Chapter 231

It’s just that he has just been born now.

Because of insufficient experience, there are some magical powers that have not yet been activated.

So it takes some time.

Qin Hao was doing two things with one heart just now, and at the same time, he noticed that there seemed to be no restrictions below.

After asking about Chaos Sword.

The guarantee that Chaos Sword slapped the chest will definitely accomplish the task.

Qin Hao was quite satisfied with this attitude.

Free labor, don’t use it in vain.

So everyone saw it.

Qin Hao volleyed a finger, and suddenly a sword sprang out of his body.

The simplicity of this piece is actually the innate spirit treasure that was in the cave just now.

It’s just that I took the sword at this time, which has changed a lot from just now.

Only the size of a palm.

If it weren’t for the above breath, it was more familiar.

The ancestor of Hongyun, Shennong really may not be able to recognize it

Qin Hao moved in his heart.

The Chaos Sword began to grow bigger, and stopped after it was about the size of a summer escape.

Qin Hao didn’t do any other actions either.

Just pointing to the center position along the river.

Gao Leng said: “Go!”

The Chaos Sword was in the eyes of everyone’s surprise.

With a swish, it passed through the forbidden gap above the magma.

Flew to the position of the middle herbal medicine.

Then there was a lot of deforestation.

At the beginning, he chopped twice.

Shennong screamed anxiously on the shore.

“Be careful, don’t break it to me, be gentle, alas, it really spoiled things.”

Qin Hao cast his eyes away.

Chaos Sword immediately became honest, and obediently chopped down the plant from the root.

Then the appointed dragged the plant and flew back.

But things were not as simple as Chaos Sword thought.

In the process of dragging him back to the plant.

Halfway through, the plant burned on its own.

Now, not only Shennong on the shore was dumbfounded.

Even the Chaos Sword himself was thrown on the spot, at a loss.

Qin Hao began to ponder.

This seems a bit unreasonable.

Obviously, when I was looking for a center, I was not afraid of this kind of fire at all.

And it was born from magma.

How could it be dead without touching the magma, but just passing over the sky.

Is this kidding him?

Qin Hao had no choice but to order Chaos Sword to do it again.

Chaos Sword returned to the center again.

Quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly learn a plant again.

This time dragged and flew outside.

The scene reappeared, exactly the same as I was just now.

Halfway through the flight, the plants began to shrink gradually.

The leaves began to set on fire, as if they were scorched.

In the end it slowly turned black and burned.

Shennong walked back and forth along the shore anxiously.

It was the first time that Shennong saw this kind of plant, so he had no experience and didn’t know how to pick it.

And most importantly, now he Shennong can’t even touch it.

How can you know the nature of the plant?

Qin Hao thought for a while, then tried to communicate with Chaos Sword.

“You connect it to the roots and plan it completely out of the dirt, with a little dirt on it, try again.”

Chaos Sword is very obedient in this matter.

I guess I knew I was in trouble before.

So follow Qin Hao’s instructions and obediently do it.

Just while holding this plant carefully, he slowly flew towards Qin Hao’s direction.

This time when flying over the central area.

The plant has not changed.

Qin Hao had a little confidence in his heart.

When the chaos was about to reach the shore, the plant only slightly yellowed.

Shennong quickly took it over and put it in the place where he was nurturing.

With a happy smile on his face.

“Thank you Daoist Qin, I didn’t expect this to be true.”

Qin Hao nodded, then looked at the Chaos Sword.

“Next time you fly faster, it is estimated that it will not turn yellow. Okay, you have experience now, go by yourself, try to help me and pick all the plants on it.”

Chaos Sword trembled hesitantly a few times.

Qin Hao immediately felt the Chaos Sword and aggrieved emotion in his heart.

Qin Hao said unceremoniously.

“Why are you wronged now? I didn’t see you aggrieved at all when you got into trouble just now. Did I feel wronged when I almost went into a madness?”

As soon as Qin Hao’s voice fell, the Chaos Sword flew in again with a swish.

It looked like something was chasing after him.

Don’t panic and run away.

Xing Tian looked at all this and was amused.

Laughing and pointing at Chaos Sword.

“Your sword is really interesting. I found that there are many interesting things around you.”

Qin Hao didn’t know what expression to use.

I can only nodded blankly: “Thank you for the compliment.”

Old Ancestor Hongyun was also amused on the side.

Soon, with the help of Chaos Sword.

Under Qin Hao’s strict supervision.

In the center of the crater, all the plants on Xiaozhou were picked clean.

Into the pockets of several of them.

Shennong did not monopolize it.

After all, what is the use of this thing, I haven’t studied it yet.

So just give it to everyone first.

Said that when he went back to study and understood, he would send a letter to inform them when the time came.

Shennong knew it was a good thing at first glance. It can’t be met.

Qin Hao, the ancestor of Hongyun did not decline either.

They put it away without any kind of courtesy, after all, in terms of their relationship these past few days.

These are nothing.

After cleaning up, Qin Hao turned to look at the ancestors of Hongyun, Shennong and Xingtian.

“What are your plans next? They originally came for these heavenly spirit treasures, but they didn’t expect to become what they are now.”

Old Ancestor Hongyun nodded with a smile.

“Although I didn’t get this innate spirit treasure, I think it’s a worthwhile trip to be able to make a friend of you.”

Shennong smiled and narrowed his eyes, and touched his beard.

“It’s true. I will keep in touch in the future. My mother will continue to walk around and see here. There are no other herbs.”

Xing Tian glanced at Qin Hao, and then at Shennong.

“I followed Shennong, and I didn’t have a place to go, so I still continue to protect Shennong.”

Old Ancestor Hongyun turned his head and looked at Qin Hao: “I don’t know what itinerary you have next? Would you like to visit the mountains and rivers with us? I also want to follow Shennong. I feel that everyone is getting along very well.”

A regretful expression appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

“I’m sorry, you guys, let’s not hide it. I may have other things to do next, and I may be busy for a while. In this way, I will come to you after I’m busy.”

The ancestors of Hongyun, Shennong and Xingtian were not surprised.

After all, when Qin Hao asked this sentence, they had already realized that they were about to separate.

Shennong said with a smile.

“Relationship, we know that Daoist Qin is not a trivial matter, how can we exchange communication tokens with each other! If I can help in the future, just speak up.”

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