations?

“What do you feel?”

Qin Hao’s expression was a bit solemn.

Houtu shook his head honestly.

“I don’t know, there seems to be a feeling in it, but I don’t know what it is.”

Speaking of this, Houtu paused and raised his head to look at Qin Hao meaningfully.

“However, I know that the Holy Lord seems to be able to know the reason.”

Qin Hao looked at Houtu at this time.

I don’t know what to answer. Qin Hao hasn’t figured out how to solve this matter.

Houtu unexpectedly found the door.

Hou Tu looked at Qin Hao, who was expressionless, and smiled softly.

“Holy Lord, don’t think I’m talking nonsense. Ever since Nuwa created human beings, I seem to have felt it. But this time when the Holy Lord returns, my feelings are even stronger. Now I’m basically certain that I feel right, right? ?”

Qin Hao took a sip from his teacup, without saying a word.

This silent answer seems to be the best response.

Houtu sighed.

It’s emotional, it’s like relaxing.

“I don’t know how to describe my feelings at this time. I always feel that I have experienced a lot. I think I have reached the end, but I always have troubles. As Yun Ning’er, I am like this, and so am I now. .”

After Houtu finished, he saw outside the door and his eyes were empty.

“At that time, the Holy Lord didn’t take Yun Ning’er to heart. Now, why bother to me, who is not exactly Yun Ning’er, so entangled, am I right?”

Qin Hao opened and closed his mouth, hesitating for a while.

“It’s not all others, it’s also for the Wu Clan.”

Houtu’s face showed a suddenly realized expression.

He lowered his head and sneered.

“Unfortunately, I am still passionate. Indeed, I am the Twelve Ancestral Witch. Without my Twelve Ancestral Witch Array, it may be invalid. During the Lich War, I will be missing. It’s just going to fall into the inferior ride, that’s how it is.”

Houtu lowered his head and muttered to himself.

“I see……”

Qin Hao couldn’t see Houtu’s expression at this time, and her tone seemed a little wrong.

Some people were anxious and explained in a flustered way.

“Don’t worry, I have already figured out a solution for you now, but things seem to make me clueless, but it doesn’t matter, there will be a solution sooner or later, so don’t give up.”

Houdi brushed his head up.

There was a mocking smile on his face.

“I give up, I don’t know anything, what do I give up? Without this thing, the decision-making power did not give up anything? What do I have in my hands? Can I give up?!”

Qin Hao didn’t expect that Houtu would be so excited.

I felt a little annoyed in my heart, it seemed that it was because of my arrival, what did these ancient gods seem to have changed?

Especially Houtu, if there is no oneself, all this should be a matter of course.

I know myself just because I was with you before.

Qin Hao had attachments to him, so Yun Ning’er, who became Houtu, would be so grieved.

Then, can she willingly turn into six reincarnations?

But this matter is not his Qin Hao can control.

This is a necessary process of things.

The six reincarnations must exist, otherwise the world will be messed up.

No one knows what will happen.

Houtu stood up and stared at Qin Hao, who was bowed and frowned.

As if wanting to imprint the figure of this person in his heart.

Then walked towards the door.

“Hey, wait.” Qin Hao stood up and wanted to stop the earth.

As if not hearing it, Hou Tu strode forward.

Sad emotions emanating from all over.

Qin Hao couldn’t help but stop, feeling a little at a loss.

Qin Hao knew that it would be useless to catch up with him, and he couldn’t give her any promises.

Why bother with too much entanglement?

Qin Hao didn’t return to the room either, and just sat down on the corridor.

He looked at Xiao Haotian who had been practicing his spells in the yard.

Xiao Haotian looked up at his master, and then at the direction where Houtu had left.

Secretly shook his head, don’t understand what these adults think?

Xiao Haotian then condensed his mind and devoted himself to practicing the spells taught to him by the master.

Qin Hao’s brain moved quickly.

Now he has the ice crystal in his hand, which can preserve the spirit of the earth.

But after the earth is transformed into six reincarnations, it is naturally impossible for the body to remain.

Is it going to get her a body?

In fact, the physical body is not difficult, the key is the blood of her Wu Clan.

Without the magical powers of being the twelve ancestor witches, this twelve ancestor witch formation could not be formed.

This leads to a dead end again.

It would be great if it could be cloned, although there may be some drawbacks in the current technology.

But now in the great wilderness, spiritual power can get rid of these drawbacks.

Unfortunately, Qin Hao didn’t, and didn’t know the principle.

“Master, look at me, how is your practice?”

Xiao Haotian greeted Qin Hao loudly.

Qin Hao raised his head, Xiao Haotian immediately practiced what he had learned just now.

Staring at Qin Hao expectantly, seeking praise.

Naturally, Qin Hao would not be stingy, and smiled and praised: “Yes, it looks good.”

As soon as Qin Hao finished speaking, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Staring closely at Xiao Haotian practicing in the yard.

If he is right.

It seems that this matter should be able to be solved perfectly.

Qin Hao looked a little excited, Xiao Haotian walked over.

“Master, what’s wrong with you? Did you think of something?”

The smile on Qin Hao’s face got bigger and bigger, and his hands were placed on Xiao Haotian’s shoulders.

“Apprentice, now the master needs your help in one thing. This matter is more difficult, more troublesome, and very difficult, but now no one else can help. Are you willing to help me?”

Xiao Haotian didn’t expect Qin Hao to tell him so solemnly.

Xiao Haotian thought for a while and spoke subconsciously.

“Although it sounds difficult, but the master is my family, and now only I can help the master, I am naturally willing, so you can say, what is it?”

Qin Hao closed the door of Xiao Haotian’s room.


“Be quiet, don’t let people hear it, this matter is a secret between you and me.”

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