Chapter 221 The Ownership of Penglai Fairy Island

What does the Master Tongtian think?

It’s a pity, Qin Hao didn’t see anything.

However, Qin Hao could feel that the Master Tongtian really wanted to get the innate spirit treasure.

As for the reason behind this, Qin Hao seemed to be aware of it.

Qin Hao thought for a while, shook his head, and then sighed.

He didn’t face the answer, secondly, he made an ambiguous attitude.

Master Tongtian looked at Qin Hao’s appearance at this time.

I naturally thought that I must have tried it.

Qin Hao said just now that after they tried it, they found it out of luck.

That’s why they want to leave, but they can understand.

It’s just that the Lord Tongtian is embarrassed.

This time the Xiantian Lingbao was born, and the Master Tongtian came, on the one hand, he came to preside over the overall situation.

On the other hand, I just wanted to sell Qin Hao.

Now, this wish has come to no avail, so Qin Hao is let go, and it seems that it feels like nothing is going to happen to the bamboo basket.

How does this work? Master Tongtian looked around, and was robbing others of the innate spirit treasure.

Then he looked at Qin Hao and his group in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind.

“The elders don’t know, what do you think of this Penglai Fairy Island?”

Qin Hao was somewhat inexplicable.

Did the Master Tongtian think of something just now, or did his brain make up something?

Why did you suddenly ask yourself this question?

Qin Hao didn’t think about it, so he answered truthfully.

“This Penglai Fairy Island is naturally a good place, full of aura and beautiful scenery. The Master Tongtian has a good vision.”

Hearing Qin Hao’s words, Master Tongtian was happy.

“Then how about I send this Penglai fairy island to the elders?”

Master Tongtian looked at Qin Hao with eager eyes.

Qin Hao was excited, of course this is good.

Before coming, Qin Hao was looking at Penglai Wonderland and waiting for celebrities, which Qin Hao liked.

What’s more, after he came, seeing this made him more heart-stirring than he had imagined.

It’s just that Qin Hao didn’t immediately agree.

There is no free lunch in the world, and Qin Hao naturally knew that Master Tongtian wanted something.

I gave myself a Golden Ao Island last time, but this time I said it directly to myself.

Master Tongtian looked at Qin Hao hesitantly, and naturally knew what he was thinking.

“The elder misunderstood it, just because the elder promised me to wish me holy this kindness. I never knew what to do. Although things haven’t been done now, my gratitude to the elders has always been remembered in my heart, and I didn’t dare. forget.”

Qin Hao immediately understood the meaning behind Master Tongtian.

So it turned out that I came here to urge myself to make myself move faster.

And giving himself some small Anhui also allows him Qin Hao to do his best to advise the Lord Tongtian.

That being the case, don’t do it in vain.

A surprised expression appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

Put your hands together and bow your hands in salute: “Thank you very much for the leader. As for the leader, please don’t worry. I have always kept it in my heart, but now the time has not come. I still ask the leader and wait for a while.”

This is the second time that Master Tongtian has heard Qin Hao say this.

Looking at Qin Hao’s expression now, he didn’t have any intention of backing down or concealing it, so he was relieved.

It seems that the time may really be too late.

Although the Lord Tongtian himself vaguely felt this way.

But he thought that Qin Hao was able to advance this opportunity, after all, it seemed that it was easy to guide himself to create Jiedu before.

But looking back, Master Tongtian thought about it again, after all, this sanctification is not a trivial matter.

I haven’t touched the threshold for so many years.

How could this Qin Hao be so easy and simple even if he had great luck?

It seems that I still have to wait.

After thinking this way, the Lord Tongtian took out a jade medal from his arms.

Passed it to Qin Hao on the opposite side.

“Elder, please accept it. This is the island owner’s token of Penglai Fairy Island. With this island everyone can listen to your orders.”

Qin Hao reached out and took it.

Even his subordinates were left to himself.

Master Tongtian may still have the idea of ​​monitoring himself.

Did he run away by himself?

However, Qin Hao didn’t take it to heart. Since he gave it to himself, he has time to train, and sooner or later he will return to himself.

And now with these helpers, there may be unexpected help in the future development of the human race.

Qin Hao accepted it comfortably.

Say farewell to the Lord Tongtian again.

This time, the Lord Tongtian did not stop.

Qin Hao and his group left the sight of the Master Tongtian and the people around him.

Head in the direction of the volcano.

Hong Yun’s face was full of surprise: “I didn’t expect you to be so powerful!”

Shennong’s face is also grinning.

“Great, since this has become yours, wouldn’t I be able to come here anytime I want, this shortcut, Qin Hao can still let me go.”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“No problem, I or the other guards in the morning will say it, only if you want to come, you can come anytime.”

Xing Tian’s rare cleverness will also grasp the point.

“Just now the Lord Tongtian said that you helped him become holy. Is this true? Are you really sure?”

In fact, Hong Yun, Shennong, and Xing Tian have all heard of Qin Hao’s previous events.

Master Tongtian has now stepped into the realm of semi-sacredness, and it is also because of Qin Hao’s guidance that he has established the religion.

This is what everyone knows.

But they didn’t know that Qin Hao could actually help Master Tongtian enter the realm of saints.

Although this half-life and the saint don’t look at it, it’s only half the difference.

But that is really a world of difference.

It’s just like that magic trick.

Getting a high-level half of the exercises may only make you a man of skill.

It’s just different from ordinary people.

It is more than enough for ordinary people.

But in the face of a master, you may not even be able to cope with ten tricks.

But if it is a complete exercise, it will allow you to step into the realm of an expert.

Not to mention ten tricks, I am afraid that hundreds of masters are not your opponents.

The difference is naturally easy to understand.

So Shennong and Xingtian seem to be a little unbelievable.

Qin Hao smiled unpredictably.

“Since I can help him enter the realm of half his life, naturally I can also help him become holy!”

Qin Hao said this sentence sonorously and confidently.


“Shock from Hongyun!”

“Shock from Shennong!”

“Shock from Xingtian!”

“Reward the host for 600,000 years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on behalf of it, and it will be returned automatically after the sequelae is over.”

Qin Hao heard the familiar system prompt from his ear again.

It’s been a long time since I heard it, and it really feels kind of kind.

Xing Tian then frowned.

“I have never been aware of one thing, and it has been pressing in my heart. Now you and I are in a good relationship. Although I know the abruptness, Fellow Qin, I don’t know if you can answer it for me.”

Qin Hao didn’t know what doubt Xing Tian had, so he nodded.

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