Chapter 178

Di Jun looked disapproving.

“What if Qin Hao is not easy? What can it be?”

Donghuang Taiyi gave Dijun a glance.

“You go tell me about the past and present of Houtu, find it back and see? Can you do it? Can you fight the Lord of the Nether?”

After being said by Dong Huang Taiyi, Di Jun touched his nose.

He said slyly: “I really can’t, but it doesn’t mean how powerful Qin Hao is. Maybe the blind cat met the dead mouse. Besides, isn’t Qin Hao still surrounded by Luo Hu? It may not be Qin Hao’s own power. .”

Donghuang Taiyi was not talking about Emperor Jun this time.

“You are right. He has Luo Hu around him. Don’t forget that this ally is also part of the strength. Can you guarantee that Luo Hu will not help the Wu Clan during the Lich War? So you said and didn’t. it’s the same.”

For a moment, Dijun couldn’t touch Donghuang Taiyi’s thoughts, so he remained silent.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t say a word, but bowed his head thinking about something.

In the end, Di Jun couldn’t help it.

“You just said change, what have we changed?”

This sentence awakened the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi sighed deeply.

“We are going to adopt a soft policy, and strive to draw Qin Hao to us.”

With a chuckle, Di Jun stood up.

“You’re joking, we two had trouble with him before, but now we are drawing together?! Do you think this is possible? I think it is more difficult than me and the Lord of the Nether.”

Donghuang Taiyi raised his hand and squeezed the bridge of his nose.

“Yes, you are right. The difficulty is really too great, but at the current level, should we just sit back and wait for the Witch Clan to become more powerful under Qin Hao’s leadership?”

Di Jun didn’t say a word.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t want Dijun’s response either.

Self-consciously said, “So we have to find a way to please Qin Hao, so you can pack up first, and see if there are any rare and exotic treasures to take with you. Let’s go to the Wu Clan.”

Di Jun nodded reluctantly.

Got up and walked out of the demon temple.

Fairy Cloud Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun noticed it just when the Witch clan formation was formed.

He didn’t move and opened his eyes slightly.

A hint of shock flashed in his eyes, as well as some doubts.

Don’t think about it, it must be Qin Hao who has shocked him many times.

The ancestor Hongjun didn’t expect it.

Qin Hao unexpectedly brought back his confused past and present from the Nether Realm in such a short period of time.

Hongjun ancestor pinched a finger.

Stood up.

The Lord of the Nether came to the Great Wilderness too!

Ancestor Hongjun’s face sank.

How dare Qin Hao! How dare he? ! !

Then the ancestor Hongjun forgot it again.

This was a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Lord of Nether was not here to target the Great Wilderness.

The ancestor Hongjun naturally counted, the agreement between the Lord of Netherworld and Qin Hao.

Although I don’t know the content.

But the ancestor Hongjun, who was able to master the way of heaven, had a vague sense of sentiment.

Knowing that this agreement limits the Lord of the Nether.

The ancestor Hongjun was very shocked at this time, and he didn’t know what magical power Qin Hao had.

Can actually live the Lord of the Nether!

Although the strength of the Lord of the Nether, the ancestor Hongjun did not take it seriously.

But what cannot be denied is that, after all, it is the power to control a realm.

What does Nether Master really want to do to Dahuang?

With the current status and strength of Hongjun’s ancestors, he may not have a chance to shoot.

Old Ancestor Hongjun squinted his eyes and sat back again.

Now the strength of the monster clan and the witch clan is similar.

The ancestor Hongjun doesn’t need to worry anymore, because the strength is too different, and it doesn’t match the way of heaven.

He just sits and waits for the show.

Obviously, everything has its own will.

And this matter is far in the horizon, the leader of Tongtian.

I was also very shocked.

Not even less than Donghuang Taiyi at all.

He knew that Qin Hao had all assisted the Witch Clan before, because of Qin Hao’s identity as the Holy Master.

Participate in the Lich War.

Like the level of Master Tongtian.

Naturally, I know the power of the ancestral witch formation.

And the conditions for opening the ancestral witch formation.

In this level of war, the Lord Tongtian is not willing to intervene at all.

Just because of Qin Hao’s reason, he paid more attention to two points.

He knew before that there were rumors that Houtu’s previous life and present life were left in the Nether Well.

And because of this, the Wu Clan has always been in a weak position.

The Heavenly Cult Master thought before that if it is not working, he will look at Qin Hao’s face and help him out.

But he didn’t expect that Qin Hao would really get back the earth.

Also let the ancestral witch formation start.

The Master Tongtian couldn’t sit still.

Originally, I thought that I would help Qin Hao by asking him more.

Let Qin Hao help him step into the realm of a saint.

Now it seems that the previous plans have been frustrated.

The Lord Tongtian was not lost, but rather excited.

This shows what?

It shows that Qin Hao really has the ability.

It also explained that maybe he is not as good as the realm of a saint, and he really depends on Qin Hao.

Master Tongtian couldn’t help but rejoice.

I didn’t neglect half a point before, compared to my own two seniors.

He and Qin Hao have a good relationship.

Thinking of this, the Lord Tongtian couldn’t sit still.

If he took advantage of this opportunity of the Lich War, something happened.

Is it possible to achieve results, it is this destiny, and to obtain great merit?

Master Tongtian couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

But soon he calmed down.

Everything needs to be considered for a long time, and I can’t just pass it rashly.

Thinking of this, the Master Tongtian began to pull his storage space.

I plan to go to the Witch Clan alone and have a good chat with Qin Hao.

The Witch Palace.

The Witch Clan Hall at this time was different from the past.

Before this was a serious meeting room.

Now it has become a carnival place.

Although everyone in the Wu family knows that it is not appropriate to celebrate at this time.

But the joy in the hearts of the Wu people. It just can’t be suppressed.

Qin Hao didn’t intend to be too depressive, so he let the Wu Clan and the others celebrate it.

After all, relaxation before the war also helps to evacuate anxiety.

So it became the scene today.

Qin Hao actually sat on the seat like this, holding the wine glass in his hand, slowly tasting.

I don’t know because of my own reasons.

Because of the large formation of the Witch Clan, many forces were shocked unexpectedly.

And then, Qin Hao will welcome many unexpected people to visit.

Of course now, not long has passed.

Qin Hao is naturally chic and cozy.

Qin Hao felt that he had experienced a lot during this period.

I didn’t restrain myself, and enjoyed it with everyone.

Holding the wine glass, Houtu came to Qin Hao.

Yes, I can’t listen to him anymore.

“Holy Lord, I toast you a glass, thank you for the previous care, and the thousands of risks, to help me find my past life and this life, to help the Wu Clan start the big battle.”

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