Chapter 255: Studying Xiao Haotian

Only then did Xiao Haotian understand what his master meant.

Xiao Haotian felt a little nervous.

This is the first time this has been attempted.

Xiao Haotian didn’t know what would happen.

But fortunately, the master is by his side, Xiao Haotian feels very safe.

Xiao Haotian closed his eyes and held his hands where the flower broke.

Then slowly felt the state of the flowers at this time.

Then release the energy in the body and wrap the interface of the exercise place.

The original form of the flower echoed in Laozi.

And prayed for them to recover and grow.

Continuously output the energy in the body.

Because even though Xiao Haotian had already used this energy, he had saved people several times.

But after all, it is still used less.

Soon, sweat appeared on Xiao Haotian’s forehead.

There is also some paleness.

Qin Hao felt it for a while, and it was probably not a big problem.

He didn’t intervene, and stood waiting quietly.

What surprised Qin Hao happened next.

The flower stem grew slowly upward.

Immediately afterwards, a flower bone blossomed.

Then it slowly bloomed in Xiao Haotian’s hands, and finally it was exactly the same as before.

Xiao Haotian opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

Although there was a trace of paleness on his face, his expression was very excited and he smiled.

“Master, how am I doing? Is it okay?”

Qin Hao took out the flowers hidden behind him.

Put it next to the flower at this time for comparison.

“Come and see for yourself to see if there is any difference between the two.”

Xiao Haotian raised his sleeves and touched the sweat on his forehead.

Then he leaned forward and began to observe.

After watching it for a long time, he frowned.

The voice was also low, and Nono said: “Master! It seems that there are some differences between the two.”

Qin Hao nodded affirmatively.

“There are indeed some differences, but in general there is not much difference, just the subtleties. Do you know what this means?”

Xiao Haotian shook his head blankly.

Qin Hao smiled and stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Xiao Haotian’s shoulder.

Then he transformed the trace of chaos in his body into spiritual power and injected it into Xiao Haotian’s body.

Xiao Haotian instantly felt refreshed.

The discomfort caused by excessive spiritual energy consumption just now has disappeared.

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian back to the corridor again.

Sitting in the original position, after pondering for a moment, he spoke again.

“It seems that you are indeed the power of healing. It should be said that it promotes growth, not that time goes back.”

Xiao Haotian nodded blankly.

It seems that it is still not too clear.

Qin Hao smiled and continued to explain: “Although this flower looks the same, you have also discovered that the details are different. What does that mean? It means that you asked him to re-open a new one.”

Qin Hao raised his hand and was cut off by himself.

“That is to say, you were just me before, and to save other people, it is to make their wounds grow naturally, re-heal, and let them rejuvenate.”

Xiao Haotian nodded.

“Don’t underestimate your power, you must know that there is a certain number in this secret, and you are the change between the world and the earth, detached from this variable.”

Xiao Haotian opened his mouth wide in surprise, his face full of disbelief.


“Don’t doubt yourself, you think you can even save me. You are robbing people from heaven. If it weren’t like this, how could I still be alive now with Zhu Rong.”

Xiao Haotian thought carefully about what Qin Hao said.

“So, Xiao Haotian, you are destined not to be ordinary in the future. You must be mentally prepared. One day in the future, master, I will also avoid your light.”

The expression on Xiao Haotian’s face seemed a bit agitated.

Mixed with some hesitation and anxiety, it is very complicated.

Qin Hao patted Xiao Haotian on the shoulder again.

“Don’t be afraid, there is a master, the master is your strongest backing.”

The expression on Xiao Haotian’s face slowly returned to calm, and he nodded fiercely.

“But you have to remember that this kind of power can be practiced in private, but after all, it is robbed from the hands of Heaven. If you don’t have a suitable identity, don’t try it lightly.”

“I see, Master, but Master, I don’t want to keep doing this, I always feel that I don’t seem to be of any use.”

As Xiao Haotian spoke, his voice drooped.

Qin Hao was a little surprised. He didn’t expect this child to be a little inferior.

But this also makes sense.

After all, the other people around him now are the power of the real party.

The twelve ancestor witches have their own magical powers.

Luo Huo has outstanding force.

The Lord of the Nether, the master of the underworld, is in charge of birth, old age, sickness and death.

What else is Nuwa, Sanqing.

These said that there is one, and they are all characters that can make this great trembling three times.

In comparison, Xiao Haotian was indeed covered by their light.

It’s normal to have this kind of inferiority complex.

“You forgot, will you be able to save me tomorrow, and the extremely powerful Xiao Haotian who is also seriously injured? How ordinary is my little apprentice? You are really good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.”

A ridiculous smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Xiao Haotian’s face flushed instantly, a little shy, but he couldn’t help but raise his head in anticipation.

Looking at Qin Hao with bright eyes: “Really, Master? I’m really so good.”

Qin Hao nodded affirmatively.

You are not only better now, but you are better.

“But now you can’t just have this ability. I’m teaching you some spells and force to give you some ability to protect yourself. Would you like to study hard?”

Xiao Haotian squeezed, stood up, and said loudly.

“Of course, I will definitely study hard.”

Qin Hao taught some spells in the next time and let Xiao Haotian practice it by himself.

As soon as Qin Hao returned to the room, he heard a knock on the door.

Qin Hao thought it was Xiao Haotian’s problem, and immediately got up and opened the door.

It turned out that the man standing outside the door turned out to be Houtu.

Qin Hao froze for a moment, and then let Houtu walk in with his free body.

“I came here because I want to ask the Holy Lord, if there is abruptness, please don’t mind the Holy Lord.”

A wry smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

“There is still a change, you never talked to me like this before.”

Houtu smiled slightly, and said nothing.

In any case, that was the previous thing.

As a returning home, she already understands that even if she shirks in every possible way at the time, this set goal will not change in any way.

It’s just annoying.

However, her premonition was still quite accurate at the time, and now it does seem to be somewhat different.

Qin Hao sat down and poured a cup of tea for Houtu.

“What can you do with me?”

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