Chapter 177

The big witch was around, wondering what was contaminated with tree sap.

Sprayed in the big formation and on the bodies of thirteen of them.

Qin Hao only felt that his energy was shocked in an instant, and his consciousness was clear.

“Now listen to my orders, everyone instills your own strength. I start when I call someone. Remember, don’t stop in the middle! Especially Houtu, who has just returned to his position, has strong energy fluctuations, but must hold on. ”

After the big witch saw that everything was ready.

“Holy Lord, infuse the power of chaos into the stars in front of you.”

Qin Hao nodded, and then raised the power of Chaos in his body, placing him in the stars in front of him.

Then close his eyes tightly, and evenly and slowly input the Qi of Chaos.

Then the aunt said the names of the twelve ancestor witches one by one.

Let them follow the order of the zodiac.

Enter the power of supernatural powers into the stars in front of you.

Qin Hao is the person who feels the most intense change.

He felt his chaotic power slowly spreading around after passing through the stars.

The big witch didn’t let him input a lot, but kept a slow and steady state.

Qin Hao felt that at the very beginning, only his own power was in the formation.

Gradually, he felt that when his Chaos Power reached the first point.

A new force was injected into it.

The power of time.

This infusion of power made Qin Hao feel very comfortable, as if it was a lot easier.

Remember that the two of them walked forward together and came to the second place.

This time I can feel the power of rain.

Because it is not only water, but also a refreshing feeling of vitality.

In this way, Qin Hao felt that the addition of every kind of power would make his Chaos Power stronger.

And Qin Hao became more and more relaxed.

Qin Hao felt like a big net, or a palette of colors.

The injection of each color makes him more present and satisfied.

It is precisely because of Qin Hao’s palette.

It also makes these colors not contaminate each other in a mess, but are combed.

This feeling is very strange, when the power is injected for the last time.

Qin Hao didn’t know why, but knew it was enough.

He suddenly felt a colorful glow in front of him, covering his whole body.

Very warm, like returning to the mother body.

Lead Qin Hao towards the sky.

Qin Hao didn’t know where he was, flying higher and higher.

Beyond all, to a place that no one has been to.

And here, there was some power responding to him, and this power seemed to have sensed Qin Hao.

Suddenly very enthusiastic.

Gathered towards Qin Hao, gathering more and more until they couldn’t bear it anymore.

Qin Hao slowly descended with these forces and returned to the ground.

After a while, Qin Hao seemed to feel something, and slowly opened his eyes.

Only then did he realize that cheers were everywhere.

And there was a colorful glow in the sky above the witch camp.

Like a transparent bubble, it encloses the Wu Clan.

The formation is complete!

This is the Ancestral Witch Great Formation! !

The twelve capital gods are evil! ! !

Qin Hao was infected by the surrounding witches and smiled.

And then, Qin Hao heard continuous system prompts.


“Shock from Luo Hu!”

“Shock from Donghuang Taiyi!”

“Shock from Di Jun!”

“Shock from Yuanshi Tianzun!”

“Shock from Taishang Laojun!”

“Shock from the Master Tongtian!”

“Shock from the ancestor of Hongjun!”

“Reward the host for one million years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in a sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on its behalf, and the shock reward will accumulate for 24 million years, and it will be automatically returned after the sequelae is over.”

Qin Hao opened his mouth in surprise.

Then he reacted immediately and controlled the expression on his face.

Has this incident caused a sensation in the entire prehistoric world? !

How should I know? I know all those who don’t know.

And the first few, are all big-shot figures.

Things Qin Hao didn’t know.

Just in the middle of his feeling of swimming in the outside world.

After their stitches were formed, a colorful light spot was produced.

Then instantly went straight to the sky.

No matter how big their current position is, the light will be as wide as possible.

It is conceivable that such a strong beam of light is difficult to hide.

In addition, these big boss-level figures are very sensitive to energy turbulence.

How can such a big momentum be unnoticed?

Or it could be said that when the Ancestral Witch Great Formation was just formed, they had already noticed it.

It’s just that Qin Hao had a systematic reminder, so he knew.

The people of the Witch tribe might have expected it a long time ago, but they didn’t take it to heart.

Demon Temple.

“This is, this is the power of the Witch Race Great Array!”

Dong Huang Taiyi, who had been lying on the recliner at ease, immediately sat upright with a serious expression on his face.

Di Jun next to him was shocked.

“How is this possible? How can they start the Witch Clan formation? It’s not that Hou Tu has been reincarnated and has not returned to his position. Why is this all of a sudden…”

Di Jun was shocked at this time with some Liushen Wuzhu.

So when I talked, I turned upside down and didn’t know what I was talking about.

Of course, Donghuang Taiyi, who was also shocked, was not in the mood to listen.

“It seems that they are busy, and we are busy enough, it must be that Qin Hao! It must be him, since he has brought back Houtu’s previous life and present, and also opened the ancestral witch formation.”

Donghuang Taiyi bowed his head and muttered to himself.

“That can’t work! The Lich War is about to begin. At this point of view, they actually opened a big formation, which is totally unfavorable for us.”

Di Jun couldn’t help speaking loudly.

Indeed, Dong Huang Taiyi thought in his heart.

During this time, they have focused on training troops, exploring terrain, and making plans.

The plan has been made to prepare for a full-scale offensive.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Wu Clan actually took a step forward.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t feel good in his heart.

There is a feeling of suffocation that the flesh to the mouth is snatched from the mouth.

I knew enough about the smell of meat and the sweetness of the meat, but I lost it.

Donghuang Taiyi was very angry.

Di Jun couldn’t sit still anymore, pacing back and forth on the ground.

“Or let’s kill it now, before they have time to arrange it.”

Di Jun frowned and suggested.

“No! The previous attitude may have to change.”

Donghuang Taiyi immediately retorted.

Di Jun looked dumbfounded: “It has changed, what has changed?”

Donghuang Taiyi quickly calmed down.

He closed his eyes and then opened them, revealing a hint of sharpness.

“Before we were in a state of suppression. I didn’t expect Qin Hao to be really not easy.”

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