Chapter 218

Shennong still maintained the action of holding the sword just now, motionless.

But the trembling of the whole body revealed that he was not at peace at this time.

What’s wrong? Why can’t you move?

“What’s wrong? What should I do?” Qin Hao quickly asked Hong Yun and Xing Tian next to him.

Both of them were worried and at a loss.

“Shennong, what’s wrong with you?”

“Answer us, Shennong!”

A few of them were a little anxious, shouting Shennong outside the barrier, hoping to get his response.

But obviously to no avail.

And at the same time.

Qin Hao found that Shennong’s arm was shaking slightly.

A patch of dampness on his back.

As soon as Qin Hao wanted to rush into this enchantment regardless, Shennong’s body was shot out.

Qin Hao quickly stepped forward to catch Shennong, so that he would not fall to the ground.

“What’s wrong with you? Wasn’t it okay just now?”

Shennong Tai raised his sleeves and touched the sweat on his forehead.

“God, I’m exhausted, you don’t know, that sword is competing with me.”

Qin Hao helped Shennong to sit down.

“What happened just now, please tell us well.”

Shennong took a gourd out of his arms, opened the lid, raised his head and drank a few sips of water.

“Before I was unfamiliar with the sword, I didn’t feel it at all, but as soon as I grasped the sword with my hand, it seemed to be alive. I was struggling with me, and I couldn’t hold him at all. ”

After Shennong finished speaking, he took another sip of water.

“I can’t do it anymore, and I feel the power above, it seems to be a bit repulsive to me. I am of the wood attribute, and the momentum of the gold iron valve on the sword is too strong, and I don’t like it too much.”

Shennong waved his hand as he spoke.

When Xing Tian heard this, he seemed to be very interested: “Then I will give it a try.”

“Then you be careful.” Hong Yun warned.

Xing Tian stepped into the barrier of that sword.

Here, in front of the sword, he did not directly reach out to hold it like Shennong did before.

Instead, he used his magical powers to slowly touch the light outside the sword.

As if tentatively, gradually Jianguang and Xingtian’s supernatural power seemed to merge together.

Qin Hao and Hong Yun stared at Xing Tian’s back.

I was worried that he would have the situation of Shennong just now, but things seemed to go smoothly unexpectedly.

That sword didn’t seem to be very repellent to Xing Tian.

Xing Tian laughed loudly, took a step forward, and then stretched out his hand to hold the sword.

The sword was picked up.

Only halfway through, the sword just lifted about a finger distance and stopped moving.

Qin Hao saw Xing Tian move up and down again.

Still did not take the sword off the stone pillar.

Xing Tian was not disappointed, he just sighed and then let go of his hand.

Then walk back.

Qin Hao estimated that there were a lot of surprises or doubts on his face.

Before Xing Tian came back, he opened his mouth to explain before they asked.

“It is indeed a good sword, and I communicated well with him. That sword does not exclude my intimacy, but it seems that he wants me to be his master. He also doesn’t agree with it. No way, I can only give up and come back. .”

It turned out to be like this. If that’s the case, can Xiao Haotian go up too?

“Next, there will be two of us left, who shall we go first?”

Hong Yun turned his head and asked Qin Hao.

“I want my apprentice to try it. He was the first to discover this mechanism. Although he is still young now, he should have a decent weapon.”

Hong Yun nodded with a smile, without any reluctance on his face.

“Yeah, I actually forgot our lucky star, Xiao Haotian, go up and try it.”

Xiao Haotian looked at Qin Hao without embarrassment: “Yes, I won’t try it, I don’t like picking up, I think…”

Qin Hao and what Xiao Haotian wanted to say.

“Don’t shirk, just let you try it, and you always need a weapon. This sword is so good, maybe you will rely on him to protect you in the future. If I’m not by your side sometimes, I can rest assured. .”

Xiao Haotian couldn’t force Qin Hao to screw it.

Only one step back and forth agreed.

Xiao Haotian lived in the barrier and walked to the front of Shi Zhu.

The stone pillar was about the same height as him, and Xiao Haotian was able to get the sword even if he stretched out his arm.

Xiao Haotian stood in front of the sword but did not stretch out his hand.

Instead, he looked back at Qin Hao again.

“Um, I don’t know how to use swords, but if you follow me, I will treat you well. If you want to follow me, then you can fall down and I will follow you.”

After Xiao Haotian finished speaking, he raised his hands.

Shennong laughed aloud: “Eh! Qin Hao, let alone, your little apprentice is quite interesting.”

Qin Hao was a little helpless, but still stared at Xiao Haotian in the enchantment closely.

I was afraid that he had offended the sword and was overturned like Shennong.

As soon as Xiao Haotian’s voice fell, that sword seemed to really understand what Xiao Haotian said.

The blade trembled a few times.

And the surrounding colorful glow flickered with the light, just like breathing.

Qin Hao was a little excited, could it really be done? !

But after a long time, the sword walk was quiet again, the same as before.

Xiao Haotian walked out and shook his head at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao stepped forward and touched his head: “It’s okay, it’s always good to try.”

Hong Yun walked over to comfort Xiao Haotian.

“Xiao Haotian did a great job, keep working hard.”

After Hong Yun finished speaking, he looked up at Qin Hao and said, “I’ll go first. I don’t think I can take it down, but I still want to go up and try it.”

After Hong Yun finished speaking, he walked into the enchantment.

Although Hong Yun said that he had a feeling, this sword shouldn’t be his own.

But this thing is a good treasure, innate spirit treasure, how many are there in this world?

Don’t want it, it’s a lie.

And now, Hong Yun’s weapon is only ninety-nine Hongyun scattered gourds.

Hong Yun directly attached his magical powers to his hands.

Grabbed it towards the sword.

The sword body shook lightly, as if repelling it, but also as if it was sensing.

But Hong Yun still took it down steadily.

A look of joy appeared on Hong Yun’s face.

Qin Hao, Shennong, and Xing Tian also showed happy expressions.

Qin Hao was a little worried about this innate spirit treasure, but his desire was not that strong.

Said that I still want to be gained by others.

After all, I have a system.

Moreover, the weapons on his body are all unavailable.

Qin Hao sometimes worried.

There are too many good things on their own, which will always make people wonder.

Moreover, his strength is not as high as what has been said to the outside world, and he knows exactly what his ability is.

Hong Yun is trying to subdue this sword.

This sword just seemed to be irritated.

The light all over his body soared, and the surrounding forces started to riot unexpectedly.

There was a boom.

Qin Hao felt his body was pushed out by a powerful force.

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