Chapter 102 Nuwa became a holy, Liu Ming helped

The roar of Di Jun’s anger still echoed, and the sea of ​​clouds set off waves.

The sky was shrouded in an extremely hot coercion at this time, and the water mist all over the sky was evaporated.

The huge Heaven Court was silent at this moment.

The Baize Lion monster finally couldn’t help it, and sent a divine message to Dijun.

At the moment, Emperor Jun is still in a period of anger, and Nuwa will be in trouble if he offends him.

After all, that’s Sage, the demon race’s supreme existence now.

Even if Dijun is the master of the demon Heaven Court, his status will be weaker than Sage.

Di Jun’s expression moved, only then did he realize his gaffe.

He usually looks like anger and anger.

Coupled with God King’s Heart Technique, extreme emotions are rarely revealed.

But Liu Ming defeated him head-on twice, stamping his face to the fullest.

Today’s Liu Ming has become Heart’s Demon for Emperor Jun.

Because of this, when Dijun saw the scene of Nuwa’s sanctification, he burst out instantly.

Donghuang Taiyi snorted and said to Fuxi who was holding a tortoise shell for divination:

“Fuxi fellow daoist, what does Emperor Wa mean? Is it possible to help Liu Ming deal with me Heaven Court?”

One head of Baize Lion became two heads.

This Taiyi character is much more impulsive than that of Emperor Jun, and he is also used to domineering on weekdays.

But today, regardless of the occasion, isn’t it just doing things?

Fuxi frowned slightly, unhappy at Taiyi’s question.

Immediately responded indifferently:

“My sister-in-law is now my demon Sage, what she decides to be Dage can’t control.

Of course, there is no need for Donghuang to worry about this. ”


As soon as the voice fell, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was about to go violently, and Di Jun hurriedly stopped him.

The Emperor Jun wearing a golden crown slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, turned his head and looked at Fuxi:

“Emperor Xi, there was something wrong between this emperor and Taiyi before, and I still look at Haihan.”

Fuxi was also taken aback, but he did not expect that Di Jun would take the initiative to apologize to him.

After he thought about it carefully, he understood.

Di Jun, as the monster emperor of the demon clan, is now annoyed by the twelve capital gods of the witch clan.

The future must rely on Nuwa, the demon Sage.

Therefore, even if Emperor Jun is unwilling to reconcile, now he dare not offend Nuwa.

Since the other party gave him a step down, Fuxi was also a sensible person, and he also paid a courtesy.

“Your Majesty is serious, Liu Ming had Karma to give way to her sister.

Now that the sister-in-law is sanctified, it is reasonable to return the two virtues of success. ”

As soon as these words came out, all the powers of the monster clan, even the expression of Donghuang Taiyi’s expression eased a lot.

When Hongjun became a saint, when the Zixiao Palace preached for the first time, Sanqing had grabbed a futon for Liu Ming.

Yes, the futon that originally belonged to Nuwa should have belonged to Liu Ming.

But for some reason, Liu Ming refused, which led to Nuwa’s holy throne today.

Di Jun’s eyes flashed, and then he smiled:

“I also hope that the fellow daoist Fuxi understands that Liu Ming has confronted my monster race several times.

The emperor couldn’t bear to be deceived by Sage, and lost his temper in a hurry. I hope fellow daoist will forgive me.

Now that my demon Sage is born, the heavens and the earth share congratulations, we should go to the chaos to observe the ceremony, hahaha. ”

After that, Di Jun grabbed Fuxi’s shoulder and walked out of the chaos.

Kunpeng looked at their leaving back, and sneered in his heart.

This emperor is really not wanting face. That was how it was to win him back then.

The same is true of wooing Fuxi now.

Bu Zhou Mountain, Pangu Temple.

The twelve ancestor witches gathered together to discuss the sanctification of Nuwa.

In the previous Lich Wars, the oppressive ancestor Hongjun brought to them was too strong.

