Chapter 254

Luo Hui heard this.

It seemed to suddenly understand something.

A hint of shock flashed in his eyes.


“Shock from Luo Hu!”

“Reward the host for twenty years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao looked up at Luo Hu on the opposite side, wondering what she thought of.

“What did you do? This matter has something to do with you, right? You changed this established destiny, and now is the time to call him back?”


Qin Hao didn’t expect Luo Hu to think so much.

Although things are not what Luo Hui thought, but the meaning is similar, and the result can be said to be the same.

Qin Hao nodded, it was a tacit understanding.

“Did you take the opportunity to tell you this time, Nuwa, Sanqing and they became holy?”

Qin Hao was a little stunned.

Unexpectedly, Luo Hui even found himself an excuse for the timing.

Qin Hao could only follow Luo Hu’s words and nodded.

Luo Hui lowered his head in thought, muttering to himself.

“I said I’ll be with you. I came back so quickly this time, and it seemed to be very preoccupied. It turned out to be that way.”

Qin Hao looked at the other side, holding Luo Hu who he had figured out a solution.

I don’t know why there was a warm current in my heart.

Before tangled, the upset mood seemed to be much better.

Uncontrollably, Qin Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Looking at Luo Hu on the opposite side, walking around in the room, frowning.

But his body seemed to exude a kind of moving charm.

Qin Hao just sat at the table, staring blankly.

When Luo Hui looked up, Qin Hao hurriedly lowered his head subconsciously and narrowed the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Luo Hu didn’t notice Qin Hao’s panic at this time.

He sat down at the table again, drank all the tea in the cup, and then poured himself another cup.

“Your matter is really not easy to solve, is there no remedy afterwards? Or is there any assassin that can help the Wu Clan?”

Qin Hao raised my head and stared at Luo Hu quietly.

She smiled flatteringly.

Luo Hu naturally understood what he meant.

“I’m an extra helper, Lord of the Nether, didn’t the Ksitigarbha King be fooled by you to come in? But, even if we were there, it was just a tie. We are outsiders after all, and the core power of the Wu Clan is another How could it be handed over to us?”

Qin Hao nodded helplessly, which was indeed the case.

The clan consciousness of the Wu people is fairly open.

Otherwise, he won’t let a human race like him be the Holy Lord.

But this time is related to the future development of the Wu Clan.

Qin Hao didn’t dare to guarantee with the Wu Clan that things would not develop according to his imagination.

And most importantly, Qin Hao knew their fate.

Everyone of the Witch tribe didn’t know it themselves.

If they blamed the final result on this.

It seemed that it made sense, and Qin Hao had no way to refute it.

“Are you in a hurry?”

Qin Hao raised his head and glanced at Luo Hui.

“Before Hongjun ancestor preached.”

Luo Hui glared at Qin Hao fiercely: “The time is still too late, let’s think of a solution slowly, don’t get too entangled.”

After speaking, he stood up and walked to Qin Hao’s side.

Qin Hao was a little excited, looking straight at Luo Hu.

A smile suddenly appeared on Luo Hu’s face, and his two soft hands clung to Qin Hao’s arms.

Qin Hao stood up, followed Luo Hu’s pace and walked forward.

When he arrived at the door, Luo Hui changed his face, retracted his arm, and kicked Qin Hao.

Then before Qin Hao could react, he slammed the door shut.

“Go back and think about it, I can’t help you, don’t send it!”

Qin Hao reluctantly touched his kicked butt.

Can only turn around and leave.

As soon as Qin Hao returned to his residence, he received a few talismans.

They are from Hongyun, Shennong, and Xingtian.

The meaning is the same, they are all asking him when to go to the place where Hongjun ancestor started to preach.

After Qin Hao replied, he sat in the yard and stared at the flowers and plants in the yard and began to be in a daze.

“Master! What’s wrong?”

Xiao Haotian jumped up to him.

He looked at Qin Hao innocently.

Qin Hao was taken aback, looking at the future Jade Emperor in front of him.

He has too many things to do, and now the Queen Mother of the West has achieved a lot of power.

Moreover, the Jade Emperor was as simple as a child.

How does this work? Although it has not yet come to the time of conferring the gods.

But this is not too far away,

If Xiao Haotian keeps going like this, isn’t it a missed opportunity?

“This time Hongjun ancestor opened the altar to preach, you follow me.”

Xiao Haotian smiled happily, and said excitedly: “Really? Master! Do you still take me out this time?”

Qin Hao raised his hand and touched Xiao Haotian’s head.

“You have to work hard, and this time I will take you to see the world.”

Xiao Haotian nodded obediently.

“I see, Master, I will definitely work hard and will not disappoint Master’s expectations.”

Qin Hao happened to be interested.

“Your amazing healing power, how are you practicing now?”

Xiao Haotian lowered his head and whispered: “I can only practice secretly in my own room. Does anyone else know? So now…”

Qin Hao nodded clearly and thought for a while.

It is true that Xiao Haotian’s magical energy cannot be leaked out, but it is impossible to always hide and not practice like this.

Always think of fair reasons.

Qin Hao stared at the flowers in the yard blankly, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

I stood up, walked over, stretched out a hand and broke a flower.

Then he turned his head and waved at Xiao Haotian who was staying in place behind him.

Xiao Haotian ran over all the way.

“Master, what’s the matter?”

“Come here and try to see if this can be cured.”

Xiao Haotian nodded, obediently picked up the flowers he had picked.

He placed it in the pinch position.

Then closed his eyes and used one hand to cover the break.

From the palm of Xiao Haotian’s hand, a burst of energy flowed out, and it gently attached to the broken place.

After a while, the flower returned to its original appearance.

And, it seems more gorgeous than before.

“Master, I’m done.”

Qin Hao nodded, standing still and thinking.

What is the principle of this healing energy? It seems that it needs to be pondered.

To achieve this effect, in fact, in addition to treatment.

There is another time backtracking that can also achieve this effect.

So is Xiao Haotian controlling time? Or is it regenerated energy?

Thinking of this, Qin Hao cut off the flower again.

“Try again to see if you can restore it, don’t worry, just do it boldly.”

Xiao Haotian took a step forward obediently.

“Master, give me the flowers!”

Qin Hao shook his head: “That’s it, I want to see if I can grow flowers again.”

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