Chapter 223 Shennong’s Epiphany

Xing Tian knew that Qin Hao was not able to give pointers to anyone, nor was he able to give pointers all the time, so he let go of his thoughts.

An Xin guarded Shennong’s side and protected him the law.

Hong Yun looked into the distance, the traces of magical fighting over the center of the swamp.

He muttered to himself: “I don’t know whose pocket this Congenital Lingbao got into!”

Qin Hao lowered his head silently.

If you ask why Qin Hao left the swamp so happily before?

Does Qin Hao really not want this innate spirit treasure?

of course not.

Qin Hao hadn’t felt it before in the cave.

Since the birth of that innate Lingbao.

Qin Hao felt the chaotic air on that sword.

This is a prehistoric state.

Only oneself possesses the Qi of Chaos.

In addition, Qin Hao felt that he seemed to have a faint connection with Xiantian Lingbao.

So Qin Hao concluded that it is very likely that this sword will belong to him.

Then he saw the sword exploding in the sky, casually wearing it.

I knew in my heart that the sword’s playfulness was unusual.

If you don’t let him play comfortably, and the play is cool, it is really difficult to subdue him.

Since Qin Hao already knew that he might be the master of that sword.

Naturally, there is no rush.

And in the presence of so many people, I got this innate spirit treasure.

Although on the surface it says whoever counts.

But it is hard to guarantee that there will be no such cunning, and the value of the cigarette case will be hijacked halfway.

Doesn’t this cause disaster for yourself?

Making a fortune in a muffled voice has always been Qin Hao’s life rule.

In addition, Qin Hao himself has many innate spirit treasures.

There is not much more than one, and there are not too many such ones.

Qin Hao’s mentality is quite peaceful.

Qin Hao couldn’t help admiring himself a little, not happy with things or sad for himself.

Let him do it unexpectedly.

Hey, it’s really good fortune to trick people.

The aura of attention suddenly began to restless.

Qin Hao immediately raised his head, and even looked in the direction of aura.

It turned out that Shennong was advancing.

A large amount of spiritual energy floated to Shennong’s body from all around, and accumulated more and more.

Qin Hao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that Shennong’s breakthrough was imminent, and Qin Hao stood up and patted the dust on his body.

Going forward to congratulate.

But at this moment, the change suddenly occurred.

The spiritual power rushing to Shennong just started to dissipate slowly.

Shennong’s face also showed a painful expression.

Hongyun, Xing Tian had immediately found out what was wrong.

“What’s wrong? How could these spiritual powers suddenly dissipate?”

Xing Tian was a little anxious and asked loudly.

Just about to come forward, he was held back by Hongyun.

“Don’t be so anxious, let’s look at the situation first, the weekly diary is useless, the key is to solve him.”

Qin Hao stood up and slowly observed the movement of the surrounding aura.

Spiritual energy still passed in the direction of Shennong without any interruption.

But it seemed that when he approached Shennong’s side, he was dragged away!

Thinking of this, Qin Hao immediately bypassed the big tree in front of him and came to a place not far behind Shennong.

A closer look reveals the answer in my heart.

“You guys come and take a look.”

Hong Yun pulled Xiao Haotian and walked over with Xing Tian.

“Well, what can I do?”

Xing Tian opened his mouth in surprise.

Qin Hao’s heart sank.

The answer is simple, that is, this spiritual power was dragged away by the swamp.

When they came out, they also walked on foot, and did not use any spiritual power in their bodies.

When I came in, I knew what I was looking for, and there seemed to be something underneath.

Qin Hao had speculated before.

When the sword of the innate spirit treasure appeared.

Qin Haowei was because of the innate spirit treasure.

But looking at it now, it seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

On Penglai Island, there seemed to be other things underneath, absorbing the spiritual power around it.

At this time Shennong was about to break through, so the surrounding spiritual power was very large.

Even if they have entered the forest.

Out of the swamp.

Here is still the edge of the swamp.

The swamp ran into the forest to snatch spiritual power.

This is a bit interesting and interesting.

“Make Shennong an enchantment for Shennong so quickly, and isolate him.”

This is also the best way Qin Hao can think of now.

Although I know it’s a drop in the bucket.

But being able to persist for a moment is a moment.

After Shennong’s breakthrough, this problem was naturally solved.

Naturally, Hong Yun and Xing Tian also wanted to understand.

So he didn’t hesitate to shoot and join forces with Qin Hao.

The three of them made a large enchantment barrier, like a shield.

Blocked between Shennong and the swamp.

Although the spiritual power still passed through the edge of the barrier, it leaked some out.

That’s also much better than when it first started.

Shennong’s face gradually became normal, and calm again.

Qin Hao thought for a while, then took out the Pangu banner.

Put it between the enchantment and Shennong, as a second layer of protection.

The spiritual power leaked out is even less, and it is due to the blessing of the Bangu Fan.

Shennong seemed to break through more smoothly.

Xing Tian breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this.

Towards Qin Hao, he said gratefully: “Thank you, otherwise, I really don’t know what to do.”

“Needless to say these kind words, when was our relationship so strange?”

Qin Hao said this deliberately.

Sure enough, Xing Tian took this trick, stretched out his hand, patted Qin Hao’s shoulder heavily, and laughed loudly.

“Okay! I like a refreshing person like Qin Daoyou. From now on, if you come to me usefully, just speak up.”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

But I couldn’t help but vomit in my heart.

If you are happy, please do what?

And the start is so heavy.

If it weren’t for him, Qin Hao was Pangu Saint Body, I’m afraid it would be true, and he couldn’t stand Xingtian’s palms.

Shennong has this layer of enchantment and Pangu banners.

Although some of his spiritual power was lost, the rest was enough for him to break through.

When the surrounding spirit body becomes thinner gradually, the condensing is not as fast as before.

Qin Hao looked at Shennong with full attention.

Knowing that he is about to be done.

Sure enough, before waiting for a short while, Shennong opened his eyes.

A golden glow flashed in front of Shennong’s eyes.

The whole person has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes in this instant.

A trace of the strong breath spread to the surroundings.

If we say that Shennong was an old immortal with the bones of Xianfeng Dao.

So at this moment, Shennong, someone would doubt him again.

Shennong is a god who can turn his hands for the sky, turn his hands for the clouds, turn the mountains and the sea, and turn things around.

Qin Hao also seemed to see the future generations.

The Yandi worshipped by humans, the sharpness and boldness of the ancient emperor.

The sharp eyes, killing and decisive, made people dare not take it lightly.

The calm and heavy spiritual power also makes people know, where did it come from?

But it didn’t take a while.

Shennong returned to the previous, that kind of old fairy temperament.

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