Chapter 222

“Xingtian, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.”

“What on earth are you?”

As soon as Xing Tian’s words fell, Shennong and Hong Yun also turned their heads and stared at Qin Hao closely.

Qin Hao was a little bit dumbfounded.

It turns out that they have always been curious, and it is really rare to be able to hold back and not ask.

“I am a human being born of heaven and earth.”

Qin Hao smiled slightly, his face was open, letting a few of them look back and forth.

Qin Hao thought to himself.

Maybe you can use this opportunity to bring Shennong and Xingtian to your side.

After all, after all Nuwa created people.

It is the ancestors of mankind that can grow and protect mankind.

Shennong, Emperor Yan.

Isn’t it because of this reason that you contact them yourself?

“People? It’s the teaching of the people founded by Taishang Laojun, that person there?”

Shennong immediately asked.

Qin Hao didn’t hide it either, but nodded instead.

“It’s just that the time has not come, and I don’t want to say anything. You know, even if you leak too many secrets, I have no good end.”

What Xing Tian wanted to say was blocked by Qin Hao and opened his mouth in an instant, and he didn’t say anything again.

Hong Yun asked suspiciously.

“I want to ask, what is this person’s magical powers? Why is Daoyou Qin able to point others to sanctification, but he himself…”

Qin Hao nodded with a light cloud on his face.

In my heart, I wondered, how should this lie be rounded out?

“The supernatural power of human beings is to create techniques, to innovate, understand? This is the foundation of my existence.”

Qin Hao said as he walked.

Several other people nodded one after another, but they believed it.

All this way, they saw and felt Qin Hao.

It seems to be different from other existences in the entire Great Wilderness.

“It is said that why I am like this now is because of the limitations of the way of heaven. If there is gain, there will be losses. Heaven cannot favor one side. Everything in this world is about checks and balances, so I can only point to others instead of feeding back myself.”

“Balance? Everything in the world? Checks and balances…”

Shennong muttered to himself, seeming to have some sentiment.

Suddenly stopped in place and closed his eyes.

Xing Tian became nervous: “What’s wrong? Why suddenly…”

Hong Yun immediately took Xing Tian to the side.

“Speak down! Xing Tian was inspired by Qin Hao’s words just now. This is about to break through.”


“Shock from Hongyun!”

“Shock from Xiao Haotian!”

“Shock from Xingtian!”

“Reward the host for 650,000 years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on behalf of it, and it will be returned automatically after the sequelae is over.”

Hong Yun looked at Qin Hao with a complex expression.

This person really shouldn’t be underestimated, a random sentence actually implies such a deep road.

Xing Tian made no secret of his surprise.

But then it seemed to understand again.

Why did the Master Tongtian treat Qin Hao like this just now, and why did he give Qin Hao a seat on Penglai Fairy Island to please him.

Xiao Haotian looked at his master with admiration.

Although this sudden situation really shocked Xiao Haotian.

But still couldn’t conceal Xiao Haotian’s worship of Qin Hao.

Stopping along the way, they almost walked out of the marsh boundary.

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian, and Xing Tian found a flat place, sat down and waited for Shennong to break through.

In fact, Qin Hao himself was very surprised just now.

Unexpectedly, just a simple sentence could make Shennong realize it.

But this is better. At the very least, Shennong’s trust and gratitude for him should be much greater.

It can be considered a wave of favorability.

Xing Tian stared at Qin Hao: “I am a little beginning to believe that you have this ability, then look at me, what about me? Give me some hints, I am a little envious.”

Qin Hao is full of black lines.

“Do you think this opportunity and opportunity for improvement is the weeds on the side of the road? You can see it everywhere?”

Xing Tian touched his head embarrassedly.

“Are there no tricks or rules? You see a character like the Master Tongtian, it’s nothing to you, let alone me? That would be easier.”

Qin Hao shook his head and sighed, organizing the language.

He can’t say that he has a lot of powers like Tongtian!

“This is about certain conditions and opportunities. When I was just born, I met the Master Tongtian. This is our fate, and the degree of his integrity is about to improve. This is the opportunity for both of us.”

Qin Hao paused at this point.

“So I came to give him advice, and it’s a matter of course. It’s a matter of course. I’ve counted it before, but the time hasn’t arrived. So you saw it just now. The Lord Tongtian can only wait silently.”

Xing Tian nodded repeatedly.

This is true, just now he saw Qin Hao reject the Master Tongtian.

Also squeezed a sweat for Qin Hao.

“I’m just a spokesperson between heaven and earth. Some things cannot go on, or if there is a lack of such a necessary condition, I will check the gaps, make up for one or two, and connect, do you understand? This is also my mission. ”

Hongyun felt admired: “I admire it. I didn’t expect to be friends with someone like Qin Daoyou. It’s a great honor.”

Qin Hao smiled in return.

“Don’t be humble, it’s my honor to be able to associate with you.”

At this moment, Xiao Haotian, who was sitting silently listening, suddenly interjected.

“Master! Then you left the Witch Clan this time, isn’t it because you have done what you did for the Witch Clan?”

Qin Hao looked at his little apprentice in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this kid is quite wise, able to think things through.

Qin Hao patted Xiao Haotian’s head and said with appreciation.

“Yes, Xiao Haotian is right. It is true, so I didn’t expect you to think of it here, not bad.”

Xiao Haotian is very happy.

In fact, when he first left the fifth group, he felt that the master seemed to be driving suddenly.

It’s as if it was suddenly ignored.

Obviously, I cared more than anyone before.

And after the start of the war, he left unrestrainedly.

It was different from what the master had done before, but Xiao Haotian didn’t want to understand, so he didn’t want to.

In Xiao Haotian’s view, his master’s decision was all right.

Only now did I understand that the original master was in such a role as a guide.

I also understand why it was in the hall of the Wu clan at that time.

The master said that if he does more, it may not be a good thing for the Wu Clan.

Is it just the balance of the heavens as the master just said?

Qin Hao didn’t know that Xiao Haotian thought so much in his mind.

At this moment, he just looked at Shennong who was enlightened.

My heart is full of joy.

This is the ancestor of their human race, who is so wise.

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