Chapter 230 Chaos Sword Awakens

After the ancestor Hongyun finished speaking, he took the lead to go out.

Qin Hao nodded, and followed the ancestor Hongyun and Shennong out of the cave.

Three days is indeed not too long.

For a person who cultivates, breaking through a realm is normal for two to three years.

Qin Hao stayed at the end and asked quietly, Xiao Haotian who followed him closely.

“You tell the master that when the master was in retreat just now, it didn’t arouse much movement.”

Xiao Haotian didn’t understand what it meant.

Finally, he looked at Qin Hao’s questioning eyes.

Then I went through the whole thing, and then I understood it.

Immediately shook his head and said, “Master, don’t worry, no, has it caused any abnormalities, and the ancestor Hongyun will not be in the formation after you enter the state of concentration.”

Qin Hao was completely relieved now.

Be careful to make Wannian ship.

Qin Hao didn’t dare to take it lightly.

The lesson the Chaos Sword taught him this time was big enough.

Things that come in vain are not necessarily good, and there are also scams.

Several of them returned to the crater again.

Found that it was still the same.

Taobao Taoist and Master Tongtian, those of them did not come back.

Qin Hao also completely let go of his heart.

Began to wonder how to help Shennong.

Help him get the grass in the center of the swamp.

Qin Hao at this time is no longer the same as Qin Hao three days ago.

So on how to obtain herbs.

Qin Hao seemed to have more confidence.

What Qin Hao is more likely to use now is that the wontons are fried in, and they are still asleep, unable to take them out.

Otherwise, Qin Hao really wanted to throw it into this magma and refine him again.

It is said that the gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years.

What’s more, this Chaos Sword fell into his Qin Hao’s hands from now on.

Qin Hao naturally made the best use of everything.

How can you bear to put him on the shelf?

Chaos Sword still sleeping.

Suddenly, as if feeling it, the blade trembled.

At last it was calm.

“What should we do? There are restrictions on this, so I can’t make it through at all.”

Xing Tian walked back and forth, exclaiming.

Qin Hao’s eyes lit up.

Qin Hao carefully observed the flames in the magma.

It’s just going around here and around.

He even found some stones and threw them in the middle.

After repeated experiments.

Qin Hao seemed to understand something.

Xiao Haotian followed Qin Hao curiously.

Seeing Qin Hao throwing stones, he also threw them.

Old Ancestor Hongyun walked over with a little dumbfounding: “What are you doing? You are very interested.”

Shennong, Xingtian also followed.

Shennong touched his beard.

“You don’t need to be so frowning. If there is really no way, we can only say that we have no fate, but we don’t have to destroy ourselves in this way. Why is it like depression and illness?”

Xiao Haotian reacted very quickly.

He immediately turned his head and stared at Shennong closely.

“Uncle Shennong, you can’t say that my master has a brain disease! I can’t tell you are trying to find a way for you.”

Xing Tian leaned over and knelt down.

“Little Haotian, give me a little, and I will throw it away for you.”

The small Haotian capitalist handed the stone to Xing Tian.

At this time, Qin Hao also threw all the stones in his hand clean.

I stood up and clapped my hands.

“I already know.”

On Qin Hao’s face was the calm expression of a world-famous person.

Xing Tian raised his head in surprise.

Tumbled the stone in his hand up and down.

“I haven’t started this yet, you know?”

Qin Hao reached the edge of the river.

Two stones were snatched from Xing Tian’s hands.

Threw it towards the center.

There is no doubt that with a bang, the stone hit the restriction.

It broke apart and fell into the magma.

Qin Hao did not speak, and then continued to throw another stone in his hand.

But this time seems a bit different.

The location is lower.

It is also towards the middle position.

This time it was Didi, flying over the magma.

Unfortunately, he still fell into the magma in the end.

Old Ancestor Hongyun stared at the place where the two lions disappeared just now, thoughtfully.

Shennong felt as if he understood something, but there was still a little unclear.

As for Xiao Haotian and Xing Tian, ​​they all watched the excitement.

Qin Hao explained.

“Everyone has seen just now. I was the first one that was not good. Because the distance was relatively high, the stone hit the restriction, but the second one didn’t touch it. Instead, it fell by itself.”

Shennong’s eyes lit up.

“Yeah, is it true that there is a distance above the magma, there is no restriction, we can go in from there?”

After Shennong finished speaking, he randomly shook his head immediately.

Said self-denyingly.

“No, at such a short height, no one really can pass, and there is only such a small place in the middle, there is no place to go.”

The ancestor of Hongyun then analyzed: “It is true. When we are in the sky, we can pick in the air, but close to the magma, it may be roasted before we come to pick it.”

Qin Hao nodded.

“That’s right, but if we don’t go there, just pick it at a low altitude and take things out of the air, is it all right?”

Shennong’s face revealed a trace of embarrassment.

Qin Hao said confidently.

“Don’t worry, I have a way, but I don’t know, Shennong, do you want to uproot, or just the upper plant?”


“Shock from Hongyun!”

“Shock from Shennong!”

“Shock from Xingtian!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Reward the host for 600,000 years of cultivation!”

Shennong was stunned for a moment, and didn’t seem to react.

Xiao Haotian immediately picked it up.

“Master, you really have a way, what way, just say it!”

Qin Hao calmly patted Xiao Haotian’s head.

Shennong looking to one side.

Shennong hesitated and stopped talking, seeming a little shy.

Qin Hao didn’t know what made Shennong so entangled.

Shennong looked at Qin Hao with seriousness, and a trace of favor flashed in his eyes.

“Can you have more?”

Qin Hao instantly understood.

Well, adults never make choices, they want all of them.

This difficulty seems to be okay.

In fact, just now, when Qin Hao squatted and threw stones.

Chaos Sword finally awakened.

On the surface, Qin Hao seemed to be observing how to break it, and was forbidden to think of a solution.

In fact, he was having a conversation with that Chaos Sword.

Not to mention, I don’t know if it was because of this Chaos Sword, there was no other owner before.

Qin Hao is his first master.

So it seems to be very close to Qin Hao, of course this is related to the inconspicuous character of Chaos Sword itself.

The Chaos Sword had already assured Qin Hao just now.

This small prohibition is nothing to him.

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