Chapter 215 The miracle in the center of the swamp

“Everyone keep this in your mouth. There are some poisonous gases in the swamp. Since we can’t use spiritual power, it must be easy. If you are affected by it, you won’t be afraid of this.”

After Shennong finished speaking, the spirit grass spread in his hands was distributed to Qin Hao and the others one by one.

As soon as Qin Hao reached the tip of his nose, there was a breath of fragrance.

It smells very good, so I didn’t hesitate to put it in his golden mouth.

He was immediately refreshed, and there was a faint fragrance between his mouth and nose.

The spirit grass that Ziyi gave to Qin Hao was better than the one used in the Netherworld before.

Although Qin Hao had never seen the swamp, he had watched so many TV shows.

So he found a lot of useful tools from the Qiankun bag.

Either tie it under your feet or hold it in your hand.

As soon as Shennong entered the swamp, he would forget about it as long as he saw the forest and grass.

More worrying than Xiao Haotian.

The kid Xiao Haotian is really very well-behaved, knowing that this place is more dangerous, so he stays with Qin Hao.

In this way, proceed slowly.

Of course, there were other emergencies on the road, but they all made them alleviate.

Gradually, they got deeper and deeper, until they walked in and walked in the center.

Shennong walked by himself looking for herbs.

Qin Hao, Xiao Haotian, Xing Tian, ​​and Hong Yun slowly followed behind.

From time to time, I could hear the exclamation and admiration from Shennong.

When they go around a big tree, these are very curious.

Shennong hadn’t made a sound for a long time, and he was still standing motionless in the distance.

Qin Hao thought that something had happened, and walked over quickly.

I was also stunned by the scene in front of me.

“Master, master, how could this be happening here?”

Xiao Haotian stood aside, looking at everything in front of him in surprise.

Pulling Qin Hao’s sleeves vigorously, he kept asking questions.

As far as Qin Hao is concerned, he has seen thousands of sceneries, what kind of weird ones have not been seen?

In today’s society, other planets have been seen because of space.

Therefore, Qin Hao felt that in the midst of the Great Desolation, he should have few shocking moments.

This shock is not real, it is shock.

I was stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Qin Hao couldn’t help sighing in his heart, this is really a supernatural skill.

Only nature can create such a rare scene on earth.

In other words, it can be called a miracle.

In front of Qin Hao and the others, there turned out to be another landform in the deepest part of the swamp.

There was a cliff just two meters away from the wind, and it was straight down.

Surrounded by a circle, the area is not very large, about three to four hundred square meters.

It’s the size of a basketball court.

And the ground in this circle is a cliff straight down.

On the mountain wall on the side of the cliff.

Calculate from the height of the ground at this time.

Extending five meters down, a waterfall appeared.

Yes, the waterfall, and it is a waterfall in a circle.

The waterfall rushed, tumbling down into the lake in the center of the swamp.

The water splashed and raised a hazy mist.

Because this area is not covered by tall trees, the sun shines directly on the lake.

It turned out to be one after another rainbow.

Smoke evaporates on the lake, and rainbow bridges are added to the hazy white smoke.

On the stone walls on both sides, rushing waterfalls flow.

All of this is so incredible.

“Hahahaha, I didn’t expect to see such a beautiful scenery, I still have to thank Shennong.”

Xing Tian laughed loudly.

Qin Hao wanted to laugh out loud at this time too, only feeling open-minded.

The eyes have no idea where to look.

“I want to transform my body, it’s so beautiful here!”

Hong Yun couldn’t help but said.

A few of us stood on the edge of this search and admired it, and we recovered in a while.

Qin Hao suggested: “You see, there seems to be a small continent in the center of the lake. Why do you want to go up and take a look?”

Hear what Qin Hao said.

Shennong, among the beautiful scenery of Xingtian, turned around and looked down.

It’s really the case, and there is green grass above it.

Although the vegetation is not very tall, it is also very lush.

Shennong, you can’t help wondering what kind of herbs will be on it.

The excitement is just around the corner.

“Okay, let’s go down.”

“Hey, did you find out that this doesn’t seem to absorb our spiritual power, but it is very abundant.”

Qin Hao couldn’t help but nodded.

He felt it just now, the strong spiritual power around him, like a game, scrambled to get into his body.

Nourish his meridians.

“Let’s go down.” Qin Hao took the lead in releasing the Pangu banner.

Xiao Haotian jumped up first to cooperate.

After everyone came up, Qin Hao controlled the Pangu banner to slowly descend.

Floating towards the small continent in the middle of the lake.

After reaching the bottom, Qin Hao discovered that the area of ​​this small continent was not very large, about 100 square meters.

The vegetation above is indeed lush, but they are not very high.

The tallest is also just to Qin Hao’s waist.

After Shen Nong came down, he repeatedly exclaimed, squatting on the ground, and stopped getting up.

Qin Hao looked around, and Qin Hao found that there seemed to be stone walls under the surrounding waterfalls.

It’s not completely vertical downwards, but there is one below.

About a meter wide platform, the waterfall just happened to fall in the lake water outside the stone platform.

Looking at it this way, the stone platform is like a corridor, protected by a waterfall.

Then, are there any other things or passages in this stone wall?

Qin Hao looked up.

The vertical distance from the ground here should reach three hundred meters.

Will it be like Huaguoshan and Shuiliandong, after the waterfall, there will be caves?

Qin Hao did as he thought of, pointing to the surrounding waterfalls.

“Look, there is a platform below, do you think there are other channels in it?”

Qin Hao’s voice caught the attention of other people, and he leaned over.

There is a ring of waterfalls, some of which are large and some are small.

Qin Hao pointed to the place where the current was relatively small.

You can clearly see the stone walls inside and the platform below.

“It’s really true, or let’s go in and take a look, it’s coming anyway.”

Xing Tian suggested.

Hongyun has no opinion at all.

That leaves Shennong who is bowing his head and collecting medicine.

Xiao Haotian hurriedly ran over and grabbed Shennong’s sleeves: “Uncle Shennong, wait a minute to pick up the medicine. My master has discovered something amazing. Come and take a look.”

Little Haotian was really amazing, and he dragged Shennong over while talking.

Shennong looked confused.

Qin Hao laughed a bit, shook his head, and pointed at the stone wall to explain again.

Shennong’s eyes lit up and nodded immediately.

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