Chapter 229 Chaos Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak

Is this a system bug?

Qin Hao had something beautiful in his heart.

Then Qin Hao threw away the joy.

I sink my heart and concentrate on the last hurdle.

The cultivation base accumulated during this time can be described as overbearing.

Love is like a broken bamboo, and directly rushed to the last level.

Crush the obstructive force directly under your feet.

Qin Hao’s eyebrows stretched out, the spiritual power that had just been restless, it was calm and calm.

The tendency to become crazy all over his body has disappeared.

Xiao Haotian, who had been following Qin Hao, was immediately noticed by Hongyun Old Ancestor and others.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other.

Settle into position again, and protect Qin Hao.

Xiao Haotian really wanted to make a move, but he didn’t expect it at the last moment.

The master actually survived the catastrophe by himself.

Xiao Haotian also made up his mind, and he must practice well in the future.

Don’t let yourself fall into such a contradictory situation again.

Xiao Haotian actually knew it all along.

Qin Hao wouldn’t let him tell others that he had healing powers.

It was because Xiao Haotian’s current strength was too weak to protect himself.

If other people use it with ulterior motives, I am afraid it will be doomed.

Let’s talk about this time.

Qin Hao broke through this last hurdle, and the meridians throughout his body were instantly widened.

It can be said that Qin Hao’s previous meridians had the thickness of a finger.

So now it’s the size of a fist.

It can be said that it has more than doubled.

And the previous cultivation bases rewarded by the system were still not consumed.

Those cultivation bases kept circulating in Qin Hao’s body according to a certain law.

Qin Hao’s emotions became less and less, and there was only one thought in his heart, as long as he kept turning like this.

I don’t know how long it took.

Qin Hao felt the power in his body turn faster and faster.

There was a sudden boom.

It seems that something has become different.

When Qin Hao’s breath calmed down again.

Qin Hao slowly opened his eyes, only feeling comfortable.

The world in front of me seems to have become a little different.

Qin Hao lowered his head to check his current realm.

From the previous Chaos Golden Fairy mid-term, a big economy and three small realms have been crossed.

Qin Hao is now at the peak of the Chaos Taiyi Golden Immortal.

He is still a big Luojinxian and half-holy realm from the realm of saints.

Qin Hao was very surprised.

I didn’t expect to accumulate so many cultivation bases during this time.

Qin Hao suddenly looked forward to something, what was it like when he reached the realm of a saint?

But it is estimated that that period should not be too long.

Xiao Haotian was the first to run over, looking at Qin Hao with surprise on his face.

Then I cried when I watched it.

“Great, oooo…Master, you scared me to death. You don’t know. At the time I saw that you were going to be crazy. I really didn’t know what to do. I just wanted to go against the master. mine……”

Qin Hao instantly understood the meaning of Xiao Haotian’s words.

“Don’t you?”

Xiao Haotian cried and shook his head: “Woo…no, it’s not too late.”

Qin Hao quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Hao naturally believed in the character of Hongyun ancestors, Shennong and Xingtian.

But Xiao Haotian was his secret weapon, and one more person knew it would be more dangerous.

Qin Hao smiled and comforted Xiao Haotian: “Okay, don’t cry, look at the master, am I not necessarily safe anymore?”

“Congratulations! You made a breakthrough in one fell swoop. There is nothing uncomfortable about your body.”

Old Ancestor Hongyun walked over with a smile and looked up and down Qin Hao.

Qin Hao immediately responded with a smile.

“Worry you all, thank you for protecting me, it’s finally a surprise.”

Shennong nodded, and sighed: “It’s also because I didn’t think about it. I have herbs that supplement spiritual power, but your appearance at the time is completely useless.”

Xing Tian nodded fiercely.

“Isn’t it? The three of us rummaged through all the storage bags, turned upside down, and found nothing that you can use. It seems that we should prepare more of these things in the future.”

Qin Hao was grateful to them, and even worried about him outside.

“Then I have a great fortune, and I have passed this level safely, don’t worry! Actually, it will soon be mature. If you want something like this, you can ask me for it in the future.”

The ancestors of Hongyun, Shennong and Xingtian were surprised, and there were some doubts on their faces.

Qin Hao didn’t explain too much.

Just smiled and said: “You know that the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed.”

“By the way, what’s the situation just now? I haven’t asked you yet. How could you suddenly go into a madness? Aren’t you signing a master agreement with that innate spirit treasure? What happened in the middle?”

Shennong asked curiously.

When it comes to this, Qin Hao remembers that the roots of his teeth are itchy.

“Don’t mention it, I was really cheated by him.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help but spit out.

“At first I recognized the Lord, and it went smoothly, but I don’t know why, that sword suddenly began to absorb the spiritual power in my body, and I couldn’t control it at all.”

I heard Qin Hao say this.

The others showed surprised expressions.

They are also the first time to hear of this situation.

Although Xiantian Lingbao is spiritual.

It’s really rare to be so spiritual and self-assertive.

“Right? But fortunately, this guy later gave me spiritual power, but just when I was about to break through to be sold, the sword suddenly fell asleep, making me weak in the later stage, so I lost my mind.”

Right now, even Xing Tian didn’t say a word.

It seems that this Xiantian Lingbao is not so good either.

This Lou Zi stabbed people by surprise, and one was bigger than the other.

However, he did not expect Qin Hao to be able to resolve it so easily.


“Shock from Hongyun!”

“Shock from Shennong!”

“Shock from Xingtian!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Reward the host for 600,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao heard the system prompt again.

At the same time, a continuous flow of chaotic power came from him.

Nourishes Qin Hao’s meridians.

Qin Hao observed the expressions of a few of them.

They discovered that the ancestors of Hongyun were shocked by their own strength, but they also carried a trace of admiration.

Qin Hao smiled and nodded, seeming to have discovered something extraordinary.

Qin Hao stood up and moved his muscles and bones a bit.

The bones all over his body were crackling.

“This time I retreat, it didn’t take much time to get promoted just now, Master Tongtian, are they back?”

Qin Hao asked with some worry.

“Don’t worry, it’s only after three days. We are safe enough. They shouldn’t notice anything. Let’s go out first.”

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