Chapter 176

I don’t know why, Qin Hao met such a pair of eyes.

Qin Hao felt as if he had lost something, with a sense of sorrow.

As the voice of laughter, he quickly drove this feeling away.

Others of the Twelve Ancestral Witch came forward to congratulate Houtu.

Qin Hao also walked over.

“Well, you remember me, don’t worry, is it the same as before?”

Houtu nodded, tilted his head and smiled.

“It’s the same, you didn’t lie to me.”

Qin Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, and recovered what Yun Ning’er felt before.

It’s just that there seems to be more dignity and tolerance.

“Can the Twelve Ancestor Witch Array be opened?”

Di Jiang was the first to calm down and ask the great witch.

The big witch did not speak, but looked at Qin Hao.

Qin Hao nodded, he had waited for this moment for a long time.

Then the Twelve Ancestral Witch, at the request of the Great Witch, made it into the pattern on the altar.

On the floor of the altar, a special material was used before the great witch.

Draw a square awning star map.

There is a gossip pattern in the middle of the star chart as the center point.

A corresponding attribute is also drawn on each corner of the square.

From left to right, top to bottom, clockwise.

Respectively correspond to time, rain, thunder, and space.

There is also a larger square frame on the outside, which frames the awning star in the middle.

Similarly, in the four corners.

Respectively from top to bottom, from left to right, the same clockwise direction.

Fire, water, metal, wood, four of the five elements.

And in the middle of the four sides of the outermost square.

There are four directions.

Responding to True North, True South, True West, and True East respectively.

Up north is the weather.

Xia Nan is Houtu.

Left to the west is the wind.

The right east is electricity.

So the big square on the outside, follow the clockwise direction.

The responses are: fire, weather, water, electricity, metal, soil, wood, and wind.

After Qin Hao finished observing.

Following the instructions of the great witch, he came to the center of the center.

And the twelve ancestor witches all sat on their own matching patterns, lying cross-legged, facing the center.

The five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Four elephants, wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Plus three more abstract time and space, weather.

Twelve magical powers, twelve powers of nature.

Together they formed the twelve ancestor witches.

The collection represents gold.

Jumang represents wood.

Gonggong represents water.

Zhu Rong represents fire.

Houtu represents soil.

Tianhao represents wind.

Xuan Ming represents the rain.

Qiang Liang represents Lei.

Giz represents electricity.

Dijiang represents space and speed.

The nine-yin candlestick represents time.

Shebi corpse represents the weather.

And what has been said in the mouth of the Wu clan, the ancestral witch grand formation.

In fact, this is what we have often heard of in later generations.

The very beginning of the Twelve Capital Gods Formation, the peak of power is the Ancestral Witch Formation.

Now the formation has been circulating, but the effect is greatly reduced.

You know, the twelve elements that make up this big array are not the simple sticks or directions of later generations.

It is a real twelve magical powers.

Before today, the great witch had approached Qin Hao and told him how to activate the formation.

Qin Hao began to think that it was the great witch who presided over it.

In other words, when the twelve ancestor witches gather together, their twelve ancestor witches jointly preside over the formation.

As a result, the big witch told him that all the twelve gods had a great formation.

The thirteenth person is needed.

Take Pangu essence and blood as a medium.

Connect the twelve kinds of magical powers to each other to urge the town.

After being normal, its power is equivalent to the body of a heavenly saint.

Able to resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth, extremely powerful.

When Qin Hao heard this yesterday, his face was embarrassed.

Qin Hao has Pangu essence and blood on his body.

But it’s really not too much. Luo Huo had already taken out a drop before.

If it is taken again now, it will probably have a certain impact on Qin Hao.

Although I said that this time because of the weakness of the witch clan, I helped them complete the ancestral witch formation.

But Qin Hao was not great enough to sacrifice himself.

Qin Hao didn’t even want to cover up.

The big witch naturally saw it more clearly.

“The Holy Master has misunderstood. As long as our ancestral witch formation is activated, we don’t need to stay in it all the time. It’s not really a Pangu essence or blood.”

When Qin Hao heard this, there was still room for maneuver.

He asked with interest: “Does it mean that there are other ways to hear the great witch say this?”

After Qin Hao finished, he felt a little urgent.

So embarrassing, I explained it again.

“Great witch, don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to contribute Pangu essence and blood, but you also know that at the time of the Lich War, it is imminent. I donate Pangu essence and blood, and I am equivalent to a cripple.”

The witch nodded.

“Holy Lord, don’t worry, the ancestral witch has received so much favor and help from the Holy Lord, how can he avenge his gratitude and make the Holy Lord pay such a high price?”

Next, the great witch explained to Qin Hao in detail the principles of this formation.

In fact, it requires Pangu essence and blood.

Only in the absence of the thirteenth person presided over.

The next best alternative.

In fact, to promote the formation, these twelve elements need to be connected to each other, and they are all integrated together.

But everyone knows that the five elements interact with each other, plus four natural phenomena.

The difference in energy and mutual restraint make the situation more complicated.

Therefore, only the power of chaos sprouted from heaven and earth can be accepted by all forces.

In order to unite all the forces and cooperate with each other.

So there is Qin Hao who is the sacred body of Pangu, and Qin Hao who can use the power of Pangu.

There is no need to take out Pangu essence and blood at all.

This is really the last word.

Qin Hao who understood all this was relieved.

Promise to be the thirteenth person today to start the big formation.

This is exactly the reason why he would sit in the center of the Zu Witch Great Array.

“Master, master, how did you pass?”

Xiao Haotian didn’t know, so he waved at Qin Hao beside him.

Not only Xiao Haotian was present, but the Twelve Ancestral Witch was also a little confused.

When opening the formation before, didn’t they always use Pangu essence and blood?

Why is the Holy Lord coming up now, and still sitting in the middle position?

Seeing this, the great witch did not explain much.

“Listen to me, and be fully focused. The Holy Master will use the power of Chaos to assist us in opening up the great formation. With the power of the Holy Master, the power of the ancestral witch formation this time may be more powerful than before, so don’t take it lightly. Backlash.”

When the people around heard this, they all quieted down.

Each perform its own duties and duty-bound.

Qin Hao took a deep breath.

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