Chapter 101

Nuwa’s beautiful eyes closed lightly, and radiances of colorful clouds gushing out from her beautiful body.

There are thousands of rays of sunshine and thousands of rays of Ruicai, making it more and more Sacred.

Seeing that the time had come, Liu Ming continued:

“Our cultivators practice as they please.

Now that you have the answer in your mind, why not verify it? ”

As Liu Ming’s voice fell, the comprehension in Nuwa’s heart became clearer.

Above her dazzling and holy primordial spirit, the grand purple aura suddenly shook, and the energetic aura dispersed, like a spring rain that nourishes the earth, and merged with her primordial spirit at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the divine light that broke out on Nuwa’s body became more and more dazzling, rendering the large waves of waves into a golden color.

A profound and profound sentiment surged into my heart, as if a great road whispered in my ears.

Nuwa opened her eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be nine-colored glow in the eyes.

The law of good fortune evolves out of itself, and a breath of life spreads across the earth for hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming with beautiful eyes, and then took out a piece of silt on the east coast.

He squeezed it directly, and seeing its appearance, it was as impressive as Liu Ming.

Liu Ming shook his head with a weird expression: “It’s a mere form, unable to speak or hear, and there is no half-hearted charm.”

He flipped it with one hand, and the power of the law of space evolved, and a large amount of yellow soil exuding a good fortune atmosphere appeared empty.

“Nine Heavens?!”

Nuwa exclaimed.

Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is refined by Xiantian Pentium, which has the breath of the earth and also contains the law of good fortune.

It is a divine object that can be encountered and cannot be sought in the predicament.

It was not the first time she saw this Nine Heavens, but Liu Ming took out such a big piece at once, which really made her feel the shock.

“Hurry up and use it!”

Nuwa didn’t pretend to be polite with Liu Ming, and used Nine Heavens to squeeze out a clay figure following Liu Ming’s outline.

This clay figure had just walked two steps, and then burst open and turned into the essence of clay again.

Nuwa thought about Meditation for more than a hundred years, and finally a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

She suddenly opened her right arm, and the Nine-Colored Divine Blood splashed and stirred in the soil of Nine Heavens.

The clay figure created this time has piercing eyes, and walks like flying, just like a real creature.

Sure enough, with the birth of the first human race, Nuwa’s spiritual platform became clear, and the enlightenment in his heart was even greater, and his understanding of the law of good fortune became more and more profound.

A kind of celestial music suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth, which seemed to be celebrating the birth of another kind of creature between the heaven and the earth.

Liu Ming waved a big hand, and a pool of three lights and divine water appeared.

Nuwa’s expression was completely dull this time.

First, Nine Heavens breathe soil, and now it is Sanguang Divine Water.

How many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are in Liu Ming’s hands?

And looking at the latter, he looked indifferent, as if these things were nothing at all.

Liu Ming also wanted to see the human being born sooner, and directly sacrificed the Qiankun Ding.

The vast aura swept across all directions, encompassing the four fields, and there was chaos in the cauldron, but the cauldron had sun, moon, mountains and rivers, insects, fish, birds and beasts.

Then he threw it with one hand, and the Xiantian Calabash vine turned into a streamer and flew over to Nuwa’s side.

Nuwa smiled, and the enlightened Magical Items are now in her hands.

She clearly understood the way of her own body in that moment.

Nine Heavens breath soil and Sanguang divine water were placed in the Qiankun cauldron, the immeasurable divine light burst out, and the good fortune aura permeated.

The jade hand formed a series of obscure and mysterious seals, and a ball of Blood Essence was submerged in the Qiankun Ding, and merged with the Nine Heavens and the Sanguang Divine Water.

Then Nuwa jade hand raised lightly, and streamers suddenly shot out from the cauldron.

Hundreds of celebrities have been created, their eyes are smart and they are very handsome.

However, Realm is slightly weaker than the first human being created.

But these people are all men without exception.

Nuwa frowned lightly, and the law of good fortune came out again.

Hundreds of women have been created.

“Yin & Yang depend on each other to survive forever.”

Liu Ming was also very happy to see this scene.

Nuwa has created a total of three thousand human races, which coincides with the number of three thousand avenues.

And the materials in the Qiankun Ding also happened to be completely exhausted at this time.


Over the coast of the East China Sea, a cloud of great merit and virtue suddenly gathered from above the sky.

A huge golden light of Xuanhuang Gongde broke through the clouds and landed.

Ten percent of them fell on the Xiantian Calabash vine, and ten percent fell on the ignorant human race in the wilderness.

Another 20% fell on Liu Ming, the system appeared on its own, and the merit value on the panel went up.

In the blink of an eye, it reached 50 million.

Liu Ming took a deep breath, feeling like he won the lottery in his heart.

The merits Nuwa gained this time in creating human beings are even greater than the merits gained by Qinglian Daoist in killing the remnant soul of Luohu last time.

With these merits, he can use the system to learn more powerful skills, such as Kaitian Nine Types.

The remaining merits are all absorbed by Nuwa.

The cloud of merit and auspiciousness gradually dissipated, and there was a strange appearance between the heaven and the earth, and a vast to the extreme rhyme burst out from Nuwa’s body.

There are many visions in the prehistoric continent, immersed everywhere, bridges with glowing rays of light, fragrant and rich, sing and phoenix dance, auspicious clouds, Purple Qi from the East, 30,000 miles.

In the sky, green lotuses condensed by the law of good fortune sprang up, and the green lotus turned into rain, spreading to every inch of land on the desolate continent.

Auspicious clouds descended from the sky, and no matter how high or low the Realm was, all the creatures felt their hearts and looked towards the shore of the East China Sea.

A beautiful and holy figure so unspeakably imprinted in everyone’s minds at this time.

At this moment, all the creatures below the quasi-sage Realm all knelt on the ground and worshipped towards the shore of the East China Sea, with extremely religious expressions.

They are welcoming the birth of the new saint.

“I am Nuwa. Today, I am adhering to the meaning of Heavenly Dao, creating a new clan name called’people’, proving the Sage status, and going to the Thirty Third Stage immediately to open the dojo.

Anyone who is destined can come to watch the ceremony! ”

Nuwa spoke with God’s prophecy, resounding in the ears of every prehistoric creature.

Liu Ming looked at Nuwa, who was surrounded by endless divine light, and felt a heavy sense of oppression.

There are ants under Sage, this sentence is not casual.

Even if Nuwa has only attained the weakest Heavenly Dao Sage status, Sage is Sage, and it will last forever.

It is simply not something that the quasi-sage level can contend.

At the same time, when Nuwa became holy, some people were happy and some were worried.

Thirty Third Stage days.

The demon Heaven Court, Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and a group of demon experts, they all looked overjoyed when they saw Nuwa who was the first to be sanctified.

Fuxi couldn’t help saying:

“As today, the first Sage in the world except Hongjun Daozu is in my monster clan, it is definitely beneficial to my clan’s luck.”

Baize Lion also laughed from ear to ear.

“Emperor Wa is now fulfilling his merits and proving Dao to be holy, so my race will no longer be afraid of the Wu Clan.”

After the vision of sanctification disappeared, Emperor Jun saw everything on the shore of the East China Sea through layers of space.

The smile on his face disappeared, and then a roar filled with anger reverberated through the thirty Third Stage days.

“Why does my monster Sage stay with Liu Ming!?”

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