Chapter 216: The Cave Behind the Waterfall

Shennong stood up and touched his slender beard.

“There may be other herbs in it, let’s go in and take a look.”

Now that everyone agrees to go in, there is nothing to hesitate.

But you still have to be particular about how you get in.

The waterfall above has a lot of water flow, and the impact force is also great.

Even they have to think about it, after all, the spiritual power contained in the water is very rich.

Naturally, he cannot be regarded as ordinary water.

Qin Hao decided to let him sacrifice the Pangu banner first to cover it for everyone.

And the texture of Pangu banners is soft.

It will not be damaged by the impact of the current.

Qin Hao threw the Pan Gu sail and tilted it at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Like the eaves, it propped up a piece of heaven and earth than them.

Qin Hao and his party entered the interior of the waterfall.

This internal platform was probably only enough for one person to walk on, and Xiao Haotian followed Qin Hao curiously.

I often have to sigh.

The inside of this waterfall is completely different from the outside.

The sound of the waterfall on the back is very loud.

That is, they, otherwise, they need to shout loudly to hear each other’s voice.

But after entering the waterfall, the outside sound seemed to be cut off by the waterfall, and it was very quiet.

Qin Hao looked around for a while, but found no barriers.

No longer studying, Qin Hao was at the forefront, and he planned to make a circle around this platform.

But when he turned around, he returned to the place where he first came in, and found nothing.

Is it really because I think too much?

Is this an ordinary natural waterfall?

At this moment, Qin Hao seemed a little embarrassed.

Hong Yun said empathetically: “Don’t be embarrassed. We just don’t know what’s inside. We came in just to come and have a look. There is nothing, so let’s go out.”

Shennong also nodded, his expression a little pity.

“Hey, it would be nice if there was a hole, maybe there will be some rare herbs in it.”

Xing Tian looked indifferent.

“Okay, let’s not say, some are not good, let alone, the environment here is really good, you see, looking out from here, the scenery is more beautiful! I don’t want to go anymore.”

Xing Tian pointed to the exit where they came in.

Because the waterfall that came out was not particularly heavy, the water of the waterfall fell evenly, like a transparent light film, and you can clearly see the outside.

Qin Hao’s gaze also shifted there.

“No, when we look from the outside, it doesn’t seem to be so clear.”

Xing Tian nodded: “Oh, no matter what, when you are outside, there is no such quietness inside. It may be that this place is rather strange, and this is the case.”

Qin Hao changed his mind to think about it as well, and it was like letting go of this matter.

Think of it as an expedition with no ending.

A few of them, learning Xingtian, came to the intersection and sat down.

Admire the beautiful scenery outside.

After a while, Shennong couldn’t sit still.

“Why don’t you appreciate it now, I’ll go out first? Staying here, I don’t mean anything, looking at so many herbs on the opposite side, my heart is itchy.”

Hong Yun was amused by Shennong and let out a chuckle.

Qin Hao also couldn’t help but couldn’t help but say, “Don’t be yourself, we will go out with you too.”

While talking, Qin Hao stood up.

Before Qin Hao stood firm, everyone suddenly felt the shaking of the ground.

Qin Hao was naturally staggering.

The Hongyun next to him saw Qin Hao pulled, and Qin Hao stabilized his figure.

What’s wrong? what happened?

A hint of surprise flashed in everyone’s hearts.

When the ground finally stopped shaking, everyone began to look for the cause.

“Master, master, I was wrong.”

Xiao Haotian’s voice came from the side.

Qin Hao turned his head to see, Xiao Haotian lowered his head and shrank his shoulders, like a quail.

Qin Hao didn’t observe the changes around him like everyone else.

Instead, he looked at Xiao Haotian with some doubts: “What’s wrong with you? What happened?”

Xiao Haotian carefully raised his head and glanced at Qin Hao, then lowered his head and said in a low voice.

“The vibration just now… I made it.”

“What? You showed it.”

Qin Hao didn’t blame Xiao Haotian, but wondered if the kid had misunderstood something.

“It’s really my master. I was sitting here just now. I saw a very smooth blue stone. It feels very comfortable and the color is very beautiful. I just fell into it, and…”

Qin Hao understood.

Xiao Haotian meant that the wall began to shake after the stone sank in.

As for the other three people, apart from Shennong and Xingtian who had gone far away, Hong Yun naturally understood what He Xiao Haotian said.

“Where is the stone? You can take a look at us, it’s okay, don’t blame you.”

Hong Yun smiled and touched Xiao Haotian’s head.

Otherwise, Xiao Haotian stubbornly raised his head and stared at Qin Hao, as if waiting for Qin Hao to speak.

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“You take us there, the master doesn’t blame you.”

Xiao Haotian breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Qin Hao following behind was a little helpless.

It seems that he is not very fierce, why Xiao Haotian is so afraid of himself.

How did Qin Hao know that Xiao Haotian was not afraid of him, but afraid of losing.

The place is not far away, and it’s probably about two steps.

Xiao Haotian squatted down, just a blue stone close to the ground.

Qin Hao leaned over to take a look, and finally knew why they had ignored it.

Because the height of the stone is really low enough.

It is estimated that Xiao Haotian is a child, not too tall. Only found this place.

Hong Yun also squatted down.

I touched it a few times: “This should be a mechanism switch. It seems that the vibration just now is really caused by this.”

Qin Hao thought the same way, but nothing changed around here.

The movement just now was not small, it shouldn’t be!

“Come on and see what we found.”

Xing Tian called loudly from a distance.

Qin Hao and Hong Yun looked at each other, could it really be discovered?

Qin Hao immediately got up and took Xiao Haotian, followed Hong Yun, and walked in their direction.

Haven’t come to the front yet.

Qin Hao saw the stone wall in front of the two men, and unexpectedly opened a door.

Qin Hao and Hong Yun quickly walked a few steps before they came to the front.

Shennong was full of joy: “I didn’t expect that there would be other intersections here, but I don’t know how they appeared.”

Qin Hao subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Haotian, who was clutching his sleeve tightly.

It seems that Xiao Haotian is also lucky for shit.

Hongyun smiled and told Shennong and Xingtian what had happened just now.

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