Chapter 251 Chaos Zhongcheng

However, Styx frowned, and continued to infuse merits into the Chaos Minor World. One merit was tens of millions, and all sentient beings were exclaimed and admired.

However, in the eyes of Primordial Heavenly Lord and other saints, it is a mind-knowing that under the support of Chaos Minor World, this Chaos Clock is always difficult to train!

“Woo sorrow! In the past, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was reckless and bumped. Could this chaotic clock finally escape the fate of following him!”

Taiqing Daddy is quite emotional.

The surrounding cultivators also felt a somewhat tragic atmosphere, especially those monster races. At this moment, there were tears. It was because they sounded the end of the old Lich War. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi returned from the time and space gods, which should have been Surviving from desperate situation, he tried to turn the tide, but he never thought that his elder brother Dijun was dead, and the monster race was gone.

And everything, it’s just that he came a step late, seeing the Yaozu defeated and turned into a mount, and the grief and anger were unbearable, only then did Donghuang Taiyi break Zhoushan!

When it is really overwhelming, the disadvantages will never die!

Donghuang Taiyi is still the hero in the eyes of the Yaozu, the first person under the former Sage!

Seeing that the celestial phenomena of earth and sky are about to come to an end, Styx refines the Eastern Emperor Bell, but it can’t make it up.

Now that many Magic Treasures and countless merits are maintained, the Chaos Clock has not collapsed.

But the chaos clock is really far from being practiced, and after all, it is still a line, and this line, even Sage, is insurmountable.

“It’s difficult to refining the Chaos Supreme Treasure!”

Even the Primordial Heavenly Lord, who had been waiting for the failure of Styx’s refining, couldn’t help feeling a little regretful at this moment.

Once the harmony between earth and sky ends, the refining of the chaos clock by the Styx will inevitably fail!

And at this moment, Styx’s eyes burst with an unprecedented tyrannical light, and Sage’s power suddenly became thinner, sweeping across the sky.

The cultivators who lived tens of thousands of miles around Mount Tai bowed down under this coercion.

Even Sage like Sanqing couldn’t help but feel a sense of kneeling in his heart that he shouldn’t have.

Both Sage, deep down in their hearts, actually want to surrender to Styx at this moment? !

This is still the situation where the power of Styx has not yet targeted them. If it is tit for tat, will the absurd scene of Sage kneeling on Sage really happen?

Sanqing felt a horror in his heart, a little unimaginable.

And along with the eruption of the sacred power of Styx, there are several mysterious lotus stands, coming across the void from all over the land.

There is a raging karma, as if the karma red lotus that can burn all the world.

There is white light and purity, as if it can purify all evil spirits.

The black light is annihilated, as if it can swallow all the world-destroying black lotus.

There is merit shining, like a golden lotus that can sublimate all things.

There is purple light Samsara, like Samsara purple lotus that can save all living beings.

And what appears under the Styx seat is the good fortune green lotus that contains all the good fortune in the world and manifests the shadow of countless green lotus.

There are a total of six lotus terraces, with good fortune Qinglian as the core, and they have formed a shocking array on their own.

In the great formation, the infinite good fortune is fully manifested, and finally a chaotic aura is derived from it, a flower filled with the aura of ancient times, as if to create everything, shrouded in a layer of gray green lotus, slowly blooming.

The thirty sixth rank flowers are actually the chaotic green lotus that the world has never seen before, and it is also known as the creation of the world green lotus!

The chaotic green lotus blooming is also the Chaos Shengwei that is the same as the Chaos Pearl and the Chaos Clock. But in the Chaos Shengwei, there is a difference. It is actually hidden infinite good fortune. It seems that everything can be created in a single thought. .

At this moment, the chaotic green lotus hovered in front of the Styx, and after the eruption of the Styx, the calm and calmness was restored. With a light wave, the chaotic blue lotus swayed along with it. A mysterious and mysterious chaotic good fortune power naturally entered. In the Chaos Minor World opened up by the Chaos Orb, it was immediately injected into the Chaos Bell embryo body.

In an instant, the good fortune aura permeated, integrated with the chaotic aura, but clearly distinct. Under the peerless supernatural power that created all things, the chaotic clock was no longer hazy, fragile, and turbulent.

Accompanied by a clear bell, rippling through the entire world, the shape of the chaotic bell is completely formed.

“Chaos Clock, it’s done!”

Primitive Tianzun looked indifferent, but his hand holding Fan Tianyin actually trembled insignificantly. This alone was enough to explain the shock in his heart to the extent of the stormy waves.

Not only the original Tianzun, but Taiqing daddy’s beard was also shaking slightly, and the Four Swords of Zhuxian behind the Master Tongtian was somewhat out of control at this moment.

The second sage, who is far away in the West, is not even looking at each other at this moment, but his mouth is slightly open, unable to say anything.

After a long while, these two sages kept their minds and took a deep breath.

It is not just the chaotic clock that shocks all the saints.

What’s more, this chaotic clock was trained and what appeared behind it.

Especially the unity of the lotus platform displayed by the Styx, reappearing the power of the chaotic green lotus, the mysterious good fortune that can be created by such a single thought, so that all the saints have an unprecedented new understanding of chaos.

That kind of supernatural power, even Sage is a little unimaginable to touch, but Styx understands the supernatural power of Chaos Qinglian without knowing it.

From then on, Styx is in charge of the Chaos Qinglian, Chaos Clock, and Chaos Beads at the same time. What kind of mystery might be able to collide among these three treasures of the same root and unparalleled chaos?

Even if they were at the Sage level, they couldn’t imagine such a situation.

After all, the Chaos Treasure is unique. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi has been in charge of the Chaos Clock for his entire life, and he does not dare to say that he has truly unleashed all its powers. However, with the Chaos Clock, he survived the incomparably dangerous time and space god kingdom and became the predecessor Sage. Below, the well-deserved first person!

There is a saying that the tide rises, and this chaotic clock is still so in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. In the future, it will fall into the hands of the Patriarch of the Styx. Its true power will reappear in the world, I am afraid it is only a matter of time.

“This Styx, how many other players are there?”

After being taken away by Heavenly Dao, the Primordial Heavenly Lord, who was already indifferent, felt shuddering at this moment.


Primitive Tianzun is still so, the Guang Chengzi behind him and Si Wuxiang are already kneeling on the ground, shivering.

“This is the power of the Patriarch?”

Sibuxiang can no longer deceive himself at this moment, and there is infinite remorse in his heart. Perhaps he has really made a wrong decision.

Even if you can’t become the mount of the Patriarch of the Styx, just attaching to the Patriarch of the Styx, it may also be an opportunity for all living beings to meet but not to seek.

But this is the end of the matter, and the four differences can only be regretted.

Betrayed the evangelical religion and the original Tianzun? He couldn’t even think about it, let alone expect Patriarch Styx to keep him.

Not long ago, but he personally rejected the patriarch’s kindness!

Guang Chengzi’s heart is also shocked. In fact, he was born in a human race, but he did not join the human education. Instead, he chose to join the interpretation education and became the head of the twelve golden immortals.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi also has an illusion in his heart. If he joined the human education in the past, and with his own extraordinary talents, would he have the opportunity to approach this Stygian Patriarch?

As for the sentient beings in Mount Tai, they were already shocked by Styx’s handwriting, and their minds were already numb.

The demon races burst into tears: “East Emperor Bell! East Emperor Bell! It sees the sky again!”

The witches were shocked in their hearts and felt awe-inspiring.

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