Chapter 220

“Master Tongtian, I misunderstood. I just followed Shennong to gather medicinal materials. I didn’t expect that Xiantian Lingbao would be born here. We were caught off guard.”

Most of the onlookers believed what Qin Hao said.

Because they do see the boredom of waiting.

Shennong took these people away together to gather medicine, but he did not hide his whereabouts.

At that time, Hong Yun also asked several of his friends, but they were worried about something wrong with the genius Lingbao, so they didn’t go together.

Many people know it.

And most importantly, looking at this small continent under their feet.

What else can’t you believe in a ruined look?

It’s just that they regret it now.

I can only sigh, they are really lucky, but it seems that they are not too late.

The other powerful people around, looked up at the explosion in the sky.

The long sword coming back and forth, thinking like this in his heart.

“I have seen that something has happened to the Xiantian Lingbao, and those who can get it, to see who this long sword falls into, it’s up to everyone to have their own abilities.”

After the Master Tongtian finished speaking, he took a deep look at Qin Hao who was standing below.

Then the conversation changed.

“Of course everyone knows that this Xiantian Lingbao is not an ordinary dead thing. If you don’t have a relationship with him, please don’t entangle too much, so as not to hurt each other’s harmony.”

“What the Lord Tongtian said is that I will naturally understand that I will not do that kind of things that have a status.”

Taobao Taoist stepped forward and said.

The others nodded and agreed.

But Qin Hao and his party did not say anything.

Except Qin Hao, everyone else has tried this.

Xiao Haotian turned his gaze over: “Master, don’t you want to try it.”

Qin Hao looked at the flying swords coming back from the sky in the distance.

“Wait until others have tried it. It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s not my insistence, and it’s useless.”

So Qin Hao and the others just sat down in an upright manner and began to watch the show.

Seeing this, the Lord Tongtian suddenly found it interesting.

Originally wanted to join Qin Hao and the others, but the men behind him stopped him.

“Master, you are sitting and watching the theater. How well is it? You still have to preside over the overall situation. After all, Elder Qin is an elder, and he is different from you.”

The Lord Tongtian could only stand helplessly by the waterfall.

When they came in, the group of them had already noticed that it was a swamp, and it seemed a little different.

And there are several inexplicable tricks, the spiritual power of the whole body has been absorbed cleanly, and he can’t move.

This change also calmed down others.

One after another, they found the leader of Tongtian.

Although the Penglai Fairy Island is the master of Tongtian.

But he didn’t walk every inch of the land, and didn’t know that the swamp was so magical.

However, to reach the realm of Master Tongtian, he must look at things differently from others.

What’s more, the Master Tongtian has vaguely felt the way of heaven.

After thinking about it for a while, he told everyone that as long as he didn’t use his spiritual power, there would be no problem.

So this is also the reason why this group of people took so long to come in.

Qin Hao and the others were still very interested in the beginning.

Especially Xiao Haotian.

It’s the first time to see so many masters, grab a sword together.

But looking at it, everyone felt dull.

Although all kinds of magical powers are dazzling, you put the scene, I will appear.

But after watching it for a long time, it doesn’t have much meaning anymore, no.

Qin Hao turned his head and observed Xing Tian, ​​Hong Yun, and Shennong next to him.

Among them, the most impatient is to count Xing Tian, ​​so this guy doesn’t know where he is wandering.

Shennong could still calm down, because at this time he was sorting out the herbs he just picked, and he was very excited.

Hong Yun looked at the top with a smile on his face.

It seems to be watching the show with full concentration, but in fact his eyes are hollow.

Qin Hao sighed, and said first: “It’s boring to stay here. If we don’t go first, isn’t the next goal going to the volcano? After we go, it is estimated that it will be over here, and it will not be delayed. Too long.”

When Shennong heard Qin Hao’s words, his eyes lit up.

The first one responded positively and quickly threw the herbal medicine in his hand into the space.

“Okay, I think this proposal is good, and it’s useless for us to stay here. We have tried everything except Qin Hao before, but other people don’t know, they are staring at us and are alert for abnormalities.”

Naturally, Xing Tian was only obeyed by Shennong’s orders.

“I’m fine, I can go anytime.” He stood up and patted the weeds on his body.

9 He hesitated, looking at Qin Hao, the expression on his face was very tangled.

“Qin Hao hasn’t tried yet. Let’s go like this. Is it appropriate? Or let’s wait. After Qin Hao has tried, let’s leave?”

Hong Yun was really kind, thinking of other people at this time.

Qin Hao was grateful for this feeling and said with a smile.

“I’m fine, no need to try, why go to the volcano first.”

Xiao Haotian seemed to be a little unconvinced, but seeing that his master had already made this decision, he didn’t say anything.

So the group of them stood up directly and patted the weeds and dirt on their bodies.

Then flew over the waterfall.

Others naturally observe their every move, after all, these people are the first to discover innate spiritual treasures.

Just now there was an expression that he didn’t want to intervene. Why are you unable to bear it now?

No wonder other people have such thoughts.

After all, even though they are not very strong in this group of people, they are all very high in standing.

Qin Hao led a group of people to the Master Tongtian.

“Master, we want to leave first, so come over and say hello to you.”

A hint of surprise flashed across the face of the Lord Tongtian.

He didn’t expect Qin Hao to leave so easily in one fell swoop, is he giving up?

Maybe he didn’t have any extravagant hopes for Xiantian Lingbao, or said something happened that he didn’t know.

Just connecting with the heavenly leader, he also coveted this innate spirit treasure.

If there is a chance, who doesn’t want to get it?

There will be a big improvement in terms of strength.

In this turbulent wilderness, there will be more life guarantees.

Qin Hao raised his hand and smiled: “The leader does not know anything. Before you came, we had all tried it out one by one, and found that there was no fate with this innate spirit treasure, so…”

Master Tongtian frowned when he heard this.

Step forward and asked in a low voice with concern.

“Did the elders also try? Not feasible?”

Qin Hao didn’t expect that Master Tongtian would ask like this.

That’s why he raised his head and looked at Master Tongtian deeply.

Qin Hao wants to know what the Master Tongtian means?

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