Chapter 250

“Is it finally here.”

Primitive Tianzun narrowed his eyes slightly, holding the Fantian Seal, observing the situation.

Once Styx fails to repair the Chaos Clock, it will be the opportunity for his Fantianyin to transform. By then, Fantianyin will absorb the essence of the chaotic sacred prestige and the Buzhou mountain, and even the general momentum of the heaven and earth borrowed by the Styx can be transformed into one. If you have used it, you will surely be able to break through the shackles of the prehistoric world, and perhaps have the opportunity to break through the ranks, replace the chaotic clock, and become an unprecedented new treasure!

How could Styx fail to see the ambition of the Primordial Celestial Venerable, but he was not sure about refining and repairing the chaotic clock. Now, he can only take one step at a time.

“Chaos Clock, get up!”

Styx screamed, and the law of power evolved to the extreme, revealing a giant golden hand full of Xiantian rune, holding up the chaos bell covered with chaos holy power, to better integrate the earth and the sky.

In an instant, the chaotic storm obscured the sky and the sun, and the whole seemed to be plunged into darkness, and the sound of bells rang through the wild world, shocking the minds of the cultivators.

“Not enough, not enough! The bell is not right!”

Although Styx has not really mastered the Chaos Clock, he has also seen him before. He is also Sage with hands and eyes open to the sky. After all, he has some recognition of the direction of the restoration of the Chaos Clock, otherwise the restoration will be impossible.

With a thought, Styx actually sacrificed the Five Elements beads and Hetu Luoshu, and even beckoned to call the treasures of the human race, Jiuzhou Ding and Shanhe Sheji.

In an instant, the Five Elements beads banged and thin, and the purest and most extreme power of Five Elements in the world slowly unfolded with Styx as the center.

Hetu Luoshu is embedded in the Universe Star Dou formation, increasing the power of the entire formation, and even the Hunyuan Heluo formation has evolved in the Universe Star Dou formation, forming a mysterious and mysterious formation in the formation!

At the same time, the pictures of the mountains and rivers and the jade abruptly unfolded, and the nine gods and tripods hovered out, and the whole majestic mountains and rivers were all presented at this moment.

“It seems that something went wrong in the refining of this chaotic clock!”

Seeing that Styx’s methods were exhausted, Primordial Tianzun knew that it was easy to repair the chaos treasure. If it weren’t for something wrong, how could Styx, who has always been good at calculating, suddenly use all the methods?

Just when the Primitive Tianzun was about to pick up the leak, he saw Styx burst out with a roar:

“Hey for me!”

Seeing the chaotic clock in a trance, with the roar of the Styx, the Five Elements law evolved by the Five Elements beads converged into five colors of light, blended into the chaotic clock, and reflected the sky.

And the great trend of the wild mountains and rivers that have emerged with the convergence of many Magic Treasures is also under the magical powers of the Styx, constantly shrinking, and being severely pressed into the chaotic clock.

“Where is this refining tool, it is simply a good fortune!”

Some cultivators sucked in air-conditioning, their minds shook wildly, and their eyes widened involuntarily.

“Eastern Emperor Bell! This is the Eastern Emperor Bell! Patriarch Styx is going to rebuild the Eastern Emperor Bell today!”

A monster cultivator recognized the shape of the chaotic clock. At this moment, he was raising his arms and shouting with excitement.

Even Sage was shocked by this change.

I saw that Taiqing daddy in Yangshan gave up a batch of the best Medicine Pill that was about to open, and rushed to escape as quickly as possible.

“The chaos clock that has disappeared is really in the hands of the ancestor? Isn’t it going to reappear in the world today?”

Taiqing Daddy pays attention to quietness and inaction, but he really has to come and take part in such important events.

At the same time, if the refining of Styx fails, I don’t know what kind of change will happen, maybe it can also create some chance!

Tongtian Sage in Jinao Island was preaching originally. At this moment, he noticed the change, but he sacrificed the four swords of Zhuxian without saying a word. They actually flew by stepping on the sword, and the four swords continued to stagger and accelerate. Amazing, almost spanning the void.

“Chaos Clock! It would be great if it could suppress my Western luck!”

The two sages of the West used secret methods to look at each other, and both of them were longing for each other, but the journey to the west was far away, and it might not be too late to rush over now. They can only get a glimpse of the appearance of this chaotic clock.

More importantly, the two sages in the West seem to have reached a tacit consensus, that is, wanting to pick up the leak in the hands of Patriarch Styx is almost a fantasy and a boring thing to ask for!

Even if Styx fails to refining the Chaos Clock, how can his second sage in the West get a share of the pie?

At this point, just looking at that Zu Hongjun didn’t move from beginning to end, which is enough to explain a bit of truth.


Primitive Tianzun did not expect that the seemingly irrelevant means of Styx actually stabilized the shape of the chaotic clock, and even reproduced the power of the chaotic clock.

But is it really so easy to repair the chaotic treasure, especially a treasure that has been broken into countless chaotic fragments?

Sure enough, the chaotic bell embryo body refined by Styghe began to turbulent violently after a moment of divine prestige, and the chaotic storm became more and more frantic, as if it was about to self-destruct and subvert at any time.

“Today’s chaotic clock, I will make it!”

Feeling the gaze of the Primordial Celestial Lord, the fighting spirit of Styx is actually rising. This is the mentality of the strong. If it is strong, it will be strong. It is so difficult to repair the chaos clock. As some repairers exclaimed, this is the good fortune of heaven and earth. Lift.

However, it is just like this, a great cause that even Sage can’t achieve, can arouse Styx’s desire and excitement.

“Beads come!”

Styx reached out and grabbed it in the air, and a purple-gray mysterious orb appeared in his palm.

“Chaos Bead!”

Primitive Tianzun’s pupils shrank, and while being surprised, he couldn’t help showing a look of envy.

The Chaos Orb is of the same level as the Chaos Clock, and it is the true treasure of Chaos.

With the power of Chaos Supreme Treasure to assist the repair of Chaos Supreme Treasure, it is said that the same root is the same, which has great feasibility.

As soon as the Chaos Orb came out, most of the twenty Fourth Stage Restrictions in it were instantly unlocked, and the Chaos Minor World contained in it suddenly opened up, opening up a strange space independent of the world in the prehistoric world.

And under the influence of this chaotic Minor World, the chaotic clock that was about to be destroyed was actually stabilized again.

“Hi! Chaos Clock and Chaos Pearl are the same root. For Chaos Clock, this Chaos Minor World is like bathing in mother’s amniotic fluid!”

Taiqing daddy, who is long overdue, is approaching Mount Tai at this moment, and his face is moved.

“Brother Taiqing!”

The Lord Tongtian followed, Zhuxian’s Four Swords, and after a quick greeting to Taiqing Daddy, he watched the end of this shaking refining device with all his attention.

The same as Sage, but the chaos treasure that Styx has mastered, and the understanding of the road beyond them, are all worthy of them to learn from.

Leaving aside the issue of missing out, even being able to observe the whole process is of great benefit to Sage!

At this point, the name of the teacher of Styx Sage seemed to be fulfilled.

With his god-tier skill that covers the sky with only one hand, he is fully qualified to be a teacher of Sage, and he deserves the title of the first sage of today!

Seeing this scene, the original Tianzun also sighed slightly, thinking of putting away the Fantian seal in his heart.

He almost forgot that there was still such a treasure as the Chaos Orb in Styx’s hand. Now the situation seems to have stabilized.

However The next moment.

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