Chapter 252 Hongjun’s Invitation

Qin Hao chatted with the Master Tongtian during this period.

The cloud of attention has been moisturizing Penglai Island.

All the creatures on Penglai Island have been greatly benefited.

Penglai, who was originally a blessed world, seemed to have truly revealed his part of Penglai Fairy Island at this time.

The vegetation, which was already full of vitality, is even more graceful at this time.

Reborn in general, all of them are full of energy.

The spiritual power floating near Penglai Island seems to be more intense.

The misty air did not dissipate.

At low altitude, the misty air close to the ground has been absorbed cleanly.

However, those who are shrouded above Penglai Island seem to have made a home here.

There is nothing to leave.

From a distance, clouds and mist are looming, looming.

It really seems to be an island built in the sky.

This is how Penglai Wonderland got its name.

Qin Hao looked up at Penglai Fairy Island at this time.

Can’t help but start to fantasize about Kunlun Xu and Shouyang Mountain.

It might be the same, it’s like this.

As soon as Qin Hao finished thinking about it, he discovered that the surrounding ground actually rose up with golden rays of light straight into the sky.

The Master Tongtian was also very surprised, turning his head to look at Qin Hao inquiringly.

Qin Hao shook his head blankly, saying that he didn’t know.

As if to answer everyone’s doubts.

The two directions of Kunlun Xu and Shouyang Mountain also radiated golden light respectively.

Qin Hao instantly understood that this should be a gift from God.

Master Tongtian followed Qin Hao’s line of sight and naturally found the golden light of the other two dojos.

Then he calmed down with surprise on his face.


“Shock from the ancestor of Hongjun!”

“Shock from Nuwa!”

“Shock from Taobao Taoist!”

“Shock from Luo Hu!”

“Shock from the Lord of Nether!”

“Shock from Taishang Laojun!”

“Shock from Donghuang Taiyi!”


“Reward the host for two million years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao heard the prompt tone coming from his ear.

I am afraid that these three holy places can truly enter everyone’s field of vision at this moment.

Master Tongtian was very excited.

This is the golden light on the ground also gradually disappearing.

It seems that everything is back to normal.

But everyone knows that everything seems to be different.

At this moment, streams of light were emitted from the sky.

Like a meteor, it cuts through the sky and flows everywhere.

Qin Hao looked at the light in the sky, and unexpectedly two of them ran towards him.

Master Tongtian is subconsciously vigilant.

Waved a barrier outside him and Qin Hao.

The two streamers looked unpleasant, but they were actually as fast as lightning.

He came in front of Tongtian Guru and Qin Hao in an instant.

It is a pity that no matter how fast it is, it will not be as fast as the Master of Heaven.

When the Master Tongtian just lowered his arm, the two streamers collided.

It hit the barrier with two bangs.

Master Tongtian and Qin Hao looked at each other.

Both saw surprise in each other’s eyes.

The Master Tongtian removed the barrier at will.

The invitations turned into by the two streams of light fluttered in front of Qin Hao and the Lord Tongtian.

Floating in mid-air.

Qin Hao raised his hand and took it gently, and the invitation opened instantly.

Qin Hao scanned it quickly.

After reading it, he raised his head and looked at the Lord Tongtian on the opposite side.

A trace of excitement flashed across the face of Master Tongtian, and he said excitedly.

“Great! Unexpectedly, the Master actually started to preach on the scene.”

Qin Hao raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

This ancestor of Hongjun is very interesting.

Now I see Nuwa, the leader of Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Taishang Laojun four have been sanctified.

Are you worried about your status?

That’s why this opportunity to preach lectures.

Qin Hao wondered.

It is estimated that on the one hand, it is to declare your own existence.

On the other hand, let the creatures in this great wilderness take a look.

These sanctified people are their own juniors and call themselves masters.

As for the most important thing, it may be to take this opportunity to snatch the believers from Sanqing and cultivate one’s own power.

How could Shun Kuang miss such a grand event?

How can you be worthy of the invitation in hand if you don’t create a wonderful link for the ancestors of Hongjun? ? !

Qin Hao made up his mind secretly.

“Elder, why don’t we go together?”

The words of the Master Tongtian summoned Qin Hao back to the gods.

Qin Hao shook his head and refused.

In the puzzled gaze of the Master Tongtian, he explained.

“The time for ancestor Hongjun to preach, there is still more than a month left. I have other things to do. It won’t be so early. I appreciate the kindness of the leader. Let’s see you then.”

Master Tongtian nodded.

Although he didn’t know what else, Qin Hao needed to do it.

But he knew that everything Qin Hao finally said was not a trivial matter.

Nor is it a reason for prevarication.

Therefore, the Lord Tongtian is not asking for it either.

Qin Hao stood up after drinking the tea in the cup.

“Master, the matter here is over, I will leave first, and want to go back and see the situation on the Wu Clan.”

Master Tongtian nodded.

Then he took out a piece of jade from his arms.

“Now that I have been sanctified, I have entered the realm of a saint, bound by the way of heaven, it is difficult to pay attention to too many worldly things. The elders are walking around in this world. If there is anything I can help, I will use this jade. contact me.”

Qin Hao smiled and took the jade slip.

“Master Tongtian is interested, then go out and help me take care of this Penglai Fairy Island!”

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Afterwards, Qin Hao left Penglai Fairy Island.

Returned to the Witch Clan’s residence.

Because there is still some distance between the two.

In addition, Qin Hao wasn’t very anxious, but he didn’t travel around the mountains either.

After all, it was Qin Hao himself, who didn’t have this interest.

So Qin Hao spent a day and a half rushing back to the Wu Clan residence.

Qin Hao received a warm welcome as soon as he returned.

Everyone in the Wu tribe is proud of it now.

After all, their own holy master of the Wu Clan has achieved the four great saints in an instant.

What a supernatural power, what a bravery this is.

Zu Witch Hall.

Qin Hao looked at the Wu Clan people below.

Asked with concern.

“How is the battle between the two clans of the Lich now?”

Di Jiang stepped forward.

“Report to the Holy Master that since the two clans officially started the war, there have been wins and losses. It can be said that they are evenly matched. No one can do anything about it.”

Qin Hao nodded and bowed his head in thought.

Actually as far as he knows.

The two clans of the lich fought, and the demon clans were even better.

Now that I can practice a powerful enemy, it is considered that what I did before is not in vain.

But this is only temporary, if it is a protracted war.

After all, the demons are numerous, and the Wu Clan is not an opponent at all.

And these two minutes can’t be stopped by just talking.

However, there is another thing more difficult to do now.

That is Human Race has appeared.

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