Chapter 257

“Before it’s done, you can’t disclose it to anyone. If you disclose it, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Xiao Haotian nodded obediently.

“I see, Master, but it’s the first time I do it. I don’t know if it can work.”

A dignified look flashed across Qin Hao’s face.

“Can you do it? You have to give it a try. Wait for me here, and I will come as soon as I go.”

The next day.

Qin Hao has been staying in the Witch Clan’s residence, did he go anywhere?

However, during this period of time, I contacted Shennong frequently.

Learn how to use ice crystal.

And Xiao Haotian is also very busy all day, often can not find anyone, whenever he appears, his face is a little pale.

It seems to be very weak, which surprised everyone in the Wu Clan.

Think Qin Hao is too harsh on Xiao Haotian.

So I changed the way and gave Xiao Haotian some delicious food.

Qin Hao was not idle either.

He knew well about Xiao Haotian’s contribution, or that no one knew better than him.

Whenever Xiao Haotian’s spiritual power is exhausted.

Qin Hao will help him sort out the meridians, so that for a few days.

Xiao Haotian’s strength has grown so fast.

It can be said that Xiao Haotian was immersed in it, painful and happy.

And he also had a preliminary understanding of his own strength and abilities.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed.

In the Great Wilderness, it seems that outside of the Lich War, there are no waves.

However, all the creatures in the Great Wilderness are also full of expectations for the next preaching of Hongjun ancestor.

In addition to receiving invitations, other lives have also gone.

Only those with invitations will naturally occupy a good position.

Qin Hao heard Shennong’s news, and it seemed that the western side would also send someone there.

Speaking of the West, Qin Hao naturally thought of the Ksitigarbha King.

I am afraid that this time the Ksitigarbha King, he may not be able to hear the preaching of the ancestor Hongjun.

time flies.

After another two or three days, Qin Hao was finally ready to prepare.

In the middle, Luo Hu had been here several times, and Qin Hao briefly told her that things had already turned around.

After Luo Hui listened, he stopped interfering too much.

On the contrary, the momentum of the Witch clan is full. During the period of the two clan wars, I don’t know if it was because Qin Hao returned to the Witch clan.

And it refers to the four saints.

The morale of the witch tribe has skyrocketed, and the demon tribe who fought have been retreating steadily.

Finally in this morning.

Everything is ready.

Qin Hao called everyone to the Wu Clan Hall.

If Hou Tu felt something, he stared at Qin Hao as soon as he came in.

Qin Hao nodded with a smile, and didn’t say anything else.

Apart from Xiao Haotian and Luo Hu, everyone else was at a loss.

I don’t know what Qin Hao is going to do.

When everyone was there, Qin Hao looked at everyone from the Witch Clan below.

He breathed out gently and said.

“To call everyone here today is something I want to tell you. This matter concerns you, the fate of many people, and it is something I am preparing for this time.”

Everyone of the Witch tribe looked at each other with curiosity.

Qin Hao took a deep breath.

“Before, I ordered Nuwa and Sanqing to be holy. Everyone knows that Heaven has sent me several rewards.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, everyone from the Wu Clan sitting below nodded.

The Lord of Nether curled his lips, it seemed that he was a little disapproved, and did not say a word.

In fact, during this period of time, the Lord of Nether wanted to ask Qin Hao several times.

I said before, when will I realize the great good for myself?

This guy can point others to sanctification, and he has so little requests, and it has been so long.

However, Qin Hao has not been found. I have been busy recently, and I really don’t touch the ground.

So the Lord of Nether planned to ask Qin Hao to understand after this meeting was over.

Houtu was taken aback for a moment, then cast his eyes down on the spot.

Hide your expression.

Luo Huo was expressionless, but her slightly dark eyes still revealed her emotions at this time.

Qin Hao naturally took everyone’s expressions into his eyes.

“I was given a hint, that is, what I have been busy with recently. It was not complicated at first, but after careful consideration, I felt that there was a lot of involvement, so I have been thinking about how to crack it and seek a way to get the best of both worlds.”

Houtu raised his eyes, took a look, and then quickly lowered.

The others stared at Qin Hao intently, waiting for his next words.

“Huang Tian pays off. Although it may not be as perfect as I imagined, it is worth a try.”

Zhu Rong couldn’t wait any longer, so he stepped forward and asked directly.

“What the hell is it? Holy Lord, I believe your decision must be right. Don’t go around with us, just say it, am I right? Dijiang.”

Di Jiang, who was named, nodded in agreement.

“The reminder I got is that Houtu will leave the Witch Clan, sacrifice himself and this great wilderness, and become the six reincarnations between the netherworld and the new order of the netherworld.”

Everyone in the Wu clan hadn’t waited to digest the meaning of Qin Hao’s words.

Hearing the Lord of Nether screamed in shock.

“What are you talking about? Hou Tu has become the new order of the Nether Realm! Just her?”

After the Lord of Nether shouted, he couldn’t return to his senses for a long time.

The Lord of Nether had thought before, what is the great good fortune that Qin Hao told him?

The new order, the new reform, the Lord of Nether thought that he could ascend to the realm of saints and get the instructions of heaven.

This is normal thinking logic.

Otherwise, how will this Nether Realm change?

However, the Lord of Nether did not expect that the root of all these things turned out to be in Hou Tu’s body.

Nether Lord thought of this, and slightly narrowed his eyes.

What the instructions of the heavens gave him, the rewards of the heavens to him.

Qin Hao has known about this for a long time, but he kept it secret.

The suspicion in the eyes of the Lord of Nether is almost okay, condensed into substance.

Qin Hao naturally saw it, but now is not a good time to explain.

Qin Hao gave the Lord of Netherworld an irritable look.

The Lord of Nether snorted coldly.

Taking a step back, staring at Qin Hao coldly.

And at this moment, everyone in the Wu clan returned to their senses, and understood what Qin Hao said, what exactly did it mean?

The big witch stepped forward excitedly.

Anxiously said: “This can’t be done! Holy Lord, you know that our twelve ancestral witches have existed since ancient times and are regarded as one body. How can we lose one vein? What about the twelve ancestral witches? ”

Di Jiang stepped forward to comfort the big witch!

“The great witch should not get excited first, nor can you say that. After all, thanks to the Holy Lord, he was the Holy Lord before. He retrieved Hou Tu so that he can return to his place. Otherwise, it will be difficult to have our Twelve Ancestor Witch Master. Array.”

Zhu Rong said loudly at this time.

“The Twelve Ancestor Witch Great Formation put aside first, the key is how can Hou Tu offer sacrifices? Then she will be wiped out?”

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