Now Honghuang has added another Sage, and this Sage is also from the monster race.

This made the Wu Clan, who had always been fearless and fearless, also felt a great deal of pressure.

Zhu Rong, the most irritable and irritable, couldn’t stand the atmosphere in the hall, and first spoke:

“Dage, don’t worry.

What about Sage? This Nuwa was not as powerful as Lao Na Hongjun when he was sanctified.

The power of our twelve capitals, the great formation of the gods, is even more powerful than before, and it is not without the power of a battle. ”

Di Jun waved his hand and motioned Zhu Rong to sit down.

Why didn’t he understand this truth.

But Yaozu is not just a Nuwa.

The strength of the Yaozu is so strong now that even he is secretly surprised.

Once the two sides fought again, Dijiang couldn’t guarantee that the Wu Clan would definitely win.

If the twelve capital gods’ evil formations were restrained by Sage, the high-end combat power of the remaining Wu Clan would be far less than that of the Monster Clan!

As if seeing the worries in Dijiang’s heart, Hou Tu, the wisest among the twelve ancestor witches, said:

“Don’t worry about the Big Brother Big sis. Although Nuwa is a monster of the monster clan, but the two clan battles for a long time, she has never seen him take action. This shows that she did not want to participate in the dispute between my clan and the monster clan.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes lit up, but Zhu Jiuyin still frowned and said:

“But anyway, she is the Sage of the monster race!”

Hou Tu smiled softly and said:

“Second brother, don’t worry, when Nuwa was sanctified, Wu Zun also got the merits of sanctification beside him.

In other words, it was Venerable Wu who helped Nuwa achieve Sage’s status. If Nuwa really intends to deal with my race, can Venerable Wu help her? ”

The atmosphere in the field instantly became subtle, and Di Jiang praised:

“My little sister is indeed the smartest of my twelve ancestral witches.

If Wu Zun doesn’t care about my Wu clan, why would Pangu Temple agree with him!

Ha ha ha ha……”

There was a smile on the face of the Twelve Ancestor Witch.

Obviously each of them thinks the same.

The witches’ reverence for Pangu has reached a level of madness, and they firmly believe that the Father God will protect them.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch also holds absolute trust in Liu Ming, who has the inheritance of Pangu.

Kunlun Mountain.

Sanqing also gathered at this time. They looked at the magnificent vision on the shore of the East China Sea, and the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

Too Shang Daddy gave a wry smile:

“The old man who was sanctified first was one of my three brothers.


Thinking of Nuwa’s previous visit, he turned him away, and daddy felt annoyed too much.

If he had discussed the Dao with Nuwa earlier, he might be able to seize the opportunity of enlightenment!

All over the sky smiled freely and said:

“Brother, there are different opportunities for sanctification.

Junior sister Nuwa is now able to prove the way to sanctification first, which is also her predestined method. ”

Yuan Yuan turned his head to look at Xiang Tongtian, and said solemnly:

“The third brother’s words are bad.

Controversy over the great road should not yield an inch.

As the authentic Pangu, how can we let a female generation get ahead? ”

One of Daddy’s heads became two big ones, for fear that his two brothers would quarrel again.

“It’s all quiet, it’s over, it’s useless to say more.

Let’s first think about how to proclaim and sanctify, right?

So as not to be preempted by the two shameless people in the West.

Until then, our Pangu authentic is the biggest joke in the prehistoric. ”

Hearing the words of Tongtian and Yuanyuan, his face turned black for an instant.

Compared to Nuwa, they are bigger than Karma, who is the lead and quasi-promoter.

Tongtian pondered for a moment and said:

“Then Junior Sister Nuwa went to Kunlun Mountain before looking for my disciple.

I don’t know what good Naruko has to do to help Junior Nuwa become a holy girl? ”

As soon as this statement came out, Tai Shang Daddy and the original pupils suddenly widened.

“When he comes back, ask him to go!”

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