Chapter 103: Taking Care of Human Race

Nuwa was dressed in colorful neon clothes, shrouded in nine-colored clouds, slowly falling down.

The golden lotus blossoms, the sound of the avenue is magnificent, the sun shines in the sky, the Rui Cai is thousands, the world is congratulating the birth of Sage.

Liu Ming leaned slightly and bowed.

“See Nuwa Empress.”

Empress Nuwa shook her head lightly and said:

“It doesn’t have to be this way, I’m the same as I was before.

It’s just that Cultivation Base is more than before. ”

Liu Ming’s eyes moved, and he immediately smiled.

Nuwa smiled and continued:

“Thank you for your help this time.

Without your Magic Treasures, I might be hopeless.

I want to go into the chaos and open up a new dojo, why don’t you go with me. ”

Liu Ming shook his head and said:

“Thank you Sister-aunt for your kindness, everything is your predestined method.

But now I want to take care of these human races, after all, they have a great connection with me. ”

There was a trace of surprise in Nuwa’s beautiful eyes, and then nodded.

“The land is cruel, and the human race is still weak. I wanted to leave a good corpse to take care of it.

But since you opened this mouth, it’s up to you.

After all, you are now the father of the human race. ”

There was a strange look on Liu Ming’s face.

After Nuwa was sanctified, it was not as ruthless as it was rumored in later generations!

This unprepared way of speaking remains the same.

Nuwa seemed to be anxious to open up a dojo in the chaos, and the two sides did not talk much.

Only at the moment she left, she glanced at the three thousand celebrities intentionally or unintentionally, and a deep sadness flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Although it was only a moment, Liu Ming still caught it.

After Nuwa left, the first human race to be created walked up to Liu Ming and asked:

“Xianzhang, is Madonna trying to abandon our human race?”

Liu Ming shook his head and said:

“She has now proved that she is sanctified, and it is inconvenient to participate in human affairs.

I will look after you in the future. ”

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the first human race, feeling sad for Nuwa’s departure.

But I was pleasantly surprised by Liu Ming’s second half of the sentence.

From this handsome fairy, he felt a deep sense of intimacy.

The celebrity immediately knelt to the ground.

“Thank you for your mercy, the immortal, we would like to listen to the immortal’s instructions.”

Liu Ming smiled and nodded.

“From now on, you will be called the Suiren clan, and I will appoint you as the head of the human clan.”

“Thanks to Xianchang for his name.”

Suiren was extremely excited, and thank you again.

For a period of time after that, the human race lived on the shore of the East China Sea.

Liu Ming didn’t directly teach them how to practice, instead he became a clone.

The majestic divine light hits the celestial pole.

A willow tree with no end in sight is rooted on the coast of the East China Sea. Its branches are more than hundreds of thousands of miles thick.

Hundreds of thousands of willow twigs blow down, resembling a chain of orderly gods, exuding a ethereal rhyme.

Those three thousand celebrities established the ancestral land of the human race under this willow tree.

Countless monsters in the form of mountain spirits and monsters wanted to take action against the human race, but they were all blocked by the Taoist rules emanating from this big willow tree.

Liu Ming saw this scene and did not stop it.

He left this clone to prevent some unopened guys from hitting the human race.

However, Terrans have their own way to go, and it is impossible to rely on own asylum to survive forever.

Finally, after a few years, the human race finally couldn’t help stepping out of the big willow tree and setting foot on the outside world.

It was not until this day that Liu Ming showed a gratifying smile.

The Primordial Continent is cruel, he can protect the human race for a while, but he can’t take care of them forever.

If these human races don’t even have the courage to step out, then even if they are the protagonists recognized by Heavenly Dao, the future will definitely be bumpy.

Gradually, the human race began to fight against the beasts in the wild, and finally the scarred Flintlock held a stone spear and penetrated the body of the beast.

“Patriarch Shenwu!”

A crowd of human races uttered excited cheers.

This tiger Demonic Beasts is huge, enough for them to eat for a long time.

Then a crowd of people gathered around, trying to divide the tiger for food.

Liu Ming’s eyelids twitched, and finally couldn’t help coming out.

“Wait, do you plan to eat like this?”

When the Human Race saw Liu Ming coming, they all bowed to worship.

Suiren asked suspiciously: “Shen Liu, shouldn’t you just eat like this?”

They had always relied on Spiritual Qi under the big willow tree to maintain their physical functions, and this is why Liu Ming’s name came from.

Liu Ming shook his head and said, “Although you are very weak now, but if you are like this, you will drink blood.

There must be hidden dangers for a long time. ”

Sui Ren was shocked and exclaimed: “I hope Immortal Chang will teach me.”

Liu Ming took out two wooden sticks, one thick and one thin, and handed them to Sui Renshi, and then taught him to turn the small wooden stick by hand to rub the big wooden stick.

It is the record of drilling wood to make fire.

The care over the years has convinced the Suiren clan and all the people about Liu Ming’s words, and immediately followed suit.

After numerous failures, the Suiren clan still perseveres in searching for fire.

The effort paid off, as Sui Ren continued to twist, smoke gradually rose from the stick, sparks slowly appeared, and finally the flame spread across the stick.

This group of flames is extremely bright, just like a newborn human race, full of infinite possibilities.

The blazing fire reflected in Suiren’s pupils, he was blessed to his soul, and shouted in his mouth:


The human cultivator in the distance also felt something, and said in unison:



A deafening sound echoed in the sky, and a group of golden clouds slowly appeared above Nine Heavens.

Then a huge energy of merit fell, and the two layers fell on Liu Ming’s body, and the merit value of the system rose steadily.

The third floor fell amidst the wooden sticks raised high by the Suiren clan and the firelight, and the mysterious yellow energy surged, and the root of the wood turned into a spiritual treasure of merit.

The flame is the immortal fire of the human race.

The last five layers were injected into Suiren’s body, the latter’s Cultivation Base climbed steadily, and finally reached the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Sui Ren’s eyes opened, he felt the power surging like a sea in his body, and roared excitedly.

After venting the joy in his heart, Suiren paid a salute to Liu Ming and said:

“Thank you God Liu for your kindness!”

Liu Ming smiled and waved his hands: “Now use the fire in your hand to offer the first food to the human race.”

Sui Ren nodded his head heavily.

Under Liu Ming’s guidance, the Human Race had eaten the first barbecue in his life, and at the same time avoided the era of rumoring and drinking blood.

In the next period of time, most of Liu Ming was observing the human race in secret.

If it comes to a certain critical moment, he will show up and teach the human race.

Over time, a mysterious aura haunts Liu Ming’s body, which is the power of human luck.

The luck with one’s body increases, the fate of good fortune is profound, not only the probability of encountering chance will increase, but the speed of practice can also be increased a lot.

As the human race continues to grow, this force of luck will gradually increase.

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