Chapter 219

After returning to his senses, I saw Xiao Haotian, Hong Yun and the others lying on the ground.

Qin Hao quickly walked over.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with everyone.

“What’s wrong? What was going on with that sword just now?”

Xing Tianman said unceremoniously.

“I don’t know. Suddenly, that force started to riot. I didn’t catch him and he became like this.” Hong Yun shook his head blankly and explained.

Qin Hao looked back at the messy swords flying around in mid-air.

“Is he really that innate spirit treasure?”

Qin Hao continued to guess.

“Is he born again?”

When Qin Hao said this, his face suddenly changed.

“No, he sent out such a big battle, the people on other islands should be here soon.”

Xiao Haotian raised his head and looked at Qin Hao: “What should I do, Master?”

Qin Hao looked back at the very violent sword, like a wild horse running off the rein.

Tossing up and down, the entire stone room was drawn one line to the left, and the wall was crumbling.

And the stone pillar just now has long been gone.

The barrier has been broken, and the aura belonging to those heavenly spirit treasures, like ripples, slowly drifted into the distance.

“Go out first, let’s go out. The space here is small and it is not good for us.”

Qin Hao said this, and everyone else agreed, so they began to walk out of the hole again.

Back to the inside of the waterfall, where they just came in.

As soon as he came out, Qin Hao took out the Pangu banner without saying a word.

When they returned to the small continent in the middle of the waterfall, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Haotian slumped to the ground even more, patted his chest all the time.

“I was really scared to death just now. Fortunately, I will get it first. Otherwise, I don’t know what to do first. Thank you, Hongyun. If it weren’t for me, you might not have encountered this. It just happened to make you catch up.”

An indifferent smile appeared on Hong Yun’s face.

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. No one would have thought that your master is even worse. You haven’t touched the sword yet.”

Shennong jumped up suddenly and yelled in panic.

“Quickly, you guys help me pick these herbs, or else someone else will come later, for this sword, they will definitely be able to fight. The herbs on the ground will be ruined.”

Qin Hao felt right when he heard this, so he hurriedly stood up.

Help Shennong pick herbs.

When other people saw this, they came to help.

It stands to reason that with a wave of their long sleeves of this level, the herbs should automatically enter the storage ring or the universe bag.

To blame, the herbs here are too special.

According to Shennong.

The herbal medicine here is too powerful, and the idle calligraphy is not easy to use at all, so I can only pick it by myself.

In order to maintain the medicinal properties, otherwise it would really be a violent thing.

Fortunately, it is not very close to other islands.

And it takes a certain amount of time to walk into this swamp.

After all, this swamp can absorb spiritual power.

Qin Hao comforted Shennong while helping, so that he didn’t have to worry so much.

Sure enough, Shennong slowed down when he heard that there was still time.

And tell them how to carefully preserve the entire plant.

And what is toxic requires special techniques.

In this way, valuable herbs are in their group, racing against time.

It took a short period of time to finish the picking.

And the Xiantian Lingbao in the cave has not been idle for this period of time.

It was so hard, as if it was because of a long time in detention, and once a breakthrough was made, it didn’t work.

When they lowered their heads to help Shennong pick herbs.

The sword rushed out of the cave and flew out of the waterfall.

Then ran back and forth just above the swamp.

Just like that Feiyan, sometimes it rises straight, sometimes turns its body, sometimes falls vertically.

It’s always a trick, it’s wonderful!

Xiao Haotian watched and clapped his hands again and again, and simply sat aside, enjoying it.

Qin Hao is real, full of black lines.

This Xiantian Lingbao seems to be different from all the previous ones, with a somewhat naughty personality.

And wisdom is not low.

Like he said before that the resurrection stock god is in line with Pangu Palace, he did not expect that there is a genius Lingbao like this.

After they finished picking, they collapsed to the ground with exhaustion.

Xiaozhou can be used as medicine, and the precious ones are all picked by them.

The rest are either seedlings or some unimportant ones.

Even so, the effort hasn’t stopped, and in the middle of the air, the dancing tigers are alive and well.

I don’t know if it was because of Xiao Haotian’s support.

How did Qin Hao feel that this sword became more and more enthusiastic as he played with it, and he couldn’t stop it.

I don’t know why, Qin Hao suddenly rejoiced that he didn’t go in and try just now.

Otherwise, this sword, in case it really recognizes itself as its master.

Can the days pass after that?

Qin Hao suddenly moved in his heart.


Others are looking for Innate Spirit Treasures, and the brigade has already arrived!

Several other people were naturally aware of it.

The significance of everyone looking at each other stood up, planning to leave here before the crowd arrived.

But people are not as good as heaven.

Qin Hao and the others even wanted to leave, and the others had already arrived.

The leader is the leader of Tongtian.

Master Tongtian saw Qin Hao and his group in the center of Xiaozhou.

First, he was taken aback, and then he laughed and said hello: “Elder, I didn’t expect to meet you here. I still wondered where should I go to find you these heavenly spirit treasures? I didn’t expect you to come first.”

Master Tongtian was relieved to see Qin Hao here.

Originally, this was the leader of Tongtian, and wanted to sell Qin Hao a favor.

So that they will do their best to help themselves become holy.

When the Xiantian Lingbao first appeared.

The Lord Tongtian has already sensed it.

Being Xiantian Lingbao didn’t have any sympathy with himself, so it was obviously not suitable for him.

The Lord Tongtian didn’t struggle any more.

After all, at his level, he didn’t care too much about these things.

However, if it flows into the hands of others for nothing, the Master Tongtian will still feel a little uncomfortable.

That’s why I wanted to find Qin Hao and let him come over to snatch it.

Xiantian Lingbao is after all Xiantian Lingbao, he does have it, not the master of Tongtian, one person can decide.

And when the Xiantian Lingbao had an accident, the tidied up could not be hidden.

If it is because of partiality to Qin Hao, the entire great famine will be offended.

So it’s not a good deal.

The Lord Tongtian thought that since Qin Hao had great luck.

One he can use this genius spirit treasure to try, is Qin Hao really favored by heaven?

Can you help yourself be truly sanctified?

The second one can be regarded as wanting favor with Qin Hao.

He was very anxious just now, seeing that Qin Hao came here one step ahead.

Master Tongtian is truly happy in his heart.

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