Chapter 217 The Long Sword in the Hole

Shennong walked over immediately and patted Xiao Haotian’s head.

“Yes, it turns out that Xiao Haotian is our little lucky star!”

Xiao Haotian’s face flushed, shyly hiding behind Qin Hao.

He also covered his face with Qin Hao’s sleeve.

Xiao Haotian made Xingtian laugh even more like this.

Finally, a few of them discussed and planned to go in and take a look.

There was a restriction at the door of the stone wall, which naturally prevented Qin Hao and the others.

After entering, the light inside was very dim.

Shennong cast a spell, and a ball of light floated in the air to follow them.

The opening here is not straight, but winding and rugged.

It seems to be deliberate, trying to stun people.

They stopped and went, and finally came to an end.

At the end is a very wide hall, the whole hall is empty.

What you see is a huge stone pillar in the middle. The stone pillar is carved with primitive patterns, magnificent and magnificent.

What was really surprising was the thing floating on this stone pillar.

“This, this won’t be the innate spirit treasure that will be born on Penglai Island, right!”

Xing Tian said with some stumbling.

“I think so.”

Shennong was obviously calm, and slowly touched his long white beard, nodding to comment.

The most surprising thing was Qin Hao.

He is not surprised, there will be such a baby here.

Qin Hao was surprised that Xiantian Lingbao would actually appear here.

Although they seem to mean the same thing, they are different.

Qin Hao thought about fighting for this innate spirit treasure.

Unexpectedly, it was actually such a coincidence, just like that.

I was just gathering herbs with Shennong, and I came across this innate spirit treasure just walking around.

Is it really the protagonist’s halo?

No, no, Qin Hao quickly suppressed this thought in his heart.

What dangerous idea is this?

If it was really the protagonist’s halo, how could he live so hard?

From this point of view, it should be that some of them are really lucky.

The best man in Hongyun Dahuang is kind-hearted.

Shennong is also a well-known good man. He is willing to taste all kinds of herbs, and he must be a pioneer, and he must have a lot of merit.

Xingtian will not be mentioned for the time being, and can be released.

There is also Xiao Haotian, the co-lord of heaven and earth, the Jade Emperor.

With such a few people, it is really a combination of strong and powerful, with immense merit!

I followed these few people and came across this innate spirit treasure, what the hell was going on.

Qin Hao carefully examined the matter, the innate spirit treasure floating in the air.

It looks like a sword.

The whole body was surrounded by dazzling light, wrapping the sword body layer by layer, looming.

The sword is about three feet one inch long, and the scabbard is dark red with intricate patterns carved on it.

The lines are clear, and when seen from a distance, it looks like a breath from ancient times.

First, the old man who came out of the long river of history, with the wisdom and precipitation of seeing through the world.

Subconsciously, respect came up in my heart.

The blade was surrounded by a faint sharp edge, although the matter was quiet, floating in the air.

But in the next second, it seemed to be able to unsheath the sword, the sword pointed at the world, and looked at everything.

Above the sword body, under the change of light, there was a faint flow of chaos.

Qin Hao didn’t know if it was his own illusion or it was true.

“What is this?”

After observing for a long time, Qin Hao didn’t know why, this sword actually had a vague attraction to him.

Qin Hao tried hard to restrain this thought in his heart and took two steps back.

Then turned his head and asked the others.

Qin Hao didn’t see which innate spirit treasure this was.

So guessed his origin.

Shennong became serious, looking more serious.

He narrowed his eyes and touched his beard subconsciously.

“I think……”

Hongyun, Xing Tian also looked at Shennong one after another.

“I think… I might not know.”

Qin Hao froze on the spot.

Is this the old ancestor he knew? This can only be said at this time.

Qin Hao didn’t hide himself at all.

Shennong looked around, condemning it all over his face.

“What are you doing looking at me like this? Am I wrong? If you ask me about herbal medicine or alchemy furnaces, I can still sell directly. This is a sword, and I don’t use a sword. Where would I know?”

With that said, Shennong’s explanation makes sense.

Qin Hao looked at the most reliable red cloud.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know, but there is a faint burst of chaos from above. Is this the Chaos Sword?”

Xing Tian wanted to take a step forward, but was forced back by the outside prohibition.

“Oh my God, this is a pretty big trip here, you say that, the more I look at it, the more I feel like it.”

Qin Hao looked over at the sword later.

If this is really Chaos Sword.

So can you try it yourself and let him recognize the Lord?

“We discovered this sword, how can we miss it? Whether it’s the upcoming congenital spirit treasure, let’s go over and try it.”

Xing Tian nodded in agreement.

“Yes, these heavenly spirit treasures can only release their own brilliance when they are born. Even if the ancestor Hongjun came before, it may not be able to tell, let alone us?”

“Yes, Xing Tian is right. What’s more, this sword is hidden here. It is so difficult to find. It is obviously not a common product. Even if it is not the innate spirit treasure, he will not lose money if he gets it.”

Qin Hao nodded in agreement.

“Then who of us will come first?”

Qin Hao stepped back two steps, he already had too many weapons in his hand, although one more was not too much.

However, I don’t have to worry about it. If I really have a predestined relationship with myself, it will be my own sooner or later.

“Well, or else start with Shennong. He gathers herbs everywhere and doesn’t have any powerful weapons on his body. This sword uses it to defend himself. It’s pretty good.”

As soon as Qin Hao’s voice fell, no one else had any objections.

Shennong himself was even more indifferent. After nodding his head, he said that the county seat was gone, and the sword walked over.

There is a transparent barrier on the outside of this sword.

After passing through the barrier, Shennong slowly walked towards the sword.

Then he stretched out his hand effortlessly and grabbed the sword.

It’s done!

Qin Hao didn’t expect it to be so simple.

After Qin Hao sighed, because he had made too many thoughts.

It seems that he has no fate with him.

Qin Hao originally wanted his apprentice Xiao Haotian to try it.

Qin Hao discovered along the way that Xiao Haotian deserved to be the future Jade Emperor, and his luck was really not so good.

But now it seems that this is fine, and I will find other handy weapons for Xiao Haotian in the future.

Qin Hao looked up and just wanted to bring Xiao Haotian forward to congratulate Shennong.

Xiao Haotian pointed to the front: “Master, look at him, has Uncle Shennong encountered any danger?”

Qin Hao looked up.

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