Chapter 253

The rules of heaven and earth have changed.

In this great famine, a big change is needed.

The forces of all parties must also be reshuffled.

The human race will be on the stage of this dispute with a new look.

Qin Hao looked at Houtu standing below.

Some muttered in my heart.

As for the sanctification of these three Qing Dynasties, the time should be pushed back.

At the time when the war between the Wu You two clans was about to end.

After the victory or defeat is a foregone conclusion.

This is their best time to become holy.

Qin Hao himself is to blame for this.

When I first arrived, I moved the time period of the matter forward.

So follow-up matters will also be brought forward one after another.

The entangled roots have caused the situation today.

The war between the two clans of the Lich was not over, but the six reincarnations had to appear.

Although he already had ice crystals in his hands.

It can be guaranteed that Yun Ning’er will survive in the world again.

But this Hou Tu, the 12th Ancestral Witch Array, I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain.

Qin Hao sat up and frowned, sitting on top with a sad expression on his face.

Everyone of the Witch tribe looked at each other, wondering why it was so precious to the Witch tribe.

It was a tie with the Yaozu.

Why is the Holy Lord frowning?

The others didn’t dare to speak, and they winked at the big witch.

“Holy Lord, what’s wrong? I still hope for instructions.”

Lifting his head from his entanglement, he looked at the Wu people who looked blank and worried.

Encountered in a dilemma that is difficult to choose.

Energetic, shook his head: “No, I am worried about other things.”

Everyone of the Wu Clan breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s right! Old ancestor Hongjun, publicize invitations, do you know about the preaching in a month’s time?”

Di Jiang smiled and nodded.

“Our twelve ancestor witches have all received invitations. Don’t worry, the Holy Lord, I don’t know if the Holy Lord will go with us at that time.”

Qin Hao pondered for a while.

“It’s good if you know, if you will go with you then, let’s talk about it, I am not sure now.”

Di Jiang saw the exhaustion on Qin Hao’s face and said.

“The holy lord has been on the road for such a long time. Go back and rest. There is nothing much to do in the Wu Clan, and everything is left to us.”

Qin Hao nodded, and everyone dispersed.

Qin Hao looked at the back of the leaving Houtu with a complicated expression.

Tangled in my heart.

This thing is really not easy to do, it’s like being stuck in a dead end.

There is simply no way to achieve the best of both worlds.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao sighed slightly.

“Why, this time I came back for the sake of Hou Tu. No, it’s Yun Ning’er. Are you so unwilling?”

Qin Hao turned his head in surprise.

It was found that Luo Hui did not leave, but stood aside, looking straight at himself.

“When did you come?”

Qin Hao asked in surprise.

Luo Hui snorted coldly.

“You are almost sticking to people, of course you can’t see me. I’m not back, or I haven’t left at all.”

After Luo Hui finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Qin Hao quickly stood up and stopped Luo Hu.

This uncle is not easy to wait on, once she doesn’t let her breathe at this time.

They are not to be unimaginable.

Think of the yellow clothes that have vanished in smoke.

“You don’t have to stop me, I won’t be so impulsive.”

Qin Hao was a little anxious: “No, you have some misunderstandings.”

Hearing this, Luo Hui turned his head, a sarcasm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Misunderstanding, I misunderstanding? I’m afraid your Lord Lord misunderstood, right.”

After Luo Hui lost, he walked outside again.

It didn’t give Qin Hao the opportunity to block it at all.

Qin Hao rubbed his head fiercely.

How messy things are getting more and more.

After Qin Hao’s breath, he chased out.

After this chase, he came to Luo Hu’s room.

Luo Hu naturally saw Qin Hao who was chasing after him when he closed the door.

Still giving him no face, in front of Qin Hao, he slammed the door shut.

Qin Hao ate a closed door, and his heart suddenly became uncomfortable.

Qin Hao stepped forward, pushed the door tentatively, and found that the door had opened.

This was a joy in my heart and walked in.

Luo Hui sat at the table, and a condensed eye knife shot over.

“Who let you in, what are you doing today?”

Qin Hao showed a pleasing smile and sat down opposite Luo Hu.

He graciously poured a cup of tea for Luo Hu and pushed it over.

“Pretty sister, drink tea.”

Luo Hu still ignored him, and Qin Hao poured himself a glass and took a sip slowly.

Then he raised his head and peeked at Luo Huo lightly, brewing for a long time in his heart.

He sighed, as if he had given up, and said.

“Now there is something about Hou Tu, which has troubled me for a long time.”

Luo Hu turned his head in surprise, and looked up and down Qin Hao suspiciously.

Seems to doubt the meaning of his words.

Qin Hao nodded affirmatively: “Really, I didn’t lie to you.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he took another sip of tea frowning.

“I can’t tell you what the specific matter is, but this matter is quite important, making it difficult for me to decide.”

There was something uncomfortable in Luo Hui’s heart.

Where is this Yun Ning’er sacred?

Why are there so many things to her?

It’s the Nüwa Palace again, and it’s the reincarnation of Hou Tu, what past life and present life? Now there is another thing that makes Qin Hao difficult to make a decision.

Luo Hu couldn’t help but frowned.

Qin Hao didn’t say a word when he saw Luo Hui and asked.

However, Qin Hao has another desire to talk.

He opened his mouth and finally couldn’t help but say a general idea.

“Yes, there is one thing that Hou Tu had to do, and after he did it, it would be of great benefit to the common people, but for Hou Tu herself, it was her destined choice.”

Luo Hui looked over in surprise.

Qin Hao didn’t explain too much, but continued to speak downward.

“But you know, now is the critical moment of the battle between the two groups of Lich. If Hurtu is not there at this time, one is missing. Then the Twelve Ancestor Witches are incomplete, and the Twelve Ancestor Witch Array will naturally not be able to play any role. NS.”

Luo Hui stroked what Qin Hao had said.

Only then did he know what he was struggling with.

This is really a dilemma, it is a bit helpless.

“You said that it was a destined choice for the land, didn’t you?”

Qin Hao nodded.

“But this is not right! Since it is destined, how can this dilemma arise? Just choose fate directly.”

Luo Hui said solemnly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

I always feel that there is something else, I haven’t thought through it.

Qin Hao sighed deeply: “I also know, but this incident seems to have discovered some deviations. If Houtu follows her established fate at this time, then the fate of other people will change, especially the Wu clan. ”

